Shut the fuck up about Mars

Bill Maher segment on improving Earth and stop chasing that idiot Martian dream:

Other urls found in this thread: rush

Columbus, stop chasing that soon to be american dream.

caveman stop chasing the fire dream

coldwar-era americans, stop chasing that idiot space dream

the thing I love about naysayers like him is they have absolutely no impact on anything

how to improve earth:
step 1 - nuke US, UK, australia and UAE

We should be focusing on Venus rather than Mars though.

A Mars colony could come in handy if we ever found an asteroid on a collison course with Earth.

Yeah, the asteroid could turn earth into a dead planet where humans barely have a chance to survive and where the daily battle for survival is literally hell on earth. So basically like Mars.

Why are American "comedians" the most unfunny people on the planet?

>We can trash Earth because we can go to Mars
...Said nobody ever?

>Europoor still salty about his shitty union.


He hit the nail on the head with that comment "I don't want to be a multi-planet species, fuck Mars, make Earth Great Again".

Instead of wasting billions of dollars on this... fantasy, we should focus on advancing what we have on Earth. And maybe one day in the future, when we're incredibly advanced, we can easily put together a spaceship and travel to Mars, if needed (which we don't).

At which point we will have perfected the ability to live on mars - meaning its all fine.

Well that was stupid. The exploration of Mars isn't a alternative to fixing shit on Earth, and we have the capability to do both.

>We should be focusing on Venus rather than Mars though.
That's stupid, and someone has tried to explain how stupid it is to you in almost every single one of these threads. Interplanetary permanently-airborne city-sized airships that can fly through acidic hurricanes are not trivial to build.

>A Mars colony could come in handy if we ever found an asteroid on a collison course with Earth.
No it couldn't. We're a long way away from the kind of technology needed for independent colonies. A Mars colony would be a large research outpost with some capability to make basic things, not a substitute Earth.

>He hit the nail on the head with that comment "I don't want to be a multi-planet species, fuck Mars, make Earth Great Again".
Fuck no. That's not "hitting the nail on the head", that's having such a bizarrely narrow view that everything becomes a dichotomy.

>Instead of wasting billions of dollars on this... fantasy, we should focus on advancing what we have on Earth.
Given they're both important things, shouldn't we be doing both of them?

>And maybe one day in the future, when we're incredibly advanced, we can easily put together a spaceship and travel to Mars, if needed (which we don't).
Strictly speaking, we don't "need" to do anything. Exploration and scientific discovery are things that we value, and giving up on that would be a major loss. If the only options really were "Earth gets fucked" and "never go to Mars" then of course Earth takes priority, but pretending those are the only two things to ever have money spent on them is beyond asinine.

Why improve the earth when you live only once anyway? I'd rather improve my own life rather than endure hardships directly or indirectly for some future pipedream I'll never even get to see.

>Bill Maher
Yeah, I'm not watching that.

Have you considered the fact that you being able to enjoy your life right now (internet, architecture, clean water/food, freedom etc) are the result of people before you who did their part to contribute to our society?

You are saying everything they did was for my sake?
If you are actually thinking like that you have tremendous self confidence well beyond the borders of crazy.

>You are saying everything they did was for my sake?
Reading comprehension is important.

Then clarify your argument if you have any.

Not him, but you're a fucking retard.

Our ancestors worked to secure a better future for themselves and their descendants

You are obligated to do the same.

It's not my argument, but it's pretty obvious what was trying to say and you missed it by a mile.
You benefit significantly from the fact that other people have put some of their time in effort into make the world a nicer place to live in. In return, if possible you ought to be putting a fraction of your own effort into maintaining and expanding that.

My point is the the "venerable people of the past" weren't making the world a nice place to live in for future generations and that can easily be affirmed by how they treated long term effects such as pollution, politics and so on. They lived and died without some great noble altruistic drive behind their actions.
I refuse to make sacrifices and endure hardships for some ill conceived cult's ideology promising bright future for generations to come and trying to guilt trip me or others in some way to do so is retarded. And yes, "improving the earth" or whatever that means does does in fact include present sacrifices in life quality under the promise of future benefits, and what's worse, unspecified future benefits for unspecified future generations.

>Given they're both important things
>Going to Mars

lol what?

>mars colonies


>How to troll,
>mention something bad about US, UK, australia and UAE

>Instead of this dead planet, we could live on another dead planet tens of millions of kilometres away where gravity is way too low for our bodies.

Also, an asteroid would actually not turn earth into a completely sterile planet with almost no water like Mars is. So earth will ALWAYS be more habitable than Mars, even if it comes down to the single fact that it has the right gravity for our organism.

