Chinese professor

>Chinese professor
>all his interns, undergrads, postgrads, phds and post docs are chinese
>white professor
>falls short of the 50% diversity quota by 2%

Why is this allowed?

Liberals r dum

The Chinese expats at my uni are notoriously insular. The only ones I know that have any non Chinese friends are the ones that have to hang out with other people because of campus jobs

just wait until you see the Korean students.
when I was an undergrad, there were five or seven South Koreans in my dorm who we saw in the hallways now and again, but who never hung out with anyone else. and then there was, like, one Korean guy who hung out with the rest of us but didn't talk to the other Koreans. apparently it was kind of a religion thing? I guess Korean churches can be kinda shun-the-nonbelievers at times.

Whites are the ones responsible for the horrors of colonialism so it's natural policies aimed at decolonization focus on them.

will trump fix this?


you mean making things nice by getting rid of savages that make thing shitty

No. He'll be impeached before he can.

>Whites are the ones responsible for the horrors of colonialism

man, just wait till they get a load of the chinks. white people are going to look like fuckin' saints.

Not all whites, and literally no living whites, are responsible for colonialism.

This is the equivalent of saying "blacks are responsible for the ghetto and ghetto culture, so we should pursue policies against ALL blacks, even the upstanding ones who had nothing to do with the ghetto."

Then Pence will certainly do it, right?

T. White guilt nu male cuck

>black EE undergrad
>GPA 3.98 GRE 166/168
>get offered a fellowship to stay on
>there's not even one black professor in the entire engineering school
feels bad man

even with my objectively superior scores people undoubtedly assume i got in purely because of quotas

every prof i talked to so far, whether chinese, indian, jap, white, has offered me a spot in their lab, but it's probably not because of my skill, it's because there are diversity quotas and diversity funding bonuses for labs that are willing to tolerate teh stupid nignogs

Perfect example of why diversity quotas hurt minorities.

Everybody just assumes you didn't work for what you have.

You should try to infiltrate the Chinese circle using scotch tape and glasses.

t. /pol/ fag false flagger

Wanna know how I know? Because you type like shit. With no capitalization at all. You even said 'i'. You are clearly a 2 digit IQ white-subhuman from /pol/.

t. another /pol/tard who has been here for longer and knows how to fit in.

This is how it would turn out in reality:

>Black EE undergrad
>GPA 3.98 gre 166/168
>Get offered fellowship to stay on
>there's not even one black professor in the entire school

Feels bad man but I am fucking glad I got in. Some of my friends for undergrad are still looking for a job and they simply can't get it. Phew. Thanks diversity!

However, even though I have superior scores, people assume I got in purely because of quotas but even if that is the case who cares. That paycheck is as real as the ones everyone else gets.

Every prof I talked to so far has offered me a spot in their lab and even if it is not because of my skill who fucking cares. My friends would KILL to work there, and I am getting it without a fucking problem. THANKS DIVERSITY. Now that I got my foot in because of diversity, I can show everyone how great I am and start counting awards.

kek you should see indian professors. the only non-indians they recruit are women.

You forgot to mention how your mother was a coal burner and you're actually half black.

Yeah but race does not matter and they shouldn't even consider it when selecting applicants.

Taking in race as a factor is straight up racism.

t. reddit transplant numale

the only time i use caps is for acronyms. you mad, subhuman shitstain?

>Yeah but race does not matter and they shouldn't even consider it when selecting applicants.

Well, who are you to choose what characteristics they judge.

You are like a low IQ retard crying that people shouldn't discriminate based on SAT score. KNOCK NOCK. Welcome to reality faggot. People can discriminate based on whatever they want.

>Taking in race as a factor is straight up racism.

No, racism = discrimination + power.

Yes, you are being discriminated against but we have no power. So what we are just discriminating, and as I said before everyone has to discriminate in a way. If not then please campaign for "low IQ rights" to get rid of the SAT.

>No, racism = discrimination + power.
kill yourself

You are going to the Martin Luther King of Low IQ rights. I can see it.

