Why is he so underappreciated by the general population?

Why is he so underappreciated by the general population?
Even if I google the name 'Maxwell', i get only some stupid rapper as result.

Because the story of the apple falling on Newton plays better than Maxwell getting shocked by static electricity when he reached for a door handle.

not a jew so he is ignored by the (((approved))) narrative.
read more about einstein instead

Newton was also not a jew and everybody knows him.

His discoveries are not easy for brainlets to grasp. Normies remember Newton as that guy who discovered that things fall, and Einstein as that guy who made E=MC^2 (which is like, the smartypants equation, if you know it you look smart xP)on a blackboard, was also really smart and had crazy hair. Maxvell did some arcane sciency stuff they don't understand and looked like any old professor dude so whatever.

I think most people today know about RGB and that light is an electromagnetic wave
Its far more inuitive than the theory of relativity, at least

Newton was well-known before Jews held complete hegemony. It's harder to cover up people who have been in the popular consciousness for centuries. Why do you think they haven't gotten rid of Aristotle yet?

newton is the guy who has been superseded by the real genius scientist (((einstein))).
thanks for proving my point shlomo

What about Darwin?
Or Stephen Hawkings?

>most people know
I see you don't get out much. The average normie's brain shuts down the second yo mention anything vaguely physical or mathematical.

I mostly interact with fellow students from my university, and while they are certanly aware of electromagnetic waves, i believe most of them never heard of Maxwell

Probably has at least a little bit to do with this.

so you think if a non-jew would have discovered the theory of relativity all by himself people would be like "eh, whatever"?

Didn't say anything of the sort. Do you think if a jew had discovered electromagnetic waves people would be like "eh, whatever"? Think again.

Do you think if a jew had discovered a vaccaine to polio people would be like "eh, whatever"?
Do you think if a jew had discovered the solution to one of the most important open questions in topology, people would be like "eh, whatever?"

Jesus christ, /pol/ fags have infected every fucking thread on Veeky Forums

Actually a Jew, Salk, discovered the first vaccine for Polio and another one, Sabin, discovered another one which is easier to use (you don't need an injection) so it's the most common worldwide.

>fellow students at university
Not a good measure of the general population. Imagine being as retarded as the average student, except even dumber.

it is a well known fact that the average person is as smart as a the average student. maybe you only hang out with doofus but they don't represent the average person. the average guy is actually quite clever.

Are you absolutely sure?

t. Nigger

Ben Franklin's kite is a popular image. I guess some scientists just have better PR.

Maxwell was not a very philanthropic guy and his equations are pretty popular in science. I think they're just too complicated for general populace.

covering up for jewish trickery again shlomo, i see

I think that was his point. The topology problem solution is from a jew too (Perelman).

BTFO. So much for muh IQ, white boy.

Throwing a hissy fit over that pol thread again or what?

>Why is he so underappreciated by the general population?

Why nobody remembers his elegant solution to the problem of what are the Saturn Rings?
"Let's assume they are a solid ring. The equations say this is unstable. Ok, let's assume they are solid but not exactly a ring but something more general. The equations say this only can be stabilized with a moon heavier than the rings. Ok, let's assume they are a fluid Equations say the fluid cannot retain this shape. Ok, then the only option is to be separated pieces."

what the average person may lack in iq compared to students they make up for in being informed and experience.
remember most students waste their free time watching trash tv programs and very dumb sitcoms like big bang theory whereas average people keep informed with the news and what's going on in the world and are well read

Darwin is being renounced all across the world for being a white supremacist
Mostly pity and he appeals to some leftist biases

Ignore them. They'll go away. They'll throw a tantrum but after a while they'll feel bad about their stupidity and go back to their safe space.

Big part of it

Because unlike F = m*a or E = m*c^2, Maxwell's equations require more math knowledge than understanding what implicit multiplication is.

>old professor dude
>died at 48

>so you think if a non-jew would have discovered the theory of relativity all by himself people would be like "eh, whatever"?
Are you under the impression that Einstein "discovered the theory of relativity all by himself"?

It was essentially already there before his paper. He basically just wrapped it up nicely, put a bow on it, and published without citations. He no more invented relativity alone than he invented QM alone.

If Einstein had never lived, science would have run its same course without him. He lived in an era of physicists rushing to be the first to pick low-hanging fruit.

Reminder: it was actually Heaviside who gave us "Maxwell's equations" as we know them today, organizing an unmanageable twenty equations into an elegant four, using vector calculus.

Heaviside is that rare example of a monstrous genius whose achievements could not possibly be rooted in stealing credit, because he was self-taught and worked in isolation, rather than being a social academic who listened to others' unpublished ideas, got advice from friends and mentors, and occupied a position of academic power.

they are honorary jews, they are doing their bidding by denying Christ

i was having the same conversation in another thread probably with the same pop-sci einsteinfag who thinks he discovered all of physics by himself

>average people keep informed with the news and what's going on in the world and are well read
You don't socialize much do you?

Either you don't understand special relativity or you don't understand what was known about it before Einstein's paper.

wow compelling argument

its pretty cool how I see his work reflected in so many different classes
Continuum Mechanics

the man did it all