
food or cook webms. no jack webms

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I don't have sauce on this

come on guys, help op out get webms flowing

that's one fat hooker


is this

looks like a fucking doll rubbed in flower



The absolute nerve!


she looks weird as hell wtf are the koreans doing to themselves?

Does she really eat the food? I feel she could just throw away it all in between those time skip frames.

Fish nerves are fucking nuts.


>ok that looks good
>alright that's a bit much but I'd still try it
>jfc get those fries out of here

I agree. the fries are completely unnecessary.

Again, fish nerves are fucking insane.

this is autistic

You don't know what that means.
It's slapstick humor.


slamming a chicken carcass is humor? what the fuck color is the sky in your world?

howtobasic needs to go away


Now that motherfucker is gonna have to bleach his whole house.

they have really fucked up beauty standards thanks mainly to kpop and kdramas. A really high percentage especially in younger people have face surgery, double eyelid, eye widening all types and all types of plastic surgery. Not that beauty standards are the main cause but it makes me sad when you consider south korea has by far the highest suicide rate of first world countries.

if I was presented this, I'd simply get up, chuckle, get up and leave without paying or tipping for this.

just google "alura jenson kitchen' and you should be able to find the original porno it came from

That is the best damn cream machine I ever seen

what is the context here? did she feed him raw garlic or something? I can't imagine anything else that would produce such a reaction outside of like surstromming

You'd never be there anyways cause you're poor garbage


You'd get up twice? Do you mean you'd stand up from your chair, chuckle, and then get up and stand on the table before leaving?

so...it's head is off right? is that a big eel?

but does he chuckle again?

I eat raw garlic daily. it doesn't make me cringe or nothing. if anything its healthy. Wasabi oil extract will make people cringe.

hehe. I could afford it; I think it's pointless trash. eating off of a table like a wild slob and paying up the ass for it is stupid. it's like playing with food which is childish.

yes, I'd do that. it'll be worth walking over shit, lol.

yes the head is off. big eel as far as I know.

would ya eat that?

All I can think about when I watch that is how much of a pain it's gonna be to clean up after that

you're actually a retard if you don't realize that this is intended to be humor. Is it funny? No. Was this joke funny at some point? Yes.

She has a medical condition where her stomach is distended but I don't think she really eats all of that food unless she's bulimic or cheating as you said.
I like her videos but she's be insanely fat if she actually consumed everything she shows in her videos.

>is this funny, no.
>was this joke funny at some point? NO.

sheeple humor maybe.


I'd get bored 30 seconds in watching this and just order a beer to drink.

>that'll be $30 + tip




as autistic as vape pens


Kay's cooking normie


i have no idea if any of this fancy bullshit makes the drink taste better but that man is good at what he does



weird as it is, I would give this a try.




Raw garlic is good though.


If I was presented with that, I'd get up, chuckle, turn 360 degrees and walk away.





she once said she shits most of it out

basically I guess it eventually becomes a game of diminishing returns where there's so much food it passes before really digesting

she can probably gape with the best of them

delet this

looks like it doesn't it?

He is doing very simple chemistry. You could master what he does after 1 highschool chem lab. Just like snake oil salesman they give off the image of knowing more than they do.


am I getting memed here? how is it possible for anyone to eat raw garlic? it's not even hot like a pepper; literally an entirely different chemical than capsaicin (allicin) and orders of magnitude worse-tasting.

I've heard that snake oil is actually very high in omega 3s and good for inflammation

I like the taste and the slight burn you get from it. There's also a slight numbing sensation I get from it that I like.

this what ya want

i like it's taste better raw




This is the real reason we need a wall.

White people, especially Amerifats, and the shit they do to their fucking alcohol

>one eye is fucking lower than the other


>dude white people lmao


You can apologize anytime in the next hour; I'll wait.

It's like a culinary school drop-out's pentagram

>Darkie can't tell the difference between asians and white people

>cooks steak for 3 hours
>cooks chicken for 3 minutes


I feel faint.

I'd try it

Having met Koreans, I am not saddened by this.

The bacon's only cooked on one side.

Jack's always trolling us with his sexy mouth antics.

It was all going so well and then it started to just look like a random pile of shit.

You could write a novel faster than getting drunk at that bar.

hookers don't wear headset mics so no