IMO it's a problem that you can reduce to this:
dumb people prioritize short term comfort and happiness over long-term happiness
dumb people are like dogs, does a dog understand long term happiness? can you train a dog to like being hit if being hit every day for a few weeks meant that months of joy would come afterwards?
stupid people, like dogs and tapeworms and other dumb shit can't understand long term planning, sacrifices, logical thinking, etc
they want short term comfort and they want it FAST
how can you achieve this? well, by stealing, by hurting other people, by blaming others (jews, niggers, gays, you name it), by wanting shit to be handed over to you (benefits, social aid, more taxes to the rich, etc), by thinking like dumb animals, by prioritizing short term comfort, by being hedonistic retards
intelligent people know that this isn't the way
I also want to say that I hate it how people don't understand that countries are like companies, financial organisations that give you shit in exchange for your man-hours, for your time, for your money
you don't pay taxes = you go to jail, you get executed, you get fucked, no more healthcare and no more rights for you
a country is not your mother or your father
being nationalistic, patriotic, whatever is just idiotic
/pol/ is how the average brainlet lives and thinks like
prioritize short term comfort over long term
prioritize "muh feels", emotional crap over rational, logical thinking
the only cure for humanity is to have a rational AI take over countries / the world and get rid of democracy or limit it greatly