This is a false dichotomy if I ever saw one. The percentage of world GDP spent on Mars is amazingly small.

Reading comprehension is important.

Learning to live on mars would prepare us for harsher living environments here on Earth - should such conditions come to pass.

Fortunately we'd have lots of brainlets like yourself to grind down for our hydroponic systems.

Yeah if we don't shape up first they'll probably send niggers and shit. How the aliens will mock us.

Hydro what, do you even know what your saying?

It is more like,


The hard part about colonizing Mars is getting there, setting up a shit potato farm is not hard, its just inconvenient as fuck.


>his mother, whose family was from Hungary,[10] was Jewish
Every time.

I hate people like this. There's never a "right time" to do anything. You'll always be able to find some excuse.

God what a little faggot.

>No it couldn't. We're a long way away from the kind of technology needed for independent colonies.
Having a dependent colony would provide an incentive to further develop the technology.

The US is at record debt levels due to spending on welfare so niggers don't chimp out and retarded wars on sandnigger land as Israel's lapdog in the Middle East. A Mars mission wouldn't make a dent on the budget compared to these things.

When the US got to the Moon debt was at its lowest level since WW2.

If it was up to the nigger-loving liberals and their negro pets mankind would have never reached space.

But I guess as the browning of America continues it will be up to the Chinese to continue civilization.

The hard part is the lack of gravity and healthy degeneration that comes with that.

>We're a long way away from the kind of technology needed for independent colonies.
You might be surprised. It's mostly a matter of transporting enough people to make a viable community. They'll adapt the technology they need.

For instance, you don't need computers, or anything electrical, or vehicles, to survive on Mars. They'd be nice, but there's no reason they're essential. You do need the ability to make, maintain, and supply suits, hand tools, houses, and greenhouses. That'll take a fair amount of sophistication in chemistry, and competence in pressure vessels (and probably pumps, although there could be workarounds for that).

Send 200 smart, practical people to Mars with enough stuff to live for 20 years, with all the information and seeds they might need and the mindset that they have to become fully independent, and they probably will not die out if all life on Earth disappears.

Pic related.
Welfare and wars for Israel bankrupted America, not the space program.

>The hard part is the lack of gravity
What is with this jello baby meme? There's no reason to think that living in 0.4 g would have serious adverse health effects, other than tending to not be strong enough to be comfortable in 1 g if you move to Earth.

We have every reason to think that it'll be much more like living in 1 g than living in 0 g, where there's no up or down at all.

He's absolutely right. Humans are fucking wrecking Earth and they can't live on Mars. Everyone would rather live in fucking fantasy land than do something.

>So what if we evolved in a particular environment. I'm sure ones just as good as another.

You're a legit retard. Anyone who thinks changing the physical environment would have no effect on human physiology should try going deep sea diving sometime.

There will be chink corpses on the Red Planet?

Do you mean pregnancy or after pregnancy?

As I always say:High intensity mining two hours a day keeps the jelly away.
How to do this with babies though?

>No it couldn't. We're a long way away from the kind of technology needed for independent colonies. A Mars colony would be a large research outpost with some capability to make basic things, not a substitute Earth.
A full Earth substitute is far fetched at this point, but given a reasonable level of steady funding (not even Apollo-level funding, mind you) we could do so much more than a dinky research outpost. Mars would be a great place for manufacturing and launching large spacecraft – unlike space manufacturing, most earth machinery still works fine there, resources are abundant, and the lowered gravity is high enough to nullify problems like flying shavings while being low enough to make building factories and get into space a helluva lot easier.

Nobody is claiming that there will be no effects, but whatever effects there are will be greatly diminished. And as noted, 0.4g is much, much higher than any human spacefarer has ever lived in for long periods of time… for all we know, 0.4g might be well above the threshold of gravity required for the human body, but there's no way we can actually know until we get off our collective spoiled, risk-averse asses and actually put people on Mars.

hope you never get children, and if you have children, I hope they have someone else than you to love and support them

>there's no way we can actually know until we get off our collective spoiled, risk-averse asses and actually put people on Mars.
We could have started testing the effects of fractional gravity on human health in the 1970s with tethered-counterweight centrifugal gravity space stations.

The priority has never been on relevant science.

>spinning habitat simulating martian or even lunar g
>several astronauts, more females than males though
>have them breed and run experiments until they all die

Why not? A whole mice-station should be easy to send in LEO with a single launch and will give tremendous amount of data on how things work in low g. I'm actually somewhat surprised it hasn't been done until now.

