If I'm being honest, this shit genuinely scares me

If I'm being honest, this shit genuinely scares me.

It's retardation, but spreadable, and basically incurable through debate and reason like a legitimate mental illness. Oh, and it's now affecting world issues.

Can any psychology people here break it down to me on what this thing is exactly, and how it could be cured?

Other urls found in this thread:


reddit is the other way

> anyone who disagrees with those infected is simple one of "them"

/pol/kin get BTFO all the time in Veeky Forums climate change thread

First we have to define what it is.

/pol/ deals with memes, which is short for memetics or in other words mimic.

What are they mimicking? Each other.

So it would see that the majority of white people wish to preserve their countries as white.

Is this positive or negative? Well each area of the globe has a perimeter for each race. Should all races exist? Yes

Would filling up white countries with brown people create a new race? No.

So yes it's a good thing and no it can't be cured until whites are allowed to exist as a race.

So every race is allowed to exist except white people? In return white people should make every other race not exist.

So your question is it good or bad? If whites flooded every other country and mixed but didn't mix within their own countries. Then the result would surely be the destruction of all non whites. Because whatever mixture would be brown.

Sage, reported.

The problem is the consequences you think not being white entails, when it's such fricken skin color.

>people who disagree with me, hold political opinions different to mine, or don't want to debate me are mentally ill and need to be "cured"

Fucking wew.

Then if you reverse the scenerio, would it be wrong to eradicate all non whites?

By your logic it wouldn't.

Race realism is irrefutable, as long as people are fed bs about all races being equal while everyone including white liberals fight tooth and nail to live in white neighborhoods /pol/ is never going away

You're not "eradicating them" unless you're forcefully holding them down and raping them with the SPECIFIC purpose of corrupting a gene pool. If your nice guy ass gets shut down because a girl likes a darker skinned individual with actual social skills, that's your problem.

go back to your containment board cuck

So then colonialism is good? Your logic is flawed.

If skin colour doesn't matter, then it wouldn't matter if we propagandized white mixing in only brown countries, and forced them to take white immigrants.

The reason /pol/ catches on is because /pol/ is right.

Uh, no. If you're spreading propaganda about white mixing, you're still admitting one is better.

Can some people who, you know, actually go outside help me out here- this shit's exhausting.

Most people here are like that, full of hate towards certain groups. That's not a mental illness, most people could fall on these kinds of ideologies easily. It's not possible to change their mind once they are so convinced of their ideas.

Whites are better. How many natural experiments from colonialism do you need? Just go take a look at GDP in Africa pre/post independence.

Exactly, that would be wrong. So why is it ok to do that in white countries, and only white countries?

The thing about white people is that they just want all racist to exist. The thing about mudbloods and liberals is they want white people specifically not existing.

If whites are mixed out, there won't be a positive. It will be a negative, because we will be minus one race.

So how exactly are whites wanting to preserve their own race wrong or mentally ill?

I'm done, going to eat some pizza and solve grade 3 math equations because it's far more stimulating then arguing with a brain washed mud person.

/pol/ is doing God's work getting people politically imvolved. Can you believe that it was once frowned upon to talk about politics and instead just let the ruling class do whatever they fucking wanted? People are waking up and the more educated they get the more they'll navigate to /leftypol/ so the revolution in imperialist America can finally begin.


"brainwashed", huh?

Do you really think mainstream liberalism is not anti-white?

The leaders bidding for head of the Democrat Committee were using anti-white memes as their platform to be the leader for fuck sake.

>automation kicking in
>we need more brown people in white countries
>brown people starving to death
>we need more brown people in white countries
>young people can't afford families
>we need more brown people in white countries

and so on, and so on.

Either this is ironic or someone lacks any kind of self-awareness.

It's just so frustrating to me when people decide to reply in buzzwords instead of proper arguments. Makes me feel like I am not talking to an actual thinking person.

lots of pathetic men that need to cling to their perceived 'race'. also low intelligence.

