Are entertainment people not allowed to write serious memoirs? Why do all of them look like such garbage?

Are entertainment people not allowed to write serious memoirs? Why do all of them look like such garbage?

You'd think, considering these are adults, they'd say something along the lines of, "No, in fact I'd rather not have my personal account of life called 'Booky Wook,' or 'Bossypants,' or 'So, Anyway...' with a giant shot of my quirky face on the cover"

because most of them are entertainment people

>My Booky Wook

What did he mean by this?

Related: What would you call your memoir?

All they care about is money and attention. Everything else in their life is subordinate to that.

Why should they care when it's all ghostwritten anyways?

Norm MacDonald and Craig Ferguson wrote some decent stuff; Brand is just an idiot in general.

You have to realise that these people never really sat down and thought about how to make a quality piece of writing. They aren't writers, they don't care about it. It's just cheap marketing guff to further their own career.

Picaro. Love the ring. Labyrinths sounds good, too.

Scar Tissue isn't abhorrently bad.

My Booky Wooky

King of Memes: an anthology

Because "childish and retarded" is part of Brands persona

>mfw americans call flip n' fold booky wooks "books"

Probably just "A Life"

>Are entertainment people

Do you really consider Brand to be an entertainer...?

>buying a book written by a celebrity
>being this fucking retarded

Just kill yourself. The world is better off without you.

Of course he is. Just because you don't find him entertaining doesn't mean he isn't an entertainer

This. Shit goes in, shit comes out

Min min kamp

my diary desu

100 years of solitude

The Life and Opinions of Me, Gentlemen —'One of the greatest pieces of literature I've ever read'—New York Times: A Memoir

"Documenting a Failure".

K e k

Infinite Chest: a workout regimen

Try Wide Eyed in Babylon if you're looking for an enjoyable autobio from Ray Milland.

Show me your pecs brah

Norm MacDonald liked Brand's, and that's good enough for me.

My Twisted World

Send for the Shitlord: My Diary Desu

A Life in Memes

this tbdesu

"My diary tbpo"

the only good answer

When I Die The World Will Not Even Shudder

Who Needs Love When I Have Autism

Right out the gate. Simplest answer for these simple threads.
The man's a comedian, and a comedian of a certain sort. The