Is the meaning of life hidden behind the language?

Is the meaning of life hidden behind the language?

language has meaning

life does not


The actual meaning of life is developing a philosophical system which gives life universal meaning and going for it.

BTW making a philosophical system to say you need to give life meaning makes you a faggot.

The meaning of life is the meaning that you give to it, not the other way around. Other than that, there is no meaning, no nothing. Everything is beautifully empty and nothing and it is everything.

Can someone please explain to me what a tampon is?

the meaning of life is hidden deep within the confines of my testicles. You must suck it out, long, hard, forcifully, and with a certain amount of playfulness and coyness in order to obtain it.

No. Knowledge does not consist of words or propositions; these are poor, shallow models of inexpressible complexity.

It's that foam thing that girls stick in their butt when they're bleeding down there once a week


That is the meaning of life user. Don't you get it?

part of the meaning of life is that girls bleed out of their ass constantly.

You're going to be having a lot of these revelations if you continue, might want to bluepill.

hidden? it is embedded in it. it is it.

as usual 1st bost best dost. however, language is not without life. life might have no meaning, but language cant be without life. therefore life is the ground of meaning.

The meaning to life is a human construct. It does not exist in the natural world.

the natural world is a human construct

Touche. Everything would be nothing without our experiences of our senses.

everything is nothing irrespective of our experience. and our experience is not our senses, our experience is sensuality filtered and sorted by the mind.


This "meaning of life" meme is pretty silly and I do not understand the reasoning behind it. If you are a religious person the answer is easy: because God wills it. If you are a fedora pro then there is no meaning, we can attribute it some but that's like just your opinion dude. In either case I do not get what the meaning of the question is.

The question has no meaning and everyone should stop asking "why?"

you might be dumb

It comes from people who renounce god but keep all the spooks of the godly society they were raised in

Like how your average fedoralord doesn't actually have a system of ethics meaningfully different from Protestantism. They still probably value fidelity, honesty, hard work for the betterment of society, and 'Meaning.'

So what they end up doing is removing god from the throne, then immediately putting 'Science' or 'Political Ideology' on the throne, because they lack the imagination/knowledge to just leave the throneroom.

I never thought of meaning as a relic of theism in our secularised society but it makes a lot of sense.

>because they lack the imagination/knowledge to just leave the throneroom.
Nigga you ain't gotta be tryna hit a nigga wit dat heavy shit mugga fucka I done just hit tha crack pipe mayne it too early fo dat filosofising tipe shit

"What is the meaning of life?" is a nonsensical question. It's like asking "what is the color of think?"

t. Nietzsche

>what is the color of think?
We think in the colors that we can see.

"be still and know."

be silent. we can only observe in silence.

this post gave me a shiver. well said user

>"Language comes first. It's not that language grows out of consciousness; if you haven't got language, you can't be conscious".