Trying to use khanacademy to learn math

>Trying to use khanacademy to learn math
>Everything is going well
>Check out contributors
>Half are shitskins
>A large portion is visibly Jewish or homosexual/feminine-looking(thanks ZOG!)
>Decide to check out some of their twitter profiles
>Click on the "frontend (((developer)))"'s
>Some androgynous, Jew looking freak (whom i can only assume to be born a female but who knows these days really) who retweets Articles promoting transgenderism
>Scroll down
>Unironically writes "FUCK DRUMPF #RESIST" (Now I'm quite critical of Donald J. Trump's statements and particularly his Jewish-ties but that's outside the scope of the current lecture)

>Check out some brown kid contributor's twitter
>He's a somalian
>Keeps begging for money for refugees
>Quickly close tab and turn on some Skrewdriver to cleanse the retardation I've absorbed within 15 seconds

>Click on one final one
>It's a woman (ok.png)
>Go to twitter profile
>"...Trans..."(hmm okay I wonder what that means)
>Look closer on pictures they've uploaded
>Visible Adam's apple
>Square manly jaw with disgusting acne

>Quickly close all tabs
>Clear cookies, history, cache and reinstall browser
>Delete my email registered with khanacademy account
>Reformat pc and go back to watching Varg Vikernes

Other urls found in this thread:

nice blog

>all of these people you are shitting on are smarter than you


Hello jew tranny freak.



>tfw acting out for attention on Veeky Forums

>tfw so redpilled I know what /pol/yps consider "redpilled" is just a bluepill painted red
>tfw /pol/ can't even imagine the secrets I've figured out

What did you expect? No white man needs that sandperson's help becouse all the information is found in the books or is derivable if you aren sub 120 iq. He just basically goes thru the exercises the slow way.

why learn when there is cas cx

/pol/ is nothing but the same right vs left backlash repeated in every phase of history, they have no real knowledge.

I started using instead.

>Be me
>Lurking Veeky Forums in order to read math-related threads
>First thread
>A frogposter brainlet talking about /pol/-tier shit

Says the pedophile

[math]\textbf{Why is this on Veeky Forums?}[/math]

Nice false flag you piece of shit.

>Falls for obvious bait
>Call others idiot
kys, idiot.

Hello tranny

>be me
>be brown
>teach myself algebra,trig and calculus
>take courses
>ace them
>out do white ppl in class
>smile every time that happens because I know pol is wrong
>think to my self "what kind of a poor soul has to use other ppls accomplishments to feel better about themselves?"
>realize that white nationalism is just another attack on free market capitalism
>realize that the jew is behind it
>become more redpilled then pol without even trying

feels good desu senpai

Kek pol btfo

>free market capitalism

Literally a Jewish concept and encouraged by jews.

>He doesn't know that /pol/ is reddit

>out do white ppl in class
Damn, I'm taking courses and teaching myself Math so I can look at all the white ppl's face when they get BTFO by me. Keep up the good work.

>he thinks /pol/ is the originator of everything rightwing

Free market capitalism means that everyone has a chance.

Jew market capitalism means that only the jews truly benefit from the system.

Right now you may think we have "free market capitalism" but let me tell you the story of a small company:

A young person starts a small business so that he can live the american dream. Even if that person has a lot of savings he can use, he still has to put that money somewhere while it is not being used. He puts that money in the local bank. From that local bank he can retrieve money as he needs to feed the machine of his business, while keeping any extra in those high interest rates locked accounts so that after a year he has a bit more to borrow.

Now, will that business fail or succeed? Who knows. But let me tell you who succeeds:

The local bank the man is using. If the small business is succesful then the bank gets even more money inside to invest. If the small business is not succesful then it doesn't matter, the bank has hundreds or thousands of clients that will keep it more than afloat. But internally, what does this bank do? It does two things: It invests and it borrows. Yes, banks borrow from other banks. If it is a small local bank then they will borrow from a bigger regional or national bank. This bank could do well or it could fail, but you know who will always do well regardless?