See, these people are convinced their race is superior, and they won't change their mind. The best thing to do is to help build a new society. For example, in the USSR there were many programs for gender and race equality, and they worked. In a liberal country this will never happen because these people won't change their views.

Race is a spook to force you to fight your fellow workers. They hold no power and aren't the ones hurting you. Look at who's in charge and ask what is their right in preventing you from working? Where do they get off shipping jobs overseas? You are workers and you have a say in what happens to your country, no amount of capital can take that away from you.

>ancestors fought and died for your land for thousands of years
>all your family is buried in said country
>families helped build institutions in said country

>"give it all up goy! you don't need any of it! your ancestor's blood and sweat is trivial, they died for nothing goy!"

This argument doesn't work because like the other poster said, if you reverse the trend and started flooding and propagandizing white immigration, and racial genocide in other countries, you bet your bottom they would kick up a fuss.

>impying that doesn't happen

>defending muslims is pro white


>this shit genuinely scares me

Relax Shlomo. Don't kvetch, just make aliyah so the scary goyim can't get you.

That literally happens in Europe with Muslims every day.


>doesn't deny being a shitskin

Whoah, Tryone thinks we care what the thinks. Tryone needs to check his ego.

>being this afraid of the poor
We're coming bucko.

>Race is a spook

Spooks can't be measured scientifically. Race can. Neck yourself.

which part of my post said it's foolish to be proud of your nationality?
>racial genocide
jesus christ you alt-righters. white people will be a minority in the united states some day, doesn't mean they will be eradicated. no genocide happening here.

It is possible to have a anonymous debate with an alt-righter without being called a jew or shill? I don't believe it is.

That's exactly what will happen, fuckhead. Leftistism is 3rdworldism and anti-white bigotry in the 21st century. It has not other content. Fuck off back to leftypol if you want to discuss 19th century leftists like Stirner.

p.s. Don't breed shitskin. The world doesn't need more of you.

>yea it's not like white minorities in south africa are being genocided, eh goy?

But Reddit is full of alt right babbies too.

Haha you still think it's about race, it's all about class warfare.


Capitalists use brown, 3rd world hordes as a weapon against white workers in the 1st world. That's what this is really about. Race is still real, and just exacerbates everything to the point of violence.

Checkmate leftypol.

>there are no blacks in the ruling class
What did he mean by this?

No. And at some point you will learn that debating them won't do anything. The best is to try to make their organizations as segregated as possible and illegalize them. Fascism deserves no debate.

IMO it's a problem that you can reduce to this:
dumb people prioritize short term comfort and happiness over long-term happiness

dumb people are like dogs, does a dog understand long term happiness? can you train a dog to like being hit if being hit every day for a few weeks meant that months of joy would come afterwards?

stupid people, like dogs and tapeworms and other dumb shit can't understand long term planning, sacrifices, logical thinking, etc

they want short term comfort and they want it FAST

how can you achieve this? well, by stealing, by hurting other people, by blaming others (jews, niggers, gays, you name it), by wanting shit to be handed over to you (benefits, social aid, more taxes to the rich, etc), by thinking like dumb animals, by prioritizing short term comfort, by being hedonistic retards

intelligent people know that this isn't the way

I also want to say that I hate it how people don't understand that countries are like companies, financial organisations that give you shit in exchange for your man-hours, for your time, for your money

you don't pay taxes = you go to jail, you get executed, you get fucked, no more healthcare and no more rights for you

a country is not your mother or your father

being nationalistic, patriotic, whatever is just idiotic

/pol/ is how the average brainlet lives and thinks like

prioritize short term comfort over long term
prioritize "muh feels", emotional crap over rational, logical thinking

the only cure for humanity is to have a rational AI take over countries / the world and get rid of democracy or limit it greatly

isn't 'mudblood' what they called non-wizards in Harry Potter?

The ruling class is literally less than 1% black.


All you have is fallacies. Kill yourself.

