
Are there any scientifically proven ways to calm yourself down from a panic attack? I am having a heavy one right now, nothing feels real senpai.

>Brain fog

It's like being poked by demons in the dark, Anons.

Lay down and hug a pillow, user. No joke.


Great, now I am having deja vu's too. I can't believe I am having this reaction to green tea, my brain is fucked senpai

i usually just jerk off in a corner of my room

Running somewhere else.

Pet some animals

Does that happen to you often when you take something that has a stimulant? Sometimes if i drink too much caffeine I get brain fog bad and I tried taking modafinil for a while but it gave me brain fog every single time when it started to wear off

Depends on the stimulant, Dexamphetamine usually calms me down. Modafinil makes me feel disassociated with reality if I take a dosage about 100mg, but otherwise it works pretty well for motivation. I am not sure what's going on, yesterday I was feeling great after taking green tea + bacopa monneri +curcumin and fish oil, almost manic.
5 hours later I was walking around my room completely convinced I was inside a lucid dream and nothing was real, I was seeing hyper realistic images in my mind, it was so hard to keep calm and not start running directionless while screaming. I managed to go to sleep after hours of rolling in my bed, but the feeling still lingers today. I just don't know anymore senpai, I cannot function in life with this retarded emotional stability, I am either in the dumps with zero motivation, manic or in the redline to insanity.


Damn, the anxiety went away and I feel incredibly relaxed and focused. I should use this to work on my projects.

What helped the anxiety go away?


Get down on your knees.


It's doesn't matter to who or what.


Eat food.

breath in a paper bag. it's legitimate. also pop xannies

I played a fast EDM song hoping it would give me a seizure, but all that happened was that my anxiety went away. I still feel foggy and agitated, very little patience but I am at least being productive now.

This shit is getting worse, I took some Diazepan to calm down and now my already bad working memory is abysmal.

go home achmet

Slow deliberate breaths.
In 2 3 4...out 2 3 4

Used to get them after coffee. Physical activity is invaluable.

Breathe with your stomach, not your chest. Sounds weird but it allows your diaphragm to take in more air. Make sure to release that air, however. Don't just keep trying to take breaths.