Does anyone know of any books with plots in which not much happens, yet remain interesting throughout?

Does anyone know of any books with plots in which not much happens, yet remain interesting throughout?

To the Lighthouse or Mrs. Dalloway, both by Virginia Woolf. Some might argue that they aren't interesting throughout, but I wouldn't.

Things happen but in a detached and dreamy way. Introspective and philosophical. It's a beautiful journey piece.

Ghormenghast trilogy is 1200 pages of poetic depressing nothing

Cannery Row

Thank you for the suggestions, I've recently read The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway and it was only at the end of the story that I realized the whole thing was about a group of guys who wanted to watch a bull fight.

>Cannery Row

Also known as, that one great depression book that isn't To Kill a Mockingbird.

It's still good though.


Enthralling, too.

The most beautiful book of non-events ever written

The Afternoon Men by Anthony Powell
Nothing happens, yet remains fascinating and incredibly depressing. 10/10

this book came to mind for me too. steinbeck is great


>yet remain interesting throughout

Spot the pleb


Basically every Gerald Murnane novel



The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann.

Dead Souls

The novels of William H. Gass. I like Middle C and The Tunnel over his first novel Omensetter's Luck personally. Right now I'm reading End Zone by Don DeLillo and I'll post on it once I'm finished with it. It's mainly characters talking to each other like the other books of his I've read.

The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis

Will I enjoy this book if I absolutely adore Pessoa?

No. Pessoa and Saramago are very different authors and Saramago's prose reads nothing like Pessoa's. You may or may not enjoy the book, loving Pessoa or not.

It is, however, a book where nothing happens: Reis returns to Portugal to attend Pessoa's funeral and after almost nothing happens. It is, however, in my and many's opinion, Saramago's masterpiece.


À rebours

I don't know how is called in English, but there must be a translation

It only starts getting good half-way into it.