That bigger national bank. If one tiny bank it supports fails it doesn't matter. This bigger bank has other banks and other companies it draws profit from, plus maybe even personal clients that give in some extra revenue. This national bank has bigger investments and gets into much riskier business. It competes in the global market. They buy and they sell in a game played by multi national banks and corporations. Now, this national bank could do well or it could fail but you know who will do well regardless?



The multi national banks and corporations. Because their business will not die if they do bad in a country. They have many places they draw profit from. And you know who runs multi national corporations?

The jew. The fucking jews. So listen to me here. For every dollar you make, you make a jew a hundred dollars. That is because they rigged the system. Non-jews cannot compete in capitalism without enriching a jew. It is impossible. That way jews will never fail. Because every single business, bank and corporation in the world would have to collapse for the jews to be left without profits. They have their webs everywhere. That is why we have to get rid of the jew. Gas them.

Prussian Socialism is the better option.

Varg Academy is a non-profit educational organization created in 2017 by educator Varg Vikernes with a goal of creating an accessible place for Aryans to be educated. All resources are available to users of the website. The website and its content are provided mainly in English, but are also available in other languages like Swedish, German, Russian, French, and Latin.

Vikernes himself began the program as a way to educate others in subjects such as Calculus, Norse Theology, Alchemy, along with expansions to Pagan Studies, Sacrificial Anatomy, and Humanitarian Cuisine.

Awards for the program include:

Ben Garrison award for best new digital technology.

21st century Pajeet award.

Presidential Medal of Education

French Education Award.


>be water back
>be brown
>Teach himself Greek and German mathematics
>takes courses courtesy of the white man.
>cheat on them
>be a parasite to white ppl in class
>smile everytime I think pol is wrong
>think to my self "what can I do more to ruin this country"
>realize white nationalism is a valid enemy
>join the jew
>choke and die on bluepill

there fixed that for you, now get the fuck outta here before we deport you to reddit fucknugget.

>he actually learns things from khanacademy

how does it feel to be retarded

>now get the fuck outta here before we deport you to reddit
>not knowing that deportation is the process of kicking someone out

Sometimes I feel sorry for the /pol/tards. If we actually carried out eugenics you would be the first people to gas.

What did you mean by this?

No you would be

>am Jew
>mfw reading this thread

You wont be laughing when you're a lampshade big guy

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the intellect of your average /pol/tard.

>No you would be!

Nice job just stating the contradiction. I'm sure that was hard for your pea brain to do. Now go back to

enjoy rationalizing your failures by blaming it all on an imaginary conspiracy out to make you miserable, you bumbling idiot

Go back to hebrew school jewish parasite

נַ נַחְ נַחְמָ נַחְמָן מְאוּמַן
does this trigger you?

Except I haven't and don't do that?

First of all not an argument.

Second, I like how you just can't stand your ego being destroyed. This is the last reply I'll give to you, so reply with all the shitty memes and fits of rage you want. In the future I will sage and report any pol related threads you post on this page.

Of course it's not an argument, I'm responding to your non-claim and non-argument.

pic related is you getting destroyed by me

wtf i hate khanacademy now

>being white
>doesn't understand math from birth
Nice try, Jamal

ummm it's wetback, not water-back.

Stop appropriating my culture, whitey.

this desu

I'm half mestizo and half dutch, and an innate understanding of graph theory popped up around the time my balls dropped

Thanks white genes, even though you're problematic

I think you might actually be autistic (or trolling) dude

That's like 12 year old levels of humor. Do you have friends? Talk to people. Come up with better jokes. Don't let an internet argument get you down.

>All your classmates are social justice warriors

I know that feel bro

This is why it's best to read old, tried-and-true textbooks written by the best people in their field.

Khanacademy and other sites are nice, but you don't need much intelligence to regurgitate information already present in textbooks, and this "nu-education" stuff attracts the undesirables you are talking about.