>sees injustice in system
>passive aggressive complaining on Veeky Forums instead of doing something

You deserve to live in your shithole.

>GRE 166/168
170/170 geofag here
know where you stand, engi-nerds

>When Chinese and Koren people brign nepotism right in their lap
>still dont do shit to exterminate it
Remember,small things like this will bring your empire down.

Anyone could make that up.

And nowhere does it say that you are a PoC. Please go back to your containment board you subhuman beast fucking white devil.


fun fact: aside from native american there is no legal definition of race in the US. you can put whatever you want on an application and nobody can tell you otherwise.

t. my biggest accomplishment is memorizing definitions of words and solving pre-calc problems

why don't you make it up then? i'll go back once i creampie your mother's black ass.

>still no proof of PoC status

Please sir, sit at the back of the bus with the other disgusting white beasts.

Guess who else sits at the back of the bus?

fat beta white male
look at those tits on him
and some ethiopian negress
no idea why this isn't considered child abuse

Don't worry sir. When the time comes to actually create some laws we will think more deeply about how to treat half whites.

It's because leftists have literally redefined (among themselves) the meaning of the word "racism" so it can't happen from other races towards whites.

Your mad is showing.

That's actually very impressive my midnight-shaded friend, well done

Same thing happens with Koreans and Europeans. They only hang around with their own crowd unless you can speak their language.

Nah m8, Koreans are usually pretty open and friendly, albeit sometimes a little condescending

I meant in research groups. There is a strong ethnic and cultural bias. Like there is this Italian professor just down the hallway from my office who almost exclusively has Italian post docs and phds.

you mean that's how the /pol/tard falseflag post would have been written? go fuck yourself.

my foot is in the door because of my IQ (there's your caps, faggot) and my work ethic, fuck diversity.

more mental gymnastics

You're not supposed to capitalize first letter of green text sentences.

Assistant prof here, second year. Have applied for several grants for research and other stuff, and got a few.

I can tell you that we absolutely look for ways to argue that whatever project we're applying for money for involves underrepresented groups like blacks and women. It's completely sick how our attitude gets, when we're just trying to think of literally any woman or black person we can possibly use to our advantage. Of course it benefits the individuals but we're still using them

most reddit post i've ever seen on Veeky Forums, seriously just end yourself

t. lurker that only uses Veeky Forums

Put downs aren't allowed on reddit.
Pls educate yourself on your insults first
t. redditor

not bad, not bad at all
but I've also got a 4.0 graduate GPA
and I've been doing thesis research too.

can't wait

it isn't, none of my professors have this problem and I go to fucking UCLA. Everyone knows not to trust chinks or curryniggers


i was involved in research grant writing process with my adviser. he has a whole section in the proposal just on the involvement of minorities in the lab, and outreach of minority recruitment. it made me dislike academia very early on since the main advantage i saw of going into a phd program vs industry was that i expected it to be entirely merit based. i quickly learned that it's pretty much entirely politics and muh minorities. mind you that i'm a white, first generation immigrant from a poor family, but i'm not a minority because of the color of my skin.

the best thing out of the research proposal writing experience was when one of the reviewers shit on my adviser for what she called "objectifying" minority students by making a shopping list of them.

>mind you that i'm a white, first generation immigrant from a poor family

Just say you're a slav and get it over with.

>a human being wrote this

just passing by to tell you that either you're pathetic if you put that much actual effort to troll or you should unironically neck yourself

Illinois Tech???

because white males have resources. this is why you don't see feminist in the middle east. they are not going to make money there.

>nuh uh a black guy couldn't possibly feel bad or annoyed by that! A REAL black man would praise diversity and weep for their disadvantaged brothers!

Why the fuck is the modern left so racist? They can't possibly grasp someone could disagree with their "savior"

I mean, how could a black guy possibly have some integrity and wish his capabilities would be recognized, right?

>No, racism = discrimination + power
Why do people so desperately try to change the definition of racism?
What, does the exact word used to describe it change how shitty the discrimination is?

