Do people actually enjoy eating mussels? The texture is absolutely horrendous and they're fucking dirty as hell...

Do people actually enjoy eating mussels? The texture is absolutely horrendous and they're fucking dirty as hell, sand everywhere. Why do people eat this shit?

No I've just been pretending. You caught me

me too user, you've caught us, I have to stop eating them now

can u describe what u like about them?

Better than oysters and they're hot when served.

Dangit, OP is on to us now. What terrible food should we pretend to enjoy next? Artichokes? They're so spiky and hard to take apart, why do people eat that shit?

If you get sand, then it was ill-prepared and had no chance of winning you over. It is possible to remove that shit.

what do u like about mussels?

They taste good, you fucking sperg

I don't like them that much but maybe I just never had any good ones

mmm those muscles are thicc

mussels are delicious

Only when they are reddish/orange like in your pic, OP. Otherwise I pass on them.

I used to go snorkeling for them when I was a kid and then light a fire and cook them on the coals, they were delicious.
When I eat them now I get a bit nostalgic and remember the good times before I lost my innocence and had my soul crushed by a 30 year mortgage and a dead end job.

Why do seafood complaint threads always have some faggot complaining about sand in shellfish as if they don't know how to purge? Is soaking them in clean water really that fucking difficult?

I really like them, but only as like an appetizer or a snack. Whenever I see people having mussels they're always having like 600 at once when I'd really only want like 6.

Clearly you're not white.

I really enjoy them a lot in flavor and all that. The problem I have is of course with consumption.

1. Taste good
2. High nutrition
3. Lean
4. Very cheap (And Im in flyover)

1. Pain in the fucking ass to eat, never clean
2. High sodium
3. Smell bad for those who hate seafood
4. Taste bad (Not to me, but retards cite this. Honestly I think its a texture reality thing. Like oysters. People cant get over what they are and despite good taste or smell refuse them.)

Garlic, butter, leek & white wine, serve with toasted ciabatta with garlic & butter rubbed into it

My fuckin lawd

I would eat them raw if it wasnt riskier than other shellfish.
Mussels are delicious and versitile you probably overcooked them and failed to de-beard them.

>grilled with cheese on top
>grilled by itself
>stewed with ginger and garlic

what kind of cheese? never tried that.

They are cheap and delicious and are best served with blue cheese sauce or a white wine sauce.

Disclaimer: If you dont like blue cheese you're a massive faggot so should be eating cock instead anyway.

>blue cheese and mussels

What the fuck.

You haven't lived.

I've eaten this one time, and it was delicious. It was some sort of chilli/garlic sauce, very good actually. Can't remember any sand.
But I agree; I can understand the texture being a problem for some people.

Likely overcooked
Improperly prepared. Sand in your mussels is a great indicator that the cooks wherever you're at don't know what they're doing, or don't care.

Mussels steamed with fennel, chilies, garlic, and white wine/pernod are goat.

How's being 13 doing ya, OP?

Babby's first treck from chicken tenders. It's mostly reddit tho.