How the fuck does anyone get obese, let alone millions of people at a time...

How the fuck does anyone get obese, let alone millions of people at a time? Does the feeling of existing in your own sweaty folded up body not disgust you? I've gotten close to 250 a few times but I always panic and starve myself down to 180 before I let myself eat normally again. It's not fucking hard at all.

The human body shouldn't be able to endure such a lack of self control. We should just keel over dead the second we hit 300 pounds. Restaurants should be allowed to refuse service to anyone with a waistline over a certain measurement. Why the fuck is this happening.

A lot of people that are obese grew up overweight from poor parenting and don't even know what it's like to not be fat.

>Restaurants should be allowed to refuse service to anyone with a waistline over a certain measurement.

that sounds great for business.

I'm a fatass but somehow managed to become surprisingly fit. I was fit throughout highschool when I played football. When I broke my shoulder badly and had to quit I kept eating like I was working out 5 hours a day. I put on a lot of weight in a shout amount of time. I stabilized at 240 but had a hard time dropping weight. Over the next 4 years I went up and down from 190 to 240 multiple times
Mainly due to stress and depression.

Now I'm at 230 but am fit enough to run a 10k each weekday. So I really don't know.

i dont man. i can demolish a shit ton of food and not be phased. maybe just bad genetics or piss poor metabolism. or they never eat vegetables or just drink soda all day.

It kind of does. Who would want to eat in a restaurant with a hamplanet stuffed into every booth?

They already have a full house if they're in every booth.

Its genetics.
Their genes were messed with when they were young.

The super obese never uee to exist. Even if ppl ate all day and did no work they wpuld not get that big.
The super obese are kind of doomed.

How? The more fat people are in there the less room they have for customers.

>Their genes were messed with when they were young
do you know what genes are user?


>Their genes were messed with when they were young

That's not how genes work. If you monitored the people in OP's pic, I'd bet good money that they compulsively eat like shit and don't exercise ever. They'll be bariatric patients with bedsores by 55.

>diet coke
>I'm on a diet

>Diet coke

>tfw you can't gain weight no matter how much you eat


>How the fuck does anyone get obese, let alone millions of people at a time? Does the feeling of existing in your own sweaty folded up body not disgust you? I've gotten close to 250 a few times but I always panic and starve myself down to 180 before I let myself eat normally again. It's not fucking hard at all.

I blame white people for making all the fatty greasy foods so cheap.

You lucky son of a bitch, if I were to quit smoking and coffee I'd be a fucking balloon. Not that I'm exactly thin now, either...

>I blame white people for making all the fatty greasy foods so cheap.

Fuck off Nog

I blame nignogs for not knowing how to eat healthy

>I blame white people for making all the fatty greasy foods so cheap.

Top fucking kek. I was just waiting for some nigger to blame their obesity problems on somebody else.

Drop some weight if you keep running or you're going to fuck up your knees eventually.

yeah, golden gorral, applebee's, longhorn and every other major chain is doing just fine keeping business with fatties.

go to any restaurant with a non-american menu and plates over 20$ and you will not see many fat people. they're not exactly ruining fine dining.

>I blame white people for making all the fatty greasy foods so cheap.

The old "cheap fast food forces poor Niggers to be fat myth."

Here's are some facts to chew on.

Wow you cucks are triggered


> black men get fatter & fatter as they get more money.

> but black women start to lose weight as they make more income


How much does that cost? Like, what's it cost on just food for that person to maintain like they do for a week?

I don't think I could gain >30 lbs on my budget unless half of it went straight to soda.

>Wow you cucks are triggered

Not that guy. But why do you think Awarness is a bad thing?

Do you think the black community should just hide the fact they suffer the highest rates of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity of any race?

Awareness brings change & healthier black lives senpai.

Ignorance will only perpetuate the Black Obesity epidemic.

>Ignorance will only perpetuate the Black Obesity epidemic.

That's the point, fucking nog lover.

More like

>Nobody wants to marry a gross fat black chick with personalities as bad as their body

lol wtf, black men & women are completely opposite trends.