All the /pol/tards ITT:
>muh white genocide
>muh buzzwords
>muh jews
>muh leftists want to destroy me
>muh same old shit that gets continually knocked away, but kept brought back up because there's nothing left to /pol/ when you remove that

Please, go back to your containment board.

t. Islamic Communist

pol is actually long term thinking, i.e. do I really want America to turn into Brazil in 2050.

Normies hate pol because all they want is to party on Friday and fuck Stacey.

>Can any psychology people here break it down to me on what this thing is exactly, and how it could be cured?

/pol/ is a combination of >tfw no gf and >tfw born in le wrong generation in ideological form. Everything about their ideology ultimately comes down to white women not wanting to breed with them and hypothetically breeding with "inferiors".

Haha you think there are actually 100 people in the ruling class.

>>muh same old shit that gets continually knocked away, but kept brought back up because there's nothing left to /pol/ when you remove that

Except the part where I won the argument. What's it like being a communist 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall?

>inb4 What's it like being a Nazi 72 years after 1945?

Just a paleocon, not a Nazi.

>le virgin epithet posted for the 6 millionth time

You sure showed us.

This guy is trolling or stupid.


Why did /pol/ start posting on Veeky Forums in the first place? Of all boards on Veeky Forums, why Veeky Forums? Doesn't seem like there's a lot of overlap between these two boards, if any at all. I mean Veeky Forums isn't the slowest board on Veeky Forums either, but it's definitely one of the smaller / slower boards here.


Didn't see this before, but yeah this is why pol exists.

If people outside of the "far right" just acknowledge that race is real, the market for pol memes would collapse overnight and we could have real discussions about what to do with immigrants and America's blacks.

>le virgin epithet posted for the 6 millionth time
>You sure showed us.

It's still true though, the core of /pol/ ideology is about reconstructing a set of norms that provide satisfactory mating results to white betas.

>Why did /pol/ start posting on Veeky Forums in the first place?
because they think they're redpilling people on climate change and race/IQ

it's not really like that, it's normies who like to pretend they're like that, true, some ideas that /pol/ believes in are great, but most aren't

the most logical thing to do is realize that countries are like companies, in need of valuable workforce that can contribute to its economy, military power, research power, culture, etc and that immigration isn't inherently bad, checks need to be made and nationalism and patriotism needs to be stopped, but muh feels will never go away, people will always vote with their dicks and hearts first, their brains (even though they're tiny they could still be of some use) come last or sometimes they don't even use them at all

it's a complicated problem

normalfags, like always, will decide our fate, they're the ones who dictate shit, their dicks, pussies and minuscule brains order humanity (technoligcal and scientific advancement, politics, culture, etc) around

Solving problems is hard.
Blaming others is easy.
That's all there is to /pol/.

Every race has a right to exist, and a right to it's on place on our tiny globe. Except whites.

t. liberals and brown people

when this exists, how can you expect /pol/ not to exist?

They think that if they can make it look like science agrees with them through all forms of media then they've won. It doesn't matter what's in scientific literature, it's all feels > reals for them.

So Brazil could have been even worse? Wow. I didn't think that was possible.

>Doesn't seem like there's a lot of overlap between these two boards

Their whole "race realism" meme is why they come here.

>It's still true though, the core of /pol/ ideology is about reconstructing a set of norms that provide satisfactory mating results to white betas.

How exactly does cutting unskilled immigration help white betas more than other demographics? Everyone who is a citizen would benefit at this point, unless you are a member of the capitalist class, and only certain industries like agriculture and maybe retail.

>it's not really like that, it's normies who like to pretend they're like that

Occam's Razor says you're wrong. Way to impute motives that you can't prove are there.

Remember when Steven Pinker to the "literature" to the woodshed in the 90s? I 'member.

Try posting actual scientific articles next time pseud.

Normies just TL;DR when you post that shit.

there are sources in that pic

I'm not going to waste my time trying to do an academic study on why /pol/ is full of normies who want free shit from life and like to blame other people for their miserable lives. They can't adapt and they blame others. The sad truth is that jews and feminists managed to adapt better to modern society than the average /pol/ user did.

