Start eating sardines

Start eating sardines.

Ok I will


thanks for that

Yes sir

Kek why tho?

they're good for you

they're also good

This. Sardines are the best pizza toppings or eaten alone

WHat should I eat them with?

>on-topic way to Vargpost in Veeky Forums
Props, OP.

On crackers or toast, and topped with some brown mustard or hot sauce. I also like pic related.
Pickled vegetables are good too, like peppers, onions, olives, capers or cornichons.

Already did

I had a can of season brand, store had them super cheap so I bought alot
I just eat it straight out the can

You're a Vargposter?!


I tried some today. Not bad at all, but not something I'd make part of my regular diet.

Initially, the idea of eating fish scales and bones seemed odd, but after I started chewing it made more sense. Very little difference in texture between the bones and the flesh. Looking at the sardines is by far the worst part. The smell and tast are pretty good if you like pungent foods. Still, I can't say I want to eat a ton of them at once. Guess I was just raised on a landlocked diet for too long.

I think he means fresh 'dines, broiled with lemon, thyme and olive oil

I tried it with siracha and it tasted weird. like sort of sweet.

also isnt the sodium in these things insane?

I eat the sardines that come in mustard on pic related crackers.

Is there a better sardine/sauce/cracker combination?

am I supposed to lay these things whole on the cracker or spread it across it?

>lay these things whole on the cracker
>or spread it across

What did you mean by this?

the sardine

That's a great vargpost, actually. Well done.

Veeky Forums really is one of the best boards here

mackerel is OK too but higher calorie

like mash them up and spread them

When's the new Burzum album coming out?


Pay a bit more for skinned and deboned

That cheap shit is just shark bait

Just had a tin of King Oscar Kipper Snacks.

I love that salty fish brine, and the firm density of the herring flesh. So fucking good.

Sardines are good but I always have to remove the spine, I can't stand the texture of it. That, and people are always offended by the smell of the tin in the garbage can.
Great with mustard, tabasco, cholula, valentina, really anything zesty. Also benefits from a smear of avocado.

I started eating sardines and herring only because of Runescape

Runescape made me try to bake bread

put the can / oil in a ziplock baggie. same with your tissues and jizz

not in the same one, per se, but its a good container for both of those things

Lower your prices NOW, King Oscar.

Fishing lvl?
Cooking lvl?

I wouldn't waste a ziploc bag just to throw away a can. I wash the can out well with water then throw in the garbage and don't notice a stench.

like 60 iirc. I was a woodcutfag.

I used to have a fishing cape, nigga

I already do.


I'll give you 5 seconds to go to the nearest store, punk.

That shit causes ALS

Thanks for the reaction folder fodder OP.

>t. Canned oyster industry lobbyist

I'm savvy to your bullshit



>tastes good
>good for you
>roommate will never steal them

Name a more perfect food

so does living near a lake

It has been a while since I last had some boneless sardines. King Oscar is great. I'll pick some up next time I go to the store.

Does anybody have a place they order from for less than $1.70 a tin?

>Protein for gains
>Low mercury

Uncuck your kingdom

Reclaim sweden, for small oily fish