
shoo shoo gains goblin

You know, when you make it a race thing you just make people want to find a way to shit on her accomplishments.

>She adds: "I want to (finish the course) in two years. Then I'm going to do my PhD in financial maths when I'm 13. I want to have my own bank by the time I'm 15 because I like numbers and I like people and banking is a great way to help people."

Why niggers have this urge to steal?

I hope that I receive my honorary PhD when I, too, learn to utilize the quadratic formula.

You can't blame her for that, whites started the whole "getting rich, pitying the poor and pretending to be a humanitarian by giving to charity while leaving economic inequality untouched". Although it IS her fault that even though she's intelligent, she can't see through this facade. In which case she might change in the future. Either that, or she just intentially pretends to be a humanitarian to benefit through the system, perhaps because she is very smart.

I haven't clicked the article but if they are seriously insinuating that shes a genius for applying the quadratic formula then perhaps the US institutions need another good kicking from Trump in 2020.

I'm actually impressed, what do you think her percentile is among Africans?

it's just gonna be another jacob barnett meme kid

I think that's how it works.

You get a PhD, and then they hand you the keys to a bank.

so a kid can use quadratic formula...what's your point

This is basically a homeschooling success story. Just goes to show what an absolute waste of time k-12 is (or whatever the UK equivalent is).

sad false flag thread by a /pol/ faggot.

gradeschool is way slow paced and intellectually insulting. literal daycare. it's good and entirely plausible for someone to be able to grasp this sort of shit at a young age, good on her parents for raising a bright daughter

Ok, niggers can apply the quadratic formula now.

Sorry, what's wrong with economic inequality?

Shit, they're evolving.


The equation is divisible by 3, which she did on her head.

The Lord said that everyone should receive the same amount of money no matter how much or how hard they worked. See the parable of the workers in the vineyard.

how do you jump from quadratic equations to phd in 3 fucking years? stupid niggers.

>Its a retard thinks one smart person means everyone is smart episode

To the average black male in Africa that girl is nothing but a walking RAPE ME sign.

>her brother is 6 and taking a-levels this year
what the fuck
is it autism? it doesn't sound like it... did they just do it right?

Jesus was using a metaphor to describe how he will reward people in the next life, not how we should pay people here.

Nonetheless, if we are meant to emulate him, then we should be rewarding people equally here

We all know she isn't actually that smart and is being propped up to be a media darling, as always

>muh black girl who got into all ivies!! (with scores that wouldn't even make it into one if she was a white or asian man)

This. They realize nobody visits their board so they have to spread their cancer elsewhere. Then they come to Veeky Forums and realize they don't understand anything here so they feel bad. So they post this to make themselves feel better. At the end of the day, /pol/ will always be the most stupid board.

not him so idk what he meant, but you cant solve for x in 9x^2+15x-6 anyway because it's an expression

>sour grapes the post

Reminder that while you're bitching on Veeky Forums the kid is going to the college of her choice.

You're pathetic dude. Don't take your frustration against your own failures onto children.

Not sure what you mean. /pol/ is one of the highest traffic boards on the site. And Veeky Forums is one of the least.

And if all /pol/ has to do to spread their cancer is post cnn articles than I have bad news for the world.

It takes years of training to have a solid background in science. It takes 10 minutes to shit post on /pol/. Hence the traffic difference.

Literally just regurgitating formulas without understanding anything.

/pol/ is investing too much in Trump. Policy wise he's basically doing what Obama and Bush did but now the far right has committed to him.
I few hours ago a /pol/tard on r9k tried to use a study on X/A ratios(determines gender by comparing X chromosomes to autosomal) to say blacks were a different genus. Not only did he not know what X/A ratio is, the study basically said that white men were more likely to die without reproducing because their X/A ratio is lower. Literally called them hopeless virgins and they didn't know it.

You seem to be the angrier ones. Mad that someone isn't biting on your stupid puff pieces? I'll go ahead and wait for a black person to actually accomplish something tangible in science/math/whatever rather than getting pseudo-acclaim for completing school work

Does it bother anyone else that she denotes multiply with x when x is already a variable?

I bet CNN did this after barnette failed to do simple trig substitution on the Glenn Beck show

>train a monkey to apply the quadratic formula
>math genius
Nice try. I've already seen three dolphins do the same thing.