/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General

"not even I know if these charts are the originals" / "loli protagonists for 2k17" -edition


Science Fiction

Last thread: Any /sffg/ new years resolutions?
books on the horizon this year?
writing goals?

my resolution is to submit more of my shorter shit to various magazines etc
as for reading, not sure. Ian M Banks?



She's cute.

Give me books with young female protags OR books with lots of young flirty girls around the male protag.

> This trilogy details the emergence of Anasûrimbor Kellhus, a brilliant monastic warrior, as he takes control of a holy war and the hearts and minds of its leaders. Kellhus exhibits incredible powers of prediction and persuasion, which are derived from deep knowledge of rationality, cognitive biases, and causality, as discovered by the Dûnyain, a secret monastic sect. As Kellhus goes from military leader to divine prophet, Drusas Achamian, the sorcerer who mentored Kellhus, comes to realize that his student may well be the harbinger of the Second Apocalypse.

so it's Dune without the spaceships

I'll shill this. Under-rated non-culture.

kek there's more
>Cnaiür urs Skiötha
>Nersei Proyas
>Krijates Xinemus

I hope Baka provides a pronounciation guide

He does.

It's dune's and lotr's ripoff and kellhus is the most blatant self insert character I've ever come across.
That said, I still enjoyed reading it. It's just perfectly dark and comfy for me.

>I hope Baka provides a pronounciation guide
Why do you fags care about pronunciations? Just read how you see it in you mind. It's not like you're reading something worthwhile which you will be discussing in public. lmao

>"Green areolas surrounded the many nipples of the great lakers"

I can't fucking write this can I

I'm dying

the last book truly was a slog of slogs


That book was top tier right until the end. It could not have been more underwhelming. I wouldve preferred an ambiguous and poetic ending more like Blame! than the little bow it ties itself off with.

If I hate The Hunger Games for being childiish without character development will I also hate Red Rising or does it have good characterisation and less YA-feel?

The face of a man that grasped the absolute!

And no, it's not a dune 'ripoff' ... dune was good but it aged like shit

Nope, it's a YA book through and through and the characters are cringy.

Just finished reading this. Why is it so acclaimed? I didn't think it anything special.

will I enjoy this book if I'm a fag and hate women?

you can imagine any MC as a flirty girl if you want, you can even pay an artist to ilustrate it.

I want to read something that is really exciting. A page turner so to say.

What have you got for me /sffg/?

Red Rising. Not even joking

"All men are not created equal," he declares. Tall, imperious an eagle of a man. "The weak have deceived you. They would say the meek should inherit the Earth. That the strong should nurture the gentle. This is the Noble Lie of Demokracy. The cancer that poisoned mankind."

The first page. Sorry but how exactly are you supposed to read this without facepalming every few seconds?

sounds pretty alt-right, that's really hot right now.


Best news of the year.

I'm assuming this represents the villainous element.

>To be a Helldiver, they say your fingers must flicker fast as tongues of fire. Mine flicker faster.


I know pseuds ITT are always talking about how the series is redpilled or whatever

This entire fucking book is The Hunger Games: Nothing Personnel Kid *teleports behind you*.

Whoever recommended this shit, fucking kill yourself.

Neo /sffg/
>Little girl protagonist
>Where can I get more books like Warhammer/Star Wars/This retarded vidyagame that I love
>Retarded anime series like Witcher Series/Sanderson/Weeks
>Whatever normalfag flavour of the month is popular like Red Rising
>ebin book reference in my vidya xDD
>where do I download books
>Cancerous metaposting - Hugo shit, Vox Day shit, Goodreads screencaps
I'd be surprised if you faggots have a single good taste left in your fucking body.

Here is a fantasy book that does not suck. Happy New Year /sffg/.

Add onto that list "people using the phrase >neo /sffg/

the fandom has been filled with autist and people with poor taste forever, even those who read stuff with some historical value get shit on all the time by others with different tastes.
I mean, Dune is used as an example of a great scifi book and besides being PoliSci101 it's a pretty bad book, the prose corresponds to manuals the editors published besides it...