Diversity quotas and affirmative action are the most atrocious transgressions against freedom in America today. We claim to be a meritocracy until not enough black handicapped women want to get PhDs in math. They legislate equality by artificially elevating the top minorities, instead of giving them a leg up from the ground. Give everyone a true level playing field then we don't need this type of shit anymore.

I would rather discriminate against minorities then dumb whites, desu.

let that be lesson that you should never go to a university that cares about its "reputation" so autisticly

>go to an international conference in Europe
>massive crowd of Chinese taking a photo together (everyone else at the conference is confused)
>Chinese lab mate in the crowd
>ask her about the gathering

It's a quiet invasion, guys. Just take it in the ass.

ahh yes but fuck the innocent Irish that got forced out of thier land to go to an unknown place called America and were enslaved. fuck the slavs that at some point got fucked by the mongols. fuck the sweds and fins even though they never colonized anyone.

you ARE the real racist

wheres the science and math in this thread? honestly this belongs to a political board not here

>black handicapped women
Triggered, those black handicapped women are not queer enough.

yeah but irish are the same color as their oppressors so

Poe's law in action

fuck off, almost all slavery nowadays is practiced by niggers

>and literally no living whites, are responsible for colonialism.

middle east

if you have pride in your successes, it's an ugly feeling to know everyone thinks you are somewhat of a phony. Sure the money is real and awesome, but it's just a nagging feeling I would imagine.

Then how does it feel that all of your success is because you were born white?

I think that. Every other PoC thinks that. You have all you have because we live in a system that favors whites.

I bet you feel really phony now, huh?

They fear white men because they know what they are capable of when they are free from the shackles of guilt

this is oppression by another name but the tide is turning and these asshats won't be in charge for much longer

The entirety of sub-saharan Africa is a system that favors blacks and they are still comprehensively 3rd world

Funnily enough, the same goes for every black majority country on this planet

You're a smart guy, what's the common denominator here

Anymore proof that Trumptards became mods? This thread should have been deleted and OP banned

I can't get a chemistry scholarship because I'm white

sounds like a pretty reddit thing to say

This is not really what is going on. China has more honor students than the US has students, and because retarded anti-intellectual garbage like OP, American students are falling behind. You can't complain about education, say it's brainwashing, then act surprised when other countries surpass us in education outcomes.

The truth is that life should be about meritocracy. That is why we have so many foreign graduate students and professors. It's about merit. Racists don't believe in merit. That's why they try to rally against science and education, and most of them are criminals, NEETs, or idiots with no college degree.

>Africa favors blacks

top kek nice one you cuck. The systems placed in Africa favor rich whites.

This is how it works:

1) Political system is made so that corrupt politicians can always rule, so nothing ever gets done and no matter how fucked up it gets, the african people can't do a thing about it.
2) The corrupt politicians know who they serve though, the rich white corporations that extract resources from the land. So the only rules is that you can steal all the money you want from everyone EXCEPT the corporations. If you steal from the corporations you will be executed and they all know this

Tell me how that favors blacks? It favors white corporations, obviously.

China notoriously cheats and fakes results to make its education look so amazing. People there just bluntly memorize everything and never form any sort of understanding for the shit they study

It's why every so often you'll get retarded shit come out of china like papers that say they've discovered a way to make more energy than they put in when really they just "discovered" Gibbs free energy. Or other thermodynamically impossible shit that constantly gets published

>China notoriously cheats and fakes results to make its education look so amazing.
You have to take US tests to get into US universities you brainlet.

It is composed of upwards of 700 million black Africans. That is their land. They control their governments. If they don't have the ability to, as you put it, get rid of the "systems" that apparently disfavor them, then they are a pathetic race of stupid, easily controllable people, and that's all there is to it.

Since literally everyone else has some form of a developed country.

If you are oppressed in a nation where you constitute 99% of the population you are just hopeless. Could there be a more scathing condemnation of your potential

Chinese kids growing up in China have to take US tests to get into Chinese schools?

What do American schools have to do with Chinese universities?

I thought you were refering to Chinese students in the US, like OP's post.

