PhD physics student

>PhD physics student
>still depressed

Other urls found in this thread:

>decline bench press
>do it anyway

Physics is probably the most depressing degree.

sadly, physics undergrads think they're cool. they even get laid sometimes.

Unlike mathies, physicsfags come to grad school thinking that they are sexy.

Try the spiritual fulfilling field of philosophy, for example, moral dualism, or the anthropic principle.

Look at the bright side: you probably won't get your PhD

I still think your brain is beautiful. When you don't want it anymore call me at 666-6666 and I will buy it from you for $49.99. Oh also don't drink alcohol, don't want you to kill off your delicious brain cells.

More depressing than something like creative writing or business?

Literally how can you not? You have a PhD.
Just go up to any girl and tell her you have a PhD, tell her some pop-sci mumbo jumbo and enjoy your free pussy which will also increase your endorphins aka. your happy things in your body.

LITERALLY DEAD EASY. You can't fucking make it any easier.

not trying to meme, but if you really are depressed, you should watch this motivational Stefan video. It helped me through a specially hard time.

Isn't the purpose of a PHD program to see how much they can beat you down before you commit suicide?

I called, you didn't pick up. If you're serious about this, it's up to you to call me.


I'm sorry that I call people by the first name.

>studying the subset of math

science is a religion and you just became high priest. Why depressed?

Physics will not make depression go away.

You need to understand that depression lies on a spectrum.

there was a research done on phd students, they have very high depression and other mental problem rate.
This was to be expected.

these two take the cake lmao

Repost from another thread:

What is the point is physics over engineering?

It seems like you just get shit on if you pick physics unless you go into CM/optics/materials which borders with engineering anyway

Phys does the research on material properties
Engr understands the properties and designs systems with it

Is the only reason you'd pick physics instead is because of an autistic obsession with basic research ad infinitum? Cause you still get to do basic research in engineering

Physicists halp

at the PhD level*

Stuff like molecular assembly and materials science / engr

Not dude cars lmao

if you're that depressed, how did you find the motivation to get that far?