Cutting unskilled immigration helps white betas, and in particular middling-IQ whites, by reducing the amount of competition they face in the labor market. Pretty much everyone knows that women are sexual selectors in humans and that they tend to prefer men who are equal or above them in status. When the supply of labor is greatly increased through immigration or globalization, the earning potential, and thus socio-economic status, of middling-IQ white betas goes down which makes it hard for them to get a gf.

There's a paper about marriage markets in regions where outsourcing occurred that, as far as I know, sort of corroborates this if I remember correctly - in places where factory jobs were outsourced, there were fewer marriages and more single mothers, presumably because the women didn't find the men to be satisfactory mates.

/pol/ will turn against its own beliefs soon enough, it's already started. They elected their /ourguy/, he'll turn out not to be their guy, all the while popular e-celebs are embracing the alt-right and being racist because it's the new cool thing, which is cringey and they know it. /pol/'s contrarianism will kick in and they will convert. What they will convert into, I have no idea.


>So Brazil could have been even worse? Wow. I didn't think that was possible.
If communism is actually a bad thing then why does the US have to go break it up every single time a country wants it? Why does every country the US touch turn into a pile of trash?

People having beliefs that aren't my own and also happen to be wrong because of double think
>Im scared
Sent from my IPhone

Y'know, it might do this board a lot of good to ban pseudoscience. /pol/ will then be entirely unable to post here.

>pseudoscience: whatever I don't want to be true

cool buzzword, friend

>The sad truth is that jews and feminists managed to adapt better to modern society than the average /pol/ user did.

Is that why Jews lost the election and women male less money than men, because they're better adapted to society? Yeah, I think you're just full of shit.

Yeah, I read that article. It was debunked the same day. Outsourcing didn't actually affect marriage rates. Try getting out of your leftist bubble some time.


.edu > .com clickbait

Stupid non-white immigrants impose costs on everyone else through welfare, crime, and cultural degradation. There is no economic case for them anymore with full employment and the lowest post feminism labour force participation rate ever.

Communism destroyed itself. You know nothing of history, idiot. The US destroyed communist states in the Western hemisphere because they were going to fucking point nukes at America.

Shut the fuck up you underage, leftypol piece of shit. iGen garbage, never worked a day in your life, and an undergrad.

>Real science says that race is a social construct.

>Excuse my while I get my exact ancestry tested from 23andMe.

Well I myself am not white and I certainly can see clear as day that whites are being pushed further and further into non existence (they could soon become a minority in the United States!) and it always surprises me how non whites somehow still feel threatened by such a small portion of the human population. OP have you ever tried looking through the perspective of one of these "racist" white people? A colored person might feel threatened in a mostly white country such as Germany, but globally colored people now make up the majority of the human population! What I am trying to say is that I see nothing wrong with whites trying to preserve their race.

>telling people to get out of their leftist bubble while posting a paper from the Brookings Institution

>Communism destroyed itself

>thinking dailykos and reddit are reputable sources

Socialism and communsim are so shitty that the Chinks gave them up volunarily on their own.


If you read the Selfish Gene by Dawkins you'll see he actually invented the word as a riff of of gene. They are ideas that can evolve similar to how genes evolve.

The Brookings Institution is a liberal centrist think tank. It's just surprising that a reactionary would link to them debunking a paper that could support a more protectionist, immigration-restrictionist viewpoint.

Well, I think this thread proves OP's hypothesis that /pol/yps cannot be reasoned with.
Veeky Forumsence complete!

but OP is doing the same thing, forcing an Us and Them dichotomy. Even worse everyone that doesn't align to your personal view of politics is "infected". /pol/ isn't a hive-mind, there are lots of different people there and many are just shitposters who don't care about anything at all.

Hey faggot, "reactionaries" like me are radically mainstream. You know someone like me on Facebook. We are everywhere. We just don't post our memes where you can see them. Do you really think that all we read is Breitbart? Go fuck yourself.