As for education outcome comparisons, the US is doing worst than the large majority of first world countries. Are you saying Canada and most of Europe are also cheating?

I think the problem is you know you're an idiot, refuse to put in the effort to educate yourself, and have an inferiority complex.

>I thought you were refering to Chinese students in the US, like OP's post.
Oh no I was referring to china's world ranking vs other countries

How could they even fix that though?

They are all dirt poor because their wealth was taken away from them hundreds of years ago. And now rich corporations just pick any of them and promise them a life as a millionaire by being their political puppet.

It is bad, but you can't really say that most people would choose a life of dirt.

The reason democracies work so well in the west is because most of us live very comfortably. Many politicians are millionaires even before getting into politics. See Trump. They don't need to steal from people. Not only that but because these are older countries, there are stronger checks and balances. Lets not forget that the same corrupt shit happened centuries ago when western countries were "developing" countries. The amount of financial scams carried out by the political class were uncountable. But now we know all those things and know how to prevent them.

They know, and their corporate overlords will make sure that they never learn.

>Are you saying Canada and most of Europe are also cheating?
No I did not say nor imply that

>I think you're an idiot

I think you're projecting because you assumed I was somehow talking about other countries when I was specifically referring to china

>chinese are cheating
every single country in the world their diaspora is better than the natives but they are obviously cheating and not just have bigger brains when you adjust for body size

You are ignoring the point that your anti-education stance is hurting America and that American students are not performing well.

>They are all dirt poor because their wealth was taken away from them hundreds of years ago

I don't even know where to begin to start with this flawed strain of thinking. War, oppression, destruction, theft, what have you, are nothing unique to Africa, and they certainly haven't been more affected by it. Plenty of other regions have quickly rebounded because "wealth" isn't in what you currently have in your treasure chest but what you have in your people to adapt and build anew.

The colonists weren't in Africa due to anything the Africans had themselves. They were in Africa because they saw the resource potential in things all around the Africans that the Africans never saw themselves. It would have been just the same had they not been living there prior. Places like South Africa were sparsely inhabited prior to European arrival and only became hotbeds after Africans were attracted to the growth of wealth and infrastructure.

What's more, what is wealth if you don't do anything with it? If you don't research, and innovate, and build your way to advanced security in order to defend that? It shouldn't be a big pile of cash you sit on top of until the first superior entity shows up and easily snatches it from you.

Capable people do not allow themselves to be subverted ad infinitum and more importantly know how to gradually rebound once they've kicked off the shackles.

I would argue Trump is evidence of what people with individual agency and free thought can accomplish in a democracy even under an enormous media and power barrage against him.


It's anti educational for China to hyper inflate it's world ranking through flawed methods of education to the point you have retards peer reviewing and passing Shitty and fake Chinese studies because they dont have a true understanding of what they're publishing. This happens all the time in China and while it'd not exclusive to them they're certainly a prime contributor to the amount of fake shit that comes out of there and you projecting that I'm somehow anti education because I point out a cultural phenomenon in China is Unsubstantiated

Actual black guy here, diversity quotas is a stealth ways of saying white people are smarter and better employees. I sometimes wonder if I could have ever gotten in university decades ago when white men werent altruistic lunatics. Though I would just work a factory job.

Also I would much rather have a nation whose educational rank is real and truthful but otherwise poorly performing compared to a nation who fakes its international ranking by cheating

Blacks cant compete with whites its a fact, not sending every Americoon and Caribboon back to Africa was the most retarded thing white people have ever done. As niggers have the most resource rich lands yet complete shit economies.


My calculus teacher was actually so fucking Korean that he sometimes spoke in Korean to a class of about half English speakers and the other have Asians with some being Chinese and couldn't understand him


actually AA helps whites more than you think.

post your black hand with Veeky Forums timestamp

Eh, grades are meaningless in a PhD program. Pretty much everyone has a 4.0

>moderate left

Where did he/she state this

I figured as much.

If only I was white or asian. Then I could be treated as competent even if I only produced average work.

> I sometimes wonder if I could have ever gotten in university decades ago
Not in america, because it was literally illegal