Continuously developed for past 15,000 years

>continuously developed for past 15,000 years
>can help blind people move
>can search and rescue people
>can hunt
>can detect bombs
>can detect drugs
>can give therapy
>can herd livestock

Name a better invention than dogs.

Pro-tip: You can't.


>Name a better invention than dogs.

The internet.



Democracy is as fallible as people themselves because people inevitably vote for dumb shit.
Also as good as it is bad.

Agriculture. You'd probably be dead without it

Dogs can't do any of that without time consuming training.

Humans didn't invent things growing, they just organized it better.

Humans literally invented dogs. Wolves will fucking kill you.

They require years of training to do all of these things. 0/10 would not buy.

>probably not even really domesticated
>doesn't give a shit about you
>vomits on the floor for no apparent reason
>sits on your face in the morning to wake you up/attempt to kill you
>scratches up furniture
>excretes pure evil
>kills for pleasure

Uh, you may have a point.

They're just like us desu

cats are epic for the win and pwn the shit out of dogs.


You misleading muthafucka. Nice webm though

Veeky Forums - Random

>cheap source of protein in asia


those sorts of dogs aren't like friend doggos. they are notably dumber and for eating.

Golden's only take @ a year, if you know what you're doing.
So, for most people here, decades.

Keep telling yourself that.

amazing the absolutely retarded nonsense that people can rationalize...

Organizing it better is an invention

I thought it was bad to eat the meat of animals that ate meat...?

You most likely eat a lot of animals that have eaten meat/animal products, user.

>we didn't invent agriculture, just agriculture
What did he mean by this?


how is that possible

humans didn't invent wolf dna, they just organized it better

Doggo, still more useful than the common negro.

We didn't invent dogs, they domesticated themselves.

They actually are. That breed is particularly hostile, stupid, bad around children, etc.

Do chinese people look healthy to you?

Dogs are quite strong. They don't do shit like that without training, because without a guy catching tgem they would break their legs.

>Doggo, still more useful than the common human.

the shit that you tell yourself to justify eating some animals
go vegetarian