There are a multitude of reasons for obesity. Obviously, the most common reason is sloth combined with overeating. But there's many other factors that can cause or contribute to it. My sister was always thin, until she got pregnant, and after the baby was born, she just couldn't lose the weight, and indeed continued to gain weight. Well, my mom shamed her into talking to a doctor about weight loss surgery, and come to find out, pregnancy fucked her thyroid all up and THAT was why she was gaining weight so badly and not able to lose it. She's thinner now, but she still has to take medicine and basically be on a diet constantly to keep it off.
I have another friend who has such bad allergies he has to take a steroid regimen probably 4 or 5 times a year. That shit packs on weight. He gets "moon face" and gains at least 20 lbs every time takes them. Then he has to basically starve himself to get any of the weight off, just in time for him to have to start taking steroids again, and the cycle continues. He never loses all the weight, so his weight has crept up over the years.
I'm not obese, but I'm not skinny either. With me, it's down to sloth. I work at a desk all day, and when I get home, I'm so tired (and lazy) to go exercise. I eat healthy though, which is probably the only reason I'm not obese.
And while these are just personal experiences, I know there's many other people out there with disabilities/diseases/autoimmune disorders that cause them to gain weight. Hell, most anti-depressants cause weight gain.
That said, as a health concern, people should try to lose weight as best they can, even if they do have a medical condition, etc. I'm shopping around for a personal trainer at a local gym, because I need the forced discipline.

>Their genes were messed with

Mr. Sinister indeed.

>be several years ago in the midwest
>driving a side-street through a nice/clean/boring/typical little neighborhood in a small nowhere town
>whole family is outside doing yard work
>mom, dad, and three kids
>every single one is obese as ever-loving fuck
>kids look like over-inflated beach balls, parents look like giant sacks full of mashed potatoes
>all of them raking leaves, picking up twigs, tending flower beds, one riding a lawn mower

Passing by their house only lasted maybe 3-4 seconds.. but its been burned into my memory ever since.
Whenever anyone mentions anything about obesity in families, I never think of a bunch of fat people sitting around watching tv eating junk/fast food.. I think of that bizarre moment of a fat family tending their lawn.


>Restaurants should refuse people who eat a lot

I never used to believe this, but now I do.

I beleive fat people have a different threshold or at least have no threshold when they hit that "disgust" mode after eating too much.

>How the fuck does anyone get obese, let alone millions of people at a time?
high-carb diets

the FDA food pyramid whatever bullshit is just propaganda to prop up the wheat industry, it recommends something like 12+ grain servings a day and ain't nobody need that much fucking sugar in their diet

fat people just suffer from their addiction having an extremely obvious tell

smokers and alcoholics are harder to detect

shitposters on a Afrikaner palm fermenting marquee are harder still

we all have vices and indulgences. Those that go to far are eventually punished for it. Why kick a man when he's down?


it's a learned response honestly
Having weighed almost 100lbs more than I do now (skinnyfat) I used to be able to eat and eat without feeling full due to constantly bombarding my stomach with mass

now I eat portioned meals and I can't eat anywhere near as much

because it's fucking gross to look at

Have you ever been ridiculed for something so much that it made you change your ways? Thats the idea.

When you can get 1000 empty calories in a microwave meal for $2, you end up eating three of them a day because your body craves the fat and sugar.
Then you chug down a 2L of cola because your body doesnt register when to stop consuming that shit.

Repeat that for 5 years.


OP, you have some sort of eating disorder if you binge until becoming a fatass and then starve yourself repeatedly.

Not even memeing, get help.

overeating is similar to gambling addiction, sex addiction, drug addiction, alcohol addiction.

somewhere, somehow, that person lost control.

Gene expression changes throughout life.
So yes, their "genes" could have gotten messed up, hypothetically. Not sure if that's the case.

I could tell you but you'd never believe me, so I won't

It's a concoction of not being active, being stuck in the same physical routine, getting fast food, and making terrible casseroles loaded with cheese and salt.
And after eating a huge dinner they sit around so that all settles in their folds.
It's why I'm fat, and what I'm trying to fix.

you think you are not overweight op?

He/She has a metabolic disorder.
Get one of those at your local supermarket.

It's been proven 1000 times over that "shame" never works. It may make someone change something about themselves, but it's never a positive change. Ever. Education, rehabilitation, and repetitive healthy habits are what make people have positive, lasting change.
You just have a personality defect that urges you to find reason to bully people.

As a former fatty, he has a point. I didn't get motivated, or even realize how bad it had gotten, until a gf wouldn't stop joking and making My 600 lbs Life references.

>tfw I lost the weight, she broke up with me and is now fat, and I'm shopping for an engagement ring

Hi here, you are so wrong. Shame is an excellent motivator. Fat people justify all their bullshit and have a severely warped body image.

>It's been proven 1000 times over that "shame" never works

bullshit. It certainly doesn't *always* work. But it most certainly can and does work some of the time.

