Hey user

Hey user,

Why aren't you purchasing this special "Army Green" edition of Thermopen where a portion of the profit will go to a veterans charity?

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Freedom aint free. Its about $19.99 plus S&H

I dont need one

Because I already have 4 thermometers.

And shameless charity gimmicks make me less likely to buy something. I'd rather give to the charity directly than deal with someone trying to sell using the 'appeal to my humanity' tactic.

because I don't think all those brown people needed murdered in their homes

Try $105.


the lolipop shaped one is just as good and quite a bit cheaper.

Fuck 'em. They got paid well and didn't even have to pay for their room, board and clothing. Where does it say I have to keep giving to these morons?

ignorance truly must be bliss

Green is my favorite color, but I'm against supporting veterans.

I look forward to the day when everyone who served in Vietnam is long dead, so that we can't be guilted into supporting draftees who went to war against their will.

Fuck supporting redneck fucks who couldn't make it on their own without joining the military; shouldn't get any special benefits when they signed up to kill on their own free will.

Why is your spacing so retarded?


>join army
>get shot
>pls give me money

because I bought one of these and I can literally leave it in the meat the entire time it cooks instead of having to open the oven door and take it out to check it

don't use the regular probe, though. the plastic will melt. buy some bare k-type wire instead and use that

Because user himself is a fucking retarded leftie who doesn't know U.S. history.

>allright! I can help vets since the profits go to help struggling vets
>pay $100.00 for a thermometer that costs $5.00 to manufacture so they'll get at least $90.00
>oops, forgot to read the fine print, it says portion. I just gave the vets $1.00 and $89.00 to the company for admin costs.


>hurrdurr defendan muh country
>is overseas in bumfuck nowhere muddling with other affairs

You couldn't either, your mommy helped you

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where does what say you have to "keep giving" to these morons?

If you actually give a shit about a cause, donate directly or help out yourself if you've got relevant skills.

>supporting shitty parasites on charitable causes

this is why most charaties are a load of bullshit. If you want to help a disabled veteran, go to a local VA hospital or something. Just like if you want to feed homeless, go to a food bank and ask what items they really need. Ive donated a few times and they usually need butter/dairy and baby food.
There are ways you can really help out people that need it without lining the pockets of some corporate "non profit" jews.

Ironically you can be a sixteen year old to enlist and become a retard of the conglomerate

>bum: please help. I'm hungry
>ok there are 20 restaurants on this block, what do you want for dinner, I'll buy you whatever you want
>bum: I have celiac
>ok, no problem lots of hippie joints with gluten free, what's your preference?
>bum: I've got allergies
>ok, what, specifically, are you allergic to
>bum: stares off into space
This is why I don't help

The fact that veterans need charity is hilarious. Good job government!

>he thinks it's an accident
they get fucked over on purpose. it supports the "government can't do anything right" meme, which means military vets are a guaranteed source of voters for rethugnicans. the strategy is
>start a bunch of wars
>gain votes
>slip out the back door when shit starts going bad
>blame the messy followup on the libruls who are "soft on terror"
>come back in power to promise to "save everything"
>discharge all the vets from round 1
>tell them to go fuck themselves because the libruls are why they aren't all rich now like they expected
>rethugnican revolution!

Because I bought a $20 knock off on Amazon

Will get later.

What are you giving? Don't you just sit in your room all day and collect neetbux?