I'll start listening Maher when he gets a PhD in anything related to science.
Until then

>muh chilrens
>says college aged millennial hipster

always knew Bill Maher was anti-science

Homo Erectus stop chasing that fire dream.
No America is the most dangerous threat to human civilization because the entire country is a jew weapon to destroy civilizations.

How do you wreck Mars? The atmosphere can already kill you, its too fucking cold for anything on our planet to live on it.

Are HURR HUMANS WILL RUIN MARSfags just retarded?

Musk suggested using nuclear bombs to cause global warming there.

I probably don't need to point out, but that's essentially turning the planet into radioactive wasteland in addition to starting the same process there that is destroying the Earth.

How the fuck would nukes heat up the entire planet? The atmosphere is very thing meaning all of that heat will radiate into space in no time.

The idea was to use the nukes to melt the frozen co2 in the regolith releasing it in the atmosphere and causing greenhouse effect that will do the rest on it's own.

Of course, it probably won't work and cause all kinds of problems but it shows how people are thinking and why it's a really bad idea to go to space.

>wanting to stay on this planet

You see that gradual decline in the middle of the Asian line? That is because their space program finally took off and they started shipping people to colonies in every corner of the solar system and beyond simply to gain footholds over resources so they can usurp the space treaty and win this fucked up MMORTS we are all a part of.

>tfw i forgot about the Easter egg for this search result rush


I hope that's true.
It means human civilization will continue.

The alternative is to stay here being swamped by niggers until the average IQ is too low for civilization to function.

Its easy. Don't be an asshole, pick up the trash you leave after yourself you fat fuck.

Aging hippy, liberal douche pothead says mars is dumb. I, the OP, wish so badly that i could suck his cock, but am unable to do so. I will spread the word of Bill "not a scientist" Mahr in hopes that he will one day he will recognize my worship of him by placing his wrinkly flaccid member on my tongue.

~OP 2017

Earth is horribly overpopulated.

There isn't enough for 7 billion humans and wild life. So we need to move humans off the Earth.

The true rationalpill

Large parts of South America, Australia, Asia, and Africa have no humans living in them at all.

Infact the Amazon rainforest particularly in Brazil's area is so vast that there are still prehistoric stone age savages living in them.

We do tests, just not very long term ones. But we have rough idea as to the tension gravity causes to various organs and are aware of the various side effects of long term zero-G and how those come into play, in addition to having data on its effects on gestation on small mammals, etc. etc.

All of which adds together to tell us, so far as we know, near 40% gravity isn't going to be a real problem for healthy adults, but it maybe for developing children and the elderly.

Granted, we won't know for sure until we have some long term research outpost on Mars - there's always unforeseen consequences, but yes, jello babies and VIIP are meme-tier on Mars.

Albeit, assuming you're going to see a Mars colony in any of our lifetimes is equally meme tier. I'll be impressed if we just land someone on the damned thing.


I never understood this argument... I mean, if all the science in the world was being done by one guy in his basement, it'd make sense - but it's not as if we don't have enough folks to work on both. (It's also not as if NASA is a significant portion of the federal budget these days.)

What's the need for so many people?
I'd rather live comfortable eating beef and wheat with ample space around me than living cramped in commieblocks eating insects like the UN suggests we should do by 2050.

Besides, it's not the Amazon Indians breeding out of control but the fucking niggers in Africa. They already have malnourishment issues. Entire nations in Africa depend on foreign food aid.

These people should NOT be reproducing.

It's fine and good to push the boundaries of science but holy shit we're wreaking havoc on Earth already.

Also your claim is bullshit, Except for a few countries, most of Africa and South America are already as cramped as the USA and much of Asia is as cramped as Europe.

I hate american tv shit, do you burgers have a fetish for clapping?

Holy shit, stop clapping so much

We should never have wanted mars anyway
Saturn is where it's at

Only there can you live in a methane cloud with the gravity of 300 earths.

Or a methane sea with the gravity of the tenth of one.

How do all those methane breathing space faring races in science fiction manage to discover fire anyways?

>A moon full of natural gas
>Of course the Americans would land there first instead of Europa.

we need the Amazon rain forest and the forests of russian and canada to keep the oxygen levels up.

the ocean algae that scrubs CO2 out, is dying off.

they wouldn't

aquatic intelligent life wouldn't discover fire either.

no fire, limited technology development. as they cannot access a power source.

you could argue that if the new world was never discovered/settled the earth would be a better place.

