What is the biggest meme degree out there?

What is the biggest meme degree out there?

Other urls found in this thread:

engr.iupui.edu/departments/ece/undergrad/bsce/_documents/CE Elective Courses rev02222016.pdf


Why? I mean, I don't study it, but I have tried it and it requires mathematical thinking + memorizing syntax.


this is correct and makes me feel bad.

Business, psychology and.... Physics, since they end up begging to be code monkeys anyway.


I personally only know a few CS students and one grad.

One student who went to a shit school and is a complete neckbeard WHO SWEARS he knows physics/chemistry/my field (biochem). This person is also socially inept and wears a leather trench coat, I shit you not. He's looking for a job currently with a FUCKING ASSOCIATE'S DEGREE in CompSci. This is the same dude that eats nothing but fucking hot pockets and other shitty junk food while trying to discuss physics like an autist.

The graduate works at a small company making 30$+ an hr designing webpages. He said he works for a grand total of 3-4hrs while fucking around for the other 4-5 hrs. He really only uses java too and is also socially inept. (still lives with parents)

Seriously I haven't met a single compsci major that was even remotely smart or hard working. The majority are lazy ass neckbeards who SWEAR they are programmers.

someday dependently typed languages will take over, and all those faggots will be forced to learn type theory and constructive mathematics. hopefully before the end of the solar system.

I saw one school offered a degree in sexuality studies. Those degrees always confuse me, what jobs could you possibly get with something like that? Same with womens studies, why does the college offer those?

>Physics, since they end up begging to be code monkeys anyway.

fucking this

Objectively, it's sociology. Humanities & arts degrees in general, really. If someone's genuinely interested in studying these things, they're better off doing it on their own for a few years on the Web and through experience rather than spending four years bleeding money to learn how a bunch of other people did it.

Hell, if more mentors had the skill set of 3Blue1Brown, a whole first year of a STEM major could be taught up to competent levels over the Internet. I majored in mechanical engineering, but I know more than I have any right to about international energy security, computer programming, armed combat through history, astronomy, political judgment, mass marketing, and evolutionary biology, in part because I have this little device in my pocket that shares the wealth of human knowledge with me whenever I happen to ponder upon a question.

There's no meme degree more meme than a degree that can actually be taught entirely through memes.

Some places just want you to have a degree, any degree.

Also, film is a meme degree. I live in Vancouver and all my friends with film degrees can't find work in the industry. But then I have friends that went and did PA work right out of highschool. Some of them are even directing tv shows and such.

Forgot to add

My film major friends are too proud to start as PAs and work their way up. For whatever reason they feel like they should be 3rd ADs or some shit with no experience.

>tfw physics major in 4th semester and all people I see end up coding some shitty simulations

Kill me please

I majored and was in computer science for two semesters. My experience was true to what is said. I actually am that person that barely graduated high school and played/plays videogames all day but I eventually went back to upgrade. I do some reading as a hobby though. I didn't meet everyone in CS but I did not like anyone I met in CS. I felt like the people were really fucking immature. Anyways I plan on transferring into engineering.

Do Materials Engineering

I was planning on doing whichever one I am most interested in...

Sociology is trash, but for majors that aren't womens studies tier garbage, something more like Cybersecurity is a meme degree. CS kinda is, but the real problem with CS is that its overpopulated. Any college (or university) that offers Cybersecurity is doing it for the money to sucker kids in

Hopefully, what CS should have been (computer engineering) still exists and requires a decent knowledge of mathematics (I wish I could add electronics to that though). I currently am in a CE school where half of us came from CPGE (44 hour/week hard working autistic maths+physics class) and the rest from college or polytechnics. Basically everyone who isn't a CPGE survivor needed tutoring at some point.

on a CS course rn and i hate it for all these reasons. computer engineering only seems to exist at brainlet schools in the uk though, is there a separate term for it here?

Actuarial Studies.

This is a loaded question because you're implying a certain degree of standardization across schools. While it's true that many CS or biology programs set the bar a bit low when it comes to math requirements, the programs at the most elite schools are very rigorous, and an undergrad at such a program will probably be smarter than an undergrad in physics or engineering from some cow college.

lol my degree course for comp sci didnt even require the equiv to senior high school level maths (idk im not from us of gay), kids were complaining about basic set theory


Biology by far

nothing even comes close, you either use it to apply to grad school/med school or...teach.

Education is a meme. Just work your ass off for decades until you have the bare minimum to retire, having lived a mediocre life.

>what jobs could you possibly get with something like that

Chief Diversity Executive
Dean of LGBTTQQ2SAA+ Affairs

Pays 6 figures.

Well then you went to a shit school.

Nah, CS is just shit.

pic related: cheat code

Gender studies. No question.

I was going to get a minor in CS with a major in business, but now I realize that's a flop what should I do?

Stop posting dumb shit

>major in business

Don't, just get a MBA when you're ready to move up into management.


Do aerospace engineering, then.

quantum aquacultural technologist

Why can't it be both? I really doubt that a school that's Ivy or Oxbridge tier would not even require high school math as a core requirement for a CS degree.