Shame does work. Perhaps it isn't the psychologically kindest thing to do, but it does work. I am so ashamed of myself. When I was fat, one of my biggest insecurities was obviously my weight. My parents would drop subtle hints and some other people would to. Mostly I was just disgusted with myself. I lost a lot of weight, but I'm still not happy with myself. I've been going up and down in weight the past few years, but hopefully I can get my shit together and finally reduce my weight to a respectable level and be satisfied with my body for once. Then again I'm a guy with wide hips, so probably not.

it works if the person already feels ashamed of their bodies, but if they think they're fine/haven't been conditioned to feel at least a little insecure, when they change because you've shamed them they're going to change back once you're gone and take pride in dropping a "toxic" influence that made them feel bad

This right here is it I was raised to be fat as hell and on top of that had a horrible childhood. I was at one point 350 lbs and had to completely learn about nutrition and calories. I'm still working on it, but I'm down to 200 lbs.
Depression and terrible parenting are a hell of a combination.

>Depression and terrible parenting are a hell of a combination.
agreeing with you here. my parents let me have an incredible amount of fast food and soda growing up and never forced me to socialize or join a sport so i stayed in my room and got fat.

i don't hold it against them, i don't think they knew how bad it would get and they really weren't sure how to handle a shitty angsty teenager. hell of a setback as i struggled into adulthood, though.

>and on top of that had a horrible childhood.

And here I thought you were actually going to man up.

you can acknowledge the fact that your childhood influenced the way you grew up (gasp what a concept) without it immediately leading into "and THAT'S why i'm 400lbs and not doing anything about it"

>Look at all these people with psychiatric problems
You guys are all too warped to understand that people shouldn't feel shame about their bodies. Period. They should be made conscious of the fact that their health is going to deteriorate fast and they'll die from complications of obesity, but feeling shame for your body is nothing but psychological self-harm. You're trading one kind of self harm for another. That's not healthy at all, in any form.

My parents were both alcoholics. I grew up watching my mother almost die from alcohol poisoning twice and attached to tubes while my father attacked me in a drunken rage one night only to never see him again. I wasn't talking about normal stuff when I said horrible childhood.

Food ended up being the thing I had that made me forget the crap I had to deal with every single day and feel good for a short while. I did man up and take things into my own hands as an adult and have lost most of the weight, but I'm not going to say it wasn't the fault of my parents and the childhood I had.

Okay Steven.

>Wahh, my life wasn't roses and shit
>I deserve these cakes

I just went to golden corral and it was an experience. There were so many fat fucks everywhere. The table next to me, the dude had 3 full cups of Pepsi to drink with whatever food he had and he polished it off with two bowls of pudding.

I realized that everyone around me made it an event just to get up out of their chair and get more food.

Honestly if soda was banned, a lot of these issues would resolve

Normal, chubby, underweight and overweight people shouldn't feel shame about their body. Obese and anorexics should feel very shamed. Or maybe the next time I see someone on the edge of a bridge I should just tell them it's okay, feel good about your suicide. Fuckwit.

Oh shut the fuck up you faggot. I hope you die of obesity. Fat piece of shit.

This thread convinced me to starve myself and I'm not even fat (140 lbs 5'10). Seriously, eating is too risky.

>should feel very shamed
nope, they should be educated and supported to get them back to a healthy body weight

>Or maybe the next time I see someone on the edge of a bridge I should just tell them it's okay, feel good about your suicide.
this is so far from what user is saying that it just makes you look like an idiot

itt people who have never dealt with anything difficult in their lives and lack basic human empathy

or who have dealt with bad shit, and have allowed it to fuck them up so badly that they act like this

Are you really this stupid? I don't understand how someone can be so fucking THICK that they only see things in extremes. At any rate, you're just plain wrong.

>I don't understand how someone can be so fucking THICK

is this............................ a pun

I hit 210 once and I felt like shit. I probably spent 5 times as long wiping my ass as when I was healthy. How bad to people like OP's pic feel?

The Japanese before WWII, used shame quite effectively. People got out of line and they were ostracized, rich or poor didn't matter.

However, it implies the ability for the perpetrator of the offense to feel the shame extended by the majority. We've lost that. Now you have Bubba or Shaqueena standing up in front of a camera declaring the fact that their "child" shooting the teacher was a proper action.

Yeah, the US is the best, blecchh.

please tell me that this is an act and you're not actually insane

You know, the key crowd keeps harping about cheap carbs and insulin, and while I don't believe it's entirely relevant in the fitness area, I do have to say they make a lot of sense when you look at entire groups of people eating a bunch of carbs AND sitting on their asses in cars and at home

they're pulling your leg, buddy
I knew a guy with a similar story, he's been skinny for years, so keep at it, one day you won't even know who you are anymore

the *keto crowd

I'll use it to mix with alcohol

the problem is overreating, plain and simple

animals get fat too if you overfeed them

man seeing that pic of that poor guy in op's pic with that skin tight polo shirt and them khakis pinching his guts and all that back fat spilling out everywhere is making me hate summer cause at least when it's cold out you can cover up your blubber so everyone can't see your back fat and loosen your pants some without ppl seeing your holey underwear where your fat butt wore a hole in them augh yeah folks

No its the meat and having the kids drink milk 3 times a day in school


Wrong again.