Well, with aquatic life you've always got a chance to evolve and come up on land, especially if there's geological activity resulting in a lot of tide pools with munchies in them.

But it seems of both the sea and the air are full of methane, you're just fucked. Was always curious of some sci-fi ever came up with an excuse for this bullshit - save maybe being "uplifted" by some other space faring species.

There are already types of aquatic life that create plasma and electricity. There's also lava and hydro thermal vents. Any intelligent species can go from there.

You need oxygen to start and maintain a reaction. Which is why you can have fire underwater if you have a proper oxygen source. Which is why stuff like sparklers and thermite burn underwater.

Okay, now try that in methane.

>God! stop trying to improve things unless it's solving unsolvable problems of the human condition!
>Unless we are living in a utopia nothing new can be attempted or invented!
>The fact that new ventures and the innovations needed to make them happen may bring about changes and technologies that may improve the situations I am complaining about in the process is irrelevant!
>We need mo money fo dem programs instead!

Columbus was an idiot who thought you could sail the long way around the world and not die of starvation before you got to the other side. He would have died were it not for his incredible good fortune.

While I disagree in principle, I do agree with him to a certain extent. I want to explore Mars because of the scientific understandings we can learn about the planet and its geological past, and believe we should set up scientific outposts on the planet for that purpose.

At the same time, large-scale colonization of Mars is simply unfeasible and unrealistic. Mars is a cold, dry planet with a thin atmosphere and no magnetic field, we don't even know if humans can survive in such an environment long term outside of large domes that are radiation shielded. We have such little knowledge of Mars and how we would even survive there in the first place. It would require tremendous resources to transport the supplies necessary to survive there.

Look how much trouble we have living in a place like Antarctica. Then compare that to Mars. Only living on Mars is exponentially more difficult than living on mars, not only in terms of logistics, but in the impact on human health.

>tremendous resources
It's peanuts compared to what is already being spent on many other endeavors of questionable value.

the primary idiot dream I'm chasing is that bill maher will shut his dumb fucking mouth

>terraform small parts of mars
>only allow scientists/engineers to immigrate there

what could go wrong?

honestly there should be an autoban for people who say "terraform" or "colonize" in this board

The fact is Mars will never be habitable. It won't ever have a magnetic field, and without that there's not really a long term path to terraforming the planet.

Meanwhile, we're literally terraforming Earth as we speak, altering the climate into something that is going to have massive repercussions in the future of our civilization, as well as to other species on the planet that can't adapt to rapid climate changes. It only makes sense to simply solve the problems on Earth first, and not colonize Mars. Studying Mars should be in the name of science, not in a retarded "preservation of humanity" nonsense. Fuck, it would be easier to colonize the fucking moon, since regardless people are going to be living in a low-g, environmentally sealed dome, and the Moon already has water on it as well, and shelter in the some craters on its surface.

There's far too many problems to deal with on Earth to even think about large scale colonization of Mars. Earth is the only home we have in our solar system, we lose that and there's no point to Mars at all.



>There wouldn't be any fire fighters.
>There wouldn't be any plumbers.
>There wouldn't be any electricians.
>There wouldn't be any farmers.
>There wouldn't be any (insert job necessary for maintaining a daily civilization)

Colonization is not for us meatbags. Our biology makes it too difficult. If Musk is serious about colonization, he should invest ALL of his time and effort and resources in NeuraLink first. Colonization is for AI, whether that AI is "us" or not.

You don't have to choose one, you can do both. We have enough people to do that and then some. Besides that, there's a shitload of people who'd be critical to Mars mission and infrastructure that'd be damn near useless when it comes to environmental efforts, much how an electrician isn't going to be much assistance to a plumber or a chef to a bricklayer.

>Fuck, it would be easier to colonize the fucking moon
No, it wouldn't. Yes, it's closer, but everything that's harsh in the environment of the Martian surface is many tens of times worse on the Lunar surface. Mars is like Hawaii compared to the Moon.

>always knew Bill Maher was anti-science

Bill Mahar thinks science exists only to smash religion and Big Oil.

I've never understood why anyone gets a boner for colonizing Mars when there are 4 perfectly good oceans to colonize.

We are already spending trillions on war. $450 billion to get to mars isn't that bad. Hell, banks receive bigger bailouts.

>serious about anything

>450 Billion
Over 13 years mind ye - that's less than half of what we spend on school lunches, and our school lunches are pretty shit.

>Muh ocean colonies
That helps, but there's still shit that can happen that'd wipe those out, even if they were to become self sustaining.

But yeah, it's good practice, and we can do both. In some ways, it's actually harder, engineering wise.