What's your favorite function?

What's your favorite function?
Mine is the Gamma function.

1 -> 2

[math] f(x) [\math] is my favorite function.

Functions are lame.

I'm glad this does happen to other people too...


Yeah, I bet you fucking hipsters
I liked that function back when it was still f(n) = n!

you know that an implicit function is still a function, right?


[math] x \mapsto \dfrac {1} {1+x^2} [/math]

digamma mofos

The error function.

Inb4 eng fag

involutes are nice

I like this group of similar functions. It has a nice relation to Φ and φ

W lambert function


\cos x + i \sin x


its clearly not though

I like this one too, not sure what my favorite is though

if you want you can also post operators that you like, I just want to make a friendly thread

The zero map. The most important function in math.

there's one value for every input (x,y)

How to learn calculus fast? for the end of the month, just functions and derivatives

but it destroys information!

information is gay

>I bet
there is no wagering at Veeky Forums, Grandpa

what? that doesn't even make any sense. what is the value of (0,0) for example?


This is a function f: R2 -> B
Get fucked

if you have to specify additional rules to make the mapping clear, then it wasn't well defined in the first place.


dirac delta