I'm not using reactionary as an insult. It's just a political classification.

/pol/ is cult. In every definition of the word, it's true.

They are the result of using memes combined with cult brainwashing techniques that's designed to turn them into a highly politically motivated internet army. I'm interested in who's controlling this group, but it's more important to disable or device a counter for this before the situation escalates with another group deciding to counter the situation by creating their own meme cult army. Having the practice of creating armies of brainwashed, politically motivates, cult followers become standard practice would be an absolute worst case scenario.

>I'm interested in who's controlling this group


t. /pol/ack

/pol/acks don't deny climate change. American cuckservatives do.

Classifing racism is a natural intuition. Through evolution people got good at identifying what is like them and what is not (possible threat) we also got good at noticing the most minute differences in people Labrador dogs look all the same to us but them looking back at us we all look the same. Racism however is taught. We are very vulnerable to adapting an us vs them mentality. We have been doing it since humans existed. It makes it easier if your enemy is easily identified through race. So biologically we are vulnerable to racism but through the Internet it's even easeir to trap yourself in an echochamber of your own ideas.

I am a /pol/ster. I would be happy to try to answer if I understood OP's question.

It appears, from what I can tell, that he associates the board with 20th century German national socialism, disagrees either with that philosophy or the board, and then advances to categorizing something he doesn't agree with to being a disease so that he can reduce and dehumanize the people he disagrees with in order to apply the term 'cure'.

So if 'cure' means to annihilate the disease, and the disease is either dissent or the people he disagrees with, am I to then understand he protests this philosophy and his answer is to eliminate the dissent or people?

I'm sorry if I don't follow. I seem to be sensing some paradox.

Perhaps of OP spent some time studying humans in an apolitical way, like paleo anthropology, he might find some comfort and lucidity in the various intellectual inventions of we primates.

Remember: humanity is a concept invented by primates, a dream apes awaken to and make believe every day.

Be blessed, all.

I wouldn't go as far as to say it's a cult, but it's built around a cult of personality towards Donny, at least right now it is. No criticism is allowed of Donny, and if you do criticize him you get called a shill, or CTR or any of the other standard "insults." It's actually more like a more racist /b/ at this point.

I'm sure eventually /pol/ will turn on Daddy Don. I'm not sure how long it will take, but the board is full of contrarians to the point where people will become contrarian of the contrarianism of the board. It's only a matter of time.

Kek, what a bunch of losers and brainlets. Off yourselves, subhumans.

Implying your """"""arguments"""""" were any better. /pol/ won again, like always.

>I wouldn't go as far as to say it's a cult,

>not getting irony

No KKK. No fascist USA.

>he actually thinks anything he just said was an argument
Literally strawmen followed by declaration of I WIN. I wish /pol/ would at least teach you how to argue, it's so boring reading your posts.

>not getting Poe's law

The era of ironic shitposting on /pol/ came and went years ago.

You sounds exactly like them retard.
Just replace your picture with any sjw related picture..

What makes a person unable to differentiate psuedoscience from science? If we solve this issue, it might just end /pol/.

Meant for

They see scientists and media as shills, which they sometimes are and it validates their tinfoil hattery. The only way to deal with this is to get rid of money and end privatization so there's no motivation to fabricate evidence. Truth is in a crisis as a result of capitalism like so many things.

I'll be honest as well. I do it cause it's fun. You'd never known I'm a /pol/tard. I'm a friendly normie lookin' academic type with a good life, a qt social work gf, lots of friends, I play soccer, and I've got concerns for the world. I'm active in my community, and devote a lot of time to community gardening and education.

I've heard every single argument. And I just don't really care. None if it holds water. It's all arbitrary moralistic nonsense. It doesn't really matter if /pol/ is right or wrong. It just is. And it's a lot more fun than being some tightass fuckboy walking on eggshells around hair trigger lunatics with the logical consistency of Doctor Seuss on methamphetamines.