Which books do you have on your bookshelf that you have yet to read?

Which books do you have on your bookshelf that you have yet to read?

None of your business


The iliad
Brothers K
War and peace
Tried to finish 1984 but couldnt orwell is inexcusably bad
Obviously not gonna finish the complete works of plato any time in the forseeable future (especially when i realized just how many of Socrate's words with his pythagorean bullshit)

*were tainted with, fuck this phone and my hands

The book of disquiet (Fernando Pessoa)
An unquiet mind (Kay Redfield Jamison)
Look who's back (Timur Vermes)
Stoner (John Williams)

And soon will join:

The stranger (Albert Camus)
Siddhartha (Hermann Hesse)
The night on the galactic railroad (Kenji Miyazawa)

I have no idea why I even bought 'Look who's back'.

About 180 books out of 200

That drop of water on his nose is so annoying. I just want to touch it.

Quite a few but The Road has been sitting completely unread on my shelf for the longest.

I'd already seen the film when I was first given it. While I enjoyed the film, it wasn't the kind of experience I was hungry to revisit.

I'm reading it right now. It's depressing yet gives you hope, a weird combination for sure.

moby dicc, brothers k, black rednecks and white liberals

Quite a few tomes and quite a few shit books i purchased ages ago

All of them, who actually reads on Veeky Forums? I only keep them around since they make me look smart

>I only keep them around since they make me look smart
>implying you actually manage to get girls over to your place, in the first place

All of them

>implying i'm trying to attract girls

Brothers K
Moby Dick
Complete Edgar Allen Poe

This is an interesting image, because it can be interpreted in at least two opposing ways. First of all, it is unclear what the man in foreground is browsing on his computer. It might be something lowbrow, or intellectual. Or it might simply be porn that he's queueing up.

Is the larger shadow-figure intended as a mockery of the computer user, suggesting how he might better use his time in a previous century, an idealized life, with better posture to match? This is quite possible since the image's composition strongly suggests the "evolution/de-evolution" meme-images which have been often repeated to suggest intellectual/social decline, with which almost all readers of this post are inevitably familiar. This would seem to be the conventional interpretation, exactly because the figure in the foreground is so slovenly, to the point of making many an internet browser suddenly self-conscious.

On the other hand, the image can of course be interpreted in just the opposite way: the man in the foreground is in fact reading Kant on his computer, and is deep in thought — so deep in thought, and so absorbed in genuine intellectual activity, that he has allowed his appearance to fall by the wayside. Yet his intellectual activity is real and sincere, and so the larger shadow figure, the composition of which might also suggest the real mental activity of the figure in the foreground, is the man's real mental state at this time. Seen this way, the image again holds the "shadow-figure" as the ideal, yet both positively ascribes that aspect to the man in the foreground, and furthermore makes the point that appearances (the real appearance of the slovenly man in the foreground) can be deceiving, and that they ought not to be trusted.

do you have autism

Infinite Jest
Narcissus and Goldmund
The Moviegoer

And a good deal of philosophy and history I won't bother mentioning.

All of them tbqh

I like this post because despite having scads of unread books I can say I've read the first two memes cover-to-cover and feel better about myself


let's see.


uh huh


No, I think it's supposed to be a couple of friends enjoy each other's company. One prefers to browse the web while the other prefers to read philosophy, but they don't let this difference get in the way of their friendship.

Enough to fill a year and a half of reading. The problem is my lack of reading discipline, fucked up internal clock and spending to much on new acquisitions.

No, you're just trolling

Evola's Metaphysics of Sex. :(

he's right, the dubs prove it

Epic of Gilgamesh
King Arthur
Dune (started but not really in the mood for it)
The Complete Cthulu Mythos
Breakfast of Champions
The Arms of Krupp
The Count of Monte Cristo
Don Quixote
a few short Russian novels

And that's just what's on the shelf. Accelerated Reader ruined me until college so I've got a lot to catch up on.

>infinite jest
>like 10000000 manga books
>the mist walker series

thats about it.