In order to post ITT you must have read at LEAST one (1) book

In order to post ITT you must have read at LEAST one (1) book.

does YA count?

This year i've only read Metaphysics, The Republic, The Ramayana, and The Mediocre Man. Currently re reading Don Quijote.

It's been a lazy year

Is Veeky Forums a book?

YA it does


Can you read it

I just like the frog pictures

I read Harry Potter in its entirety. I consider myself pretty well-read.

Ill allow it

Do Archie Comics count?

>one (1)

what did he mean by this?


One squared


What if I have read one (MILLION) books?

I've listened to the Discography of Dylan. First editions only. 34 times.

I read all of Animirophs except book 37


I want to read the ellimist and hork-bajir books again

So good

And how! gee whiz, check your numbers there jughead!

heuy man nice trhread