What were the hottest, spiciest, sweat-inducing, taste-bud annihilating wings you ever tried?

what were the hottest, spiciest, sweat-inducing, taste-bud annihilating wings you ever tried?

those wings where it was so hot you were just sitting there chewing with your mouth open like a retard while snot leaked from your nose.

Hot cheetos make me cry

>Attention Whore, The Thread

please kill yourself faggot

I can't even handle bell peppers.

If you've never seen the show Hot Ones on youtube, go check it out

I have the entire lineup of sauces and my buddy interviewed me just like the show

Blair's Mega Death Sauce (with liquid rage) is like 550k scoville and it ruined my asshole

def got that retard feeling you're talking about

anything hotter than 25k scoville starts to rekt me

I ate a jalapeno once
t. White person

Ate an habanero once. I'm an Arizona fag so I'm pretty familiar with spicy shit.

It tasted pretty good the first 3 seconds and after that was just pure blistering hell for 10 minutes.

Never again.

I've never had this experience with food. A couple of times in chilli eating vontests maybe, but not in a food product.

Habs are God's peppers, perfect blend of flavour and spiciness.

I had a banana pepper and peed myself

I had some very spici dorits last weekend

I only eat bell peppers, pepperoncini, chilies and ghost pepper.

I don't like the lesser varieties, like jalapeño, the rest of that list tastes bad.

i've never had a hard time with wings. i can't find a place that makes them hot enough to where i actually regret getting them. habaneros are like jalapenos, and jalapenos are like bell peppers to me now.

t. guy with a jar of reaper paste sitting in his fridge. will my asshole ever recover?

the hot ones brand sauce is terrible.

talk at me about hot ones sauce senpai

it looks vinegary like it's made for wings. why not good?

Wasn't wings but I ate a Carolina Reaper in math class on a dare.


Bdubs' ghost pepper wings made me give up. I was a mess. I couldn't finish them and had to take them home where I'd eat one wing every hour or so accompanied by a swig of cold milk.

Why is it always wings though?

Also Bhut Jolokia was the spiciest I tried.
Not very fun.

I ate 5 whole jalapeño peppers and almost threw up. Was red for hours.

The Carolina reaper is the hottest pepper now, I believe clocking in at 2.5 million.

But scoville units are pretty arbitrary anyway sunce they rely on taste tests.

Habaneros are god tier in fresh hot sauce. Such a nice fruity flavor and perfect amount of heat.

I snorted a line of ground cinnamon during an archaeological dig once, does that count

Not a wing but I had a quarter of an orange habanero. I couldn't speak and my temples were thumping and I felt like punching the person (who by the way can't even handle Sriracha) who was mocking me while I drank all of the milk in the house.

Never again

My buddy dared me to put a few drops of ghost pepper sauce on my toung. And i was drooling sweating and crying for like 10 minutes

I once tried to eat a bell pepper. As soon as I took the first bite my mouth was on fire. I started screaming and to sooth my tongue I bit down on a bar of soap since pepper is acid and it neutralize to form watter (I'm chem major so STFU). That did not work so I put bleach in moth and swish but that was k since I didn't swallow (haha mom joke here). It neitrakize pepper. Since then I not eat any more soicy food I just eat my Jewish food plain, also after this incident I can. Not taste very well everything taste like geveltefish.

About once a month I get the hottest wings from a local place. Pic related, on the left. I can only handle 5 or maybe 10 of them, but they have a challenge where you have to eat 25 of them. Might give it a shot one day as long as they don't make a spectacle out of me.

I don't know what peppers are in the sauce, but the reason I like them is because they actually have a good flavor instead of just astringent, unpleasant heat. I'm not really a hotfag and typically don't seek out super spicy foods/sauces. But these wings keep me coming back

Ive eaten a Carolina Reaper before, and that shit after a minute makes you feel like you swallowed an on-fire bee hive made of razor blades. Its like that the whole time it digest.
Cant imagine having to repeatedly bite wings with that heat, though.