What makes this book a great book?

What makes this book a great book?

It's fun

It's a meme book.

its currently #1 on our top 100 chart

You should really read Finnegans Wake, user
I'm really not trying to meme, it's the most fun I ever had reading a book even though it took me three weeks to get to page 60

>Quijote 11

bloom pooping scene

>infinite jest > bible

why do I come here?

wait there's no Ovid?


how long is it?

oh snap someone who's actually read the book

~600 pages

Joyce knew his Irish SoL book would too impenetrable for most people so he wisely made the main character an overeducated wierdo and cut out all the sappy normalfag I-remember-my-first-kiss-it-all-happened-when-I-was-12-years-old-and-a-new-girl-moved-in-nextdoor-during-summer-vacation type shit that is the bulk of most typical SoL stories. Aditionally, he gave the wierdo protagonist a hot wife who is way out of his league to pander to the permavirgin readers similarly to how in ecchi anime shows, the cute monster girls always throw themselves at the dorky but kind protagonist for no discernable reason other then wish fulfillment.

Also the prose is pretty good

think youre conflating Bloom and Stephen...

Everyone in real life that I've met that love this book are ALL pseudo intellectuals. What's going on with this book, why does it attract them so much?

You are the kind of person that kills art because of jealousy

I like the book. I just hate the fans

Everyone gets so fucking insecure around this book. The most common criticism is reddit-tier nonsense like how "pretentious" projectors think it is.

That is reason enough to take it seriously and read it.

>no Artemis Fowl or Eragon
What a joke.

>That is reason enough to take it seriously and read it.

Yeah, why is Quixote only in position 11?

Cause there are no objective aesthetic imperatives and people that have no inclination towards religiosity are going to vote for the former instead of the latter when colloquially quipping their 3 favourite books.

Being surprised by this is actually more embarrassing than holding the given view, tbqh desu

>Moby Dick

Supremely overrated.

>Cause there are no objective aesthetic imperatives
Why has this become scripture, isn't there at least a debate about this

Multi Layered
Endless references
Different styles of writting

I think the field of Aesthetics does indeed count as a little debate, but I feel confident saying it.

I'm sure even Kant would agree with me, though I'll admit it may be slightly more accurate for me to say every aesthetic imperative isn't subjective, but they're not objective either. I think Kant, Hume, et al use the word inter-subjective

It's very unique, in terms of both style and substance. The most realistic and fully realized novel ever written

ule ssee

You said nothing.

It's super long and that somehow justifies being a dick to anyone who hasn't read it.

Bloom was a pretty smart guy too though. Stephen was a genius, so Bloom doesn't look as smart in comparison, but if Bloom weren't intelligent then it would have been a boring book

Besides the fact that it's just entertaining and fun as hell, Ulysses is monumental in terms of just how much it has to say and just how thoroughly, exhaustively and cleverly it achieves this. For example, Joyce is able to simultaneously prop up the Greek epic framing device and does so by paralleling it with the pugilistic form of Irish Nationalism and also World War I. (The Greeks we're big into noble tales and hero worship--as were Irish Nationalists, World War I at least to Joyce was fought for similar, ultimately incantatory ideals). That's really just the beginning. Joyce always made it his mission to shoe the world in the particular, and with Ulysses he pretty much achieved this in spades.

Besides this, you have thoroughly impressive gauntlet of prose styles, wordplay, etc.

Ulysses is hands down the finest novel I've read and I unironically, no memeing, think it is probably the greatest novel ever written.

This is the only dude that read the book in this thread.