Who gives a shit about webmonkeys. Most of them are idiots. Read this (and the comments):

tbqh I prefer the company of trannies to actual women and most dudes


>>all of these people you are shitting on are smarter than you
ironically true

OP a racist brainlet

Good read thanks

any content on khanacademy is at best freshman level of anything.

And the "courses" are not actual courses, they're just a list of exercises solved in front of you.


>any content on khanacademy is at best freshman level of anything.
Isn't that good for people who are trying to brush up on their math? If I'm just trying to get the gist of all the subjects and move on to textbooks, wouldn't Khan Academy be good for this approach at learning Math? Never had an interest in Math in School, despite me graduating HS I still didn't understand basic Algebra, sure I memorize the rules, but I didn't understand WHY they worked. Doing Khan Academy has helped be tremendously in getting back to the world of Mathematics and I'm having a lot of fun, I'm actually enjoying Mathematics! Sure it's beginner level, but It's easy to understand for people like me who wants to give Math a second shot!

>tfw to redpilled for /pol/

Schoolyourself is better imo. Way more interactive ,it's just a ton better.

Yeah but
>muh aryan race

Friend you are mistaken, /pol/ IS reddit!

I'll check that out then. Thanks for the rec.

Yeah dude I switched and it's great for math. I like it a lot more. The "lessons" are way shorter and broken down more with loads of exercises

I never like Khanacademy I don't know why it's shilled so much.

All the video lectures are poor compared to MIT ocw.

>be brown
>have to be exceptional to BTFO whitey
Really made me think, lad.

The sociology of science, user.

The retards made the former science, so fuck tranny nigger Jews ruining science.

it's where it should stay


only numales crave benefits from anything

I'd rather be white than smart

You are blind as to why they do this...


I always thought human trash would have been exterminated by 2017. But the last 3 years have proven me wrong. To abolish all redneck nazis, androcentric saudis/putins and other retarded /pol/ scum from earth is not that easy.

Enjoy being the real minority in the future. I hope you'll experience all the things you demand for today's oppressed people.

Veeky Forums is dead, btw


>Enjoy being the real minority in the future.
They are the real minority.

>real minority
The future is right wing, they have regained massive strength in the last year.

The left is basically dead, the democrats in the US have torn themselves apart between neo-liberalism and "socialism", just like labour has become basically irrelevant in the UK.

Face it. The left lost.

I like the hitler stache

>Face it. The left lost.
That's what they thought about right after WWII.

It's a pendulum because it swings back from the rightmost and leftmost positions back into the other. It's not a hill where it's done as soon as you slide down the slope.

8/10 I keked

Most people who study the medical field or life sciences in general tend to be more "racist" due to the fact that they actually know that biological disparity is true.

There are numerous sub-species of animals, yet all humans are considered equal despite the different environments we've evolved in? Hell even one of the founders of DNA: James Watson said something similar along these lines.

Jesus, kill yourself retard.

Correction: Co-discoverers, typed in haste didn't proofread fully.

Fuck off to pol. This is sci not pol.

sage this thread.

Hi /pol/, don't you have better things to do in life?

Fuck off this board with your 16 IQ please .

Science and learning is about understanding and absorbing the informations, not checking others racial background.
If he's teaching you, it simply means you're inferior to him.

So even sci finally swallowed the pol? What a pity I always kind of felt good old sci could resist its appeal because of all the iq and homework threads but I guess all of that meant nothing.

That's dumb. You're dumb.


Crawl back to your subhuman containment board.

They're just raiding


But don't worry, these retards know shit about anything scientific / and / don't have any degree, so they will go away in minutes



source: your anus

Force me.

Why so ass blasted my fellow nigger lover?

>Science and learning is about understanding and absorbing the informations, not checking others racial background.
That quote is very anti-science.

How would you react if you saw a huge turd on your table?

Who is this nog?

Stop shitting up this board you overemotional piece of shit.