Want to go for strike three? If you don't understand extreme obesity is a deadly, well then there is no help for your fat ass.

First guy you responded to, I used to be 320lbs and thought the world was against me and life was horrible, a bloobloobloo. Lost the weight, got down to 155lbs and suddenly realized I was being a fucking cunt for years and stopped treating people like they owed me something, and guess the fuck what? Suddenly the world started treating me better. Your the problem, you self entitled cunt.

>Both of those are protein sources
>Protein makes you fat


If you eat a ton of protein and don't work off the energy, yeah you're gonna be fat.

It's a LOT harder getting fat off protein than carbs though. Calorie for calorie carbs will make you balloon up.

>Calorie for calorie

Maybe gram for gram, but all calories are equal dumbass.

I've always been fat but incredibly active. I am 220 pounds at 5'5" and can run a 6 minute mile.

>The more fat people are in there the less room they have for customers.
Restaurants space isn't measured by cubic meters, dipshit. It's measured by how many tables there are. A table used by one person is as much space as a table of four - doesn't matter how much that person weighs.

It's not like a full restaurant will split up a party of 4 and sit them next to random people at scattered tables in order to use up all the available room.

It's generally the result of some sort of mental disturbance. They're not eating until they're full, they're eating until they forget the pain of living.

People who use junk food to cope with anxiety or depression can end up binging on amounts of food that a normal person would find disgusting. It's like how an alcoholic can drink down a fifth of liquor at once, while a normal person would be on their ass after half as much.

>the fattiest foods are the cheapest
Then don't fucking eat so much of them, oh my god.
>$3 of McDonald's feeds one person for a day

Then spend fucking $1 instead of $3. Eat one goddamn McChicken a day. Have two nuggets for lunch and two for dinner. If "cheap" foods are the ones packed with fucking calories then imagine how much goddamn money you'd save by only buying the calories you need instead of worrying about going hungry. Deal with being fucking hungry.

If you're going to use your entire daily food budget every day, spend it on a single salad or Subway sandwich. Either way you're going to be hungry, but maybe show a little self restraint and find something else to do other than stuff yourself with as much fried chicken as you can get for $3 a day.

Yeah they're pathological liars That 600lb show is a good example. They show them cheating and making excuses about how they're allowed to cheat because they're so stressed right now. Then they see the doctor and say "I don't know how this could happen"

>a private business should be allowed to refuse service
They can
The resulting shitstorm, however, may not be in their favor if they're not in the majority

>Restaurants should be allowed to refuse service to anyone with a waistline over a certain measurement
Thats too discriminatory. They should get taxed instead. The same applies to homosexuals.

I would love to see this.

They are eating the wrong things at places like McD's. For example, a McChicken with no mayo and a black coffee is less than 3 dollars, and actually decently good for you, as far as fast food goes.

Many fast food places have "heathly" (read: not as bad) foods on the menu, but people refuse to order them. Many times the most unhealthy thing about a meal is the thing most easily removed; for example the sauce, or substituting the soda for an unsweett iced tea or water.

fun fact, kids need only need about 30 grams of protein. With all that dairy and meat and other garbage they eat, your looking well over the threshold + excess calories since most of these products are high density. Protein than breaks down into complex stored carbs if you eat too much of it
The proof is right on the label but hell be ignorant if you want to be.
The food pyramid is the government shilling its dairy and farmer subsidies down everyone throats because they're literally paying the fucking companies to advertise the product, you heard that right. When you see that (made with 100% real cheese) its a government subsidy campaign

That guy is actually lying. I'm the first guy you responded to and to be honest? I was just shitposting. Swear to god. I'm legit really drunk right now, so i can be honest. I was 230 lbs at the age of 12. I grew up now being involved in any sports and not having any friends because of how fat I was. My mom just put me in front of the TV all the time and I spent a lot of time playing video games. Now don't get me wrong, I had a great childhood, but I really wish I wasn't fat.

The sad thing is, at the end of the day, I was a lot happier back then than I am now. I'm 5'10 140 lbs. I should be happy with my life, but I suffer from anxiety and depression. I also have a severe eating disorder that involves binge eating and purging. I fucking hate myself. I guess all I'm trying to say is losing weight doesn't make everyone happy in the end. Especially if you don't do it the right way. Regardless of weather or not I did it "right" or not, I would still be unhappy with my current life.

Coke Zero is objectively better than 99% of other diet sodas. Great as a chaser