I fell for the CS meme and am going in to it this fall. Would switching to Computer Engineering save me or am I screwed? I just want to learn it all from the beginning.

Post the curricula

>Helium helps rid society of those who cannot hack it at life

Talk about a noble gas :^D

Does the same apply for people at top CS universities?
Let's say for example MIT, Caltech, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, Cornell, Oxbridge, ETH, etc I think you get the idea.

>being chickenshit enough to replace a proper engineered drop hanging with a CRAP mask

It's the BS curriculum


Doesn't even require a full Algorithm or TOC class but a halfassed hybrid, what a piece of shit.

geez what kind of jpeg compression even is that

So would computer engineering do me any good, or is my full-ride relatively damning?

You guys are mean, I'm excited to start my CS degree this summer.

Anything computer related is highly employable these days, if that's your concern. Don't worry about what the autists here say.

>this is what /g/fag actually believe

You're not going to be able to copy and paste from stack overflow and spend the rest of the day masturbating forever. Employers are becoming wise to your scam.

CS major here, can confirm this is 100% accurate. I couldn't cut it in a real major and I'm baffled at how other people are struggling to pas the classes I'm taking.

>I'm baffled at how other people are struggling to pas the classes I'm taking
le ebin impostor syndrome meme

>computer engineering
more like software engineering

It's better
engr.iupui.edu/departments/ece/undergrad/bsce/_documents/CE Elective Courses rev02222016.pdf

>Physics, since they end up begging to be code monkeys anyway
True. But it's not that hard to avoid this fate if you know what you're doing. Learn quantum mechanics on your own time asap. Liboff, Griffiths, Shankar, Sakurai are what I recommend. Go to the high energy people(maybe condensed matter too I dunno) in your department and tell them you want to do research and they'll teach you the qft you need. Once you know qft your horizons will expand in every direction both in physics and math.

ITT: Math Majors butthurt that they jerk off in their mother's basements while CS majors get payed to jerk off at work.

I obviously mean someone minimally competent. If you are a lazy fuck you deserve to be the failure you are. Compared with the effort needed to get a decent income in other fields, computer-related degrees have one of the highest payoffs.

Is robotics a meme degree?

Well no, if you had the drive to get into those schools you would have the drive to not be a lazy ass.

Those talented in the computer science field are autodidacts.
I have a friend who is incredibly talented in the computer science field, taught himself from middle school. He spent a semester at a well-respected university and dropped out because he didn't want to re-learn everything from the ground up. A month later he's making $70k a year at 18 working as a pen tester.


CS isn't that bad, but its on par with getting a degree in german or japanese. its some shit you double major in while getting a real degree in something else like engineering, math, or physics.


Undeclared Arts.

nature in nature vs nurture in relation to understanding, learning, and intelligence


>implying math majors can't get CS jobs easier than CS majors

top kek


most arts & humanities. its not because of some inherent flaw of those disciplines but rather how fucking shite the current teachers are. all are ahistorical cunts obsessed in applying marxist phallic theory to your latest reddit tier tv show. it wasnt always that way, though

social """""""""sciences""""""""", in general too.

3B1B is definitely one of the better YouTube channels out there but watching his videos is simply not the same as learning in a class. He very deliberately lacks the real rigor in learning the formal definitions and going through the exercise problems that one would have to do to really learn a topic. Videos tend to be good supplements, but no real replacements for going through textbooks and solving problems.

This Women and Gender Studies

Can confirm. went to school for archaeology. Had to "learn" what androcentrism was and explore the hidden themes behind why Gilgamesh had a penis.

This is extremely odd advice, as it assumes you want to stay in academia and coding awaits you mostly outside of it. So that's like saying "if you want to stay in academia, work hard"

I don't think you should do physics if you're not going into academia.
>if you want to stay in academia, work hard
It's more than that. You have to work harder than other physics majors, That's why you need to get to qft and do research asap. This isn't common knowledge due to how few people are at that level.

I'd say pure physics. they only jerk off yet wouldn't be able to design an FM radio

on bachelor level?
Yes, as it's a interdisciplinary field. and you need sufficient "mathematical maturity"

Doing CompEng right now, but it is paired with our EE program. Taking most EE classes but also having to take CS stuff.

Am I doomed to be a code monkey? or do I have hope because off EE shit

Show me the bio majors that aren't planning on grad school

I'm in the same boat. I'm hoping that by taking hardware related electives and applying to hardware jobs I can get out of code-monkeydom.

I currently do it with Adv. Maths in Uni (this should tell you what Uni I'm in if you are within my area). It's just that the prospects are so low, and you're so unlikely to receive an actual Actuarial job, yet there are hundreds (and increasing with each year) of people that enrol into it. Most people aren't that good at it, but they're attracted to it due to its "difficulty", prestige and potential income. I, myself didn't know what to do before high-school, but chose that because, well, admittedly, I also liked prestige, and liked Maths so I chose that as well. Looking back, it's not worth it, and I'm even considering changing that part of my degree. Do you do Actuarial?