>still no cure to pericoronitis

wtf you talking about, the cure is cutting the excess flap off or extraction

it's cured in my family

literaly no one had that problem

>still no care for balding

dr mike mew has you sorted

>if you aren't mewing, what are you doing?

Is this the one where the gums at the end of the teeth hurt while chewing?

what about minoxidil user? doesn't it work?

omg those teeth are fucking filthy.

Have you tried killing yourself?

you know why scientists dont? because its fucking boring. Its like when people say why study space when we dont know about 99.9999999% of the boring shit in the ocean. Who gives a fuck about it

You take that back about the ocean.

Minodoxil does work in most cases, but only for as long as you continuously use it, and it can be pretty costly, I think. As soon as you stop using it, you can expect all of your newly-grown hair to quickly recede and shed.

Not even the same field.

man those are some dirty ass teeth

Those teeth are fucking atrocious.

I totally forgot about that until this image reminded me. I just chewed it off on both sides of my mouth and it never came back. I've never had to remove my wisdom teeth either and I'm never gotten a cavity.

That pus stuff was kinda nasty but it was annoying so I just got rid of it myself.

it doesnt work
you HAVE to use finasteride and move onto dutasteride if finasteride fails

t. dutasteride user who has nuked his prostate

I'd rather have a hard dick than some extra hair. Can you explain the line of reasoning according to which losing hair is worse than losing virility?

I haven't lost my penis function at all
I only lost the ability to get prostate orgasms
I still get hard and ejaculate

Observing space is easier than observimg the sea floor though.

>worried about losing his hair
>is a fag
Should have guessed desu

enjoy your permanent manboobs