Setting way outside the norm for fantasy, edgy without aping GURM, alabaster is cool for a fag, loli protag for a third.

I prefer The Algebraist.
The plot was predictable at the end but the aliens' life style is pretty shill.

Against a Dark Background is by far the beat non-culture Banks book.

what's on the oldfag /sffg/ list?

>muh lazy guns

been ages, might actually re-read this.

Gene Wolfe

I've been here since the beginning and they've literally always been like that

I seem to recall something like 'and it was a feersum endjinn indeed.' Not the best.

>The man in the dinner plate scowled as the little girl played with her broccoli.

The feersum endjinn was some device that would move earth farther away from the sun. It came up on literally the last page. The book had been so great up to that point I actually laughed out loud.

Does Veeky Forums know of any fantasy/sci-fi books having to do with horses? Particularly sexual romance with horses, male or female? I'm just curious to see what's out there. I know Brightly Burning and Aprentice Adept, but I'm short on unicorn/horse stories. :( Not sure if this is the correct thread.

Yea he really did pack a lot into that one.

The horse and his boy?

>reading her facial expressions and body movements, plate man had predicted every bite the little girl would make.

I got the feels when Koringhus killed himself

It's Dune combined with LotR and rape.

>kellhus is the most blatant self insert character I've ever come across.

Man I didn't even realize.
>tall Norsirai with flaxen hair, scholar of philosophy etc.

>someone defended Rothfuss on the other chan

I can't believe 4cuck is less reddit than the other chan.

Books that have zero-g sex?

Red Rising characters are fine. Darrow especially changes a lot through the series, you can watch his motivation shifting even when he's not aware of it. A lot of my series highlights are characters moments. Darrow keeps trusting people he shouldn't and not trusting people he should, it's a great dynamic.

>he didn't stand up and cheer when Darrow stormed Olympus
What a pansy.

>I had to teach this to 13 year olds during my education practicum
>I still don't know what their teacher was thinking
Did you pop a chubby while reading?

Read it the ya feel is only the finger in the air whistling shit. After that I was addicted.

PUSH through that finger in the air shit. Don't be that first page then drop user.

>Goodreads screencaps
Shit... I was gonna post my year in books

>being this new
>pretending he is old


I bet you dropped it near the starting, and now you are pretending as if you can judge the entire book on those hunger games snippets.

I know nothing about Veeky Forums culture but these are my favorite sci fi and fantasy novels. How pleb are my tastes?

>pic related is sci fi

And fantasy

any good? started reading some and it seems like a good premise, plus there's 2 more books.

what are some good sites like tor.com that have interesting short stories? I need something to read while I wait for new books to come out

Pretty mainstream and entry level taste. If these are the best you've read then it suggests you never waded very far into either genre.

Did anyone see the show "Magicians"? I read the book a while ago and it was.. well it was alright. A bit inconsistent with the magic stuff but in the end not all that bad. Had one of the best sex scenes though.
Saw the show appear on Netflix, anyone think it's worth a watch?

I disliked this book all the way through but then it had a great last sentence. Now I don't know what to make of it.

Anyone care to argue for it or against?

Posting on the right board this time

/sffg/ are these ideas stupid enough to be funny?

>character is a master thief. He has no magical abilities, but is just insanely good at stealing. it escalates to the point where he pickpockets someone's stomach to steal an artifact they swallowed without them noticing and then later pickpockets a speedster's completely uninjured leg in the middle of a battle to steal their femur, causing them to collapse when they try to run at the speed of light

>the difference between witches and normal people is that witches have things in their cells called mitochloroplasts, which use lunar photosynthesis to fuel their magic, which is why their rituals involve dancing around naked at the full moon. The photosynthetic pigment turns the witch's skin an ugly green shade

Any other good books about unapologetically selfish rogues like Jack Vance's Cugel?

Just embrace you inner pleb and listen to the audiobooks.

I disliked it too much to finish it.

Well, I liked it a fair bit - it's one of those where the plot is kind of loose and meandering, and the characters aren't particularly deep, but you encounter enough weird people, places and creatures along the way to make it worthwhile. In particular he's got a great eye for the monstrous, with Mr. Motley and the slake moths being well creepy. What did you find bad about it?

I don't even like Bakker all that much, but Annaassascrimshaw is NOT a mary sue. He's supposed to be a creepy alien sociopath autist, very convincingly playing as a human


I watched the first season and I'm awaiting if "what does the fox" do is greenlite or not in the second.

It helped pass time.

What are some good places to read fantasy short stories?

First sounds like locke lamora learns medicine (if you read thw books you would get the meaning)

Second sounds like star wars meets all the other witch books I read(kim harrison, the book of life trilogy etc)

I didn't like that new world elements were introduced "just in time" to use them. It was quite a rich world and it would have been nice to seem him put the pieces on the board before playing them out. Or to make their unveiling deepen the experience with each. But it was just here's one thing, here's another.

I loved how The City and The City spooled out its secrets and was dismayed to find it done so poorly here. It was like he was just pulling random bits out of an old trunk.

>if I spam the same question more than once they might ban me faster

the second one WAS supposed to be a parody of midichlorians and witch stereotypes

I was surprised at how cute that scene was in the book, it worked quite well and I think it might be hard to translate into a visual medium since the book describes a lot how they feel in these moments, how it's different from their usual selfs and all that. And of course: animals in tv. So it's likely gonna be terrible CG foxes? I don't know man. But I just read that the show mashes the first and second book together a bit so I guess I'm gonna read the second one first then.

Oh and also Imagined the characters quite a bit different.. in my head the girl was more of a mix between Misaki Nakahara from welcome to the NHK and Hermione from HP with a bit of more forwardness mixed in for good measure. From the trailer it looks a bit like, everyone's a super edgy millenial (for lack of a better term), but not in a "what people from that time are really like" but more in a "this is what old people think millenials are like" They seemed more like parodies of themselves than actual characters.

As someone who is a pleb that only started reading books recently, what would you guys recommend? I've read most of Lovecrafts stuff and the last thing I read was Childhood's End. Is there anything like that?

I tried looking at stuff in the OP and it all sounds so generic, I want something with an interesting premise.

Oh.. you talking about the arctic fox tests... that happen in the show already... i was talking about a different fox...
Also the person who plays alice is walking sex. Jesus fucking christ. There is no way a nerdy girl like her would have been a virgin in the books if she looked liked the tv version.

What interests you? Are you a filthy degenerate? Do you like philosophysing? Does tech get your blood pumping? Does the military? Does politics? Did you never grow out your wizarding stage?

Pick something in the pic and run with it.

>I remember reading about 'memes' - the notion that belief systems evolve and reproduce like organisms - in Douglas Hofstadter's Metamagical Themas, and coming up with the idea of a 'meme-master' - what would become the character of Kellhus. The story slowly grew from there.

now that 2016 is over, who do you think were the best debuttante authors in sci fi?

The Expanse

Literally /ourguy/

this picture was the still on a youtube video with a really great slow-paced electronic song, and the image gradually scrolled up.
anyone know what it was?

>it's real

Theyre hairless elves who act like dwarves

remove consult remove consult

That last sentence is a masterwork.

It's like he wrote a good book and distilled all of the goodness out of the whole and concentrated it into the last sentence.

The entire first book book is Hunger Game shit and the third book is the science fiction cliche where the psycho faggot Jackal is threatening to blow up a planet with nuclear warheads and the Mary Sue hero successfully disarms it.

I have never read a book that was so irrefutably garbage.

>he missed the actual themes of political rejuvenation and the cyclic nature of mankind's history

>"cyclic nature of mankind's history"
>he thinks empires rising and collapsing is "cyclic"
Pseud detected. I bet you've got a folder with frog images and Rene Guenon PDFs you millenial faggot lmao.

>this user put more thought into his post than the author put into the book
Really makes you think about the book's ruined potential.

what is the last sentence again?

Has anyone read this series?

But it was a dream all along.

"And then suddenly . . . ah, but that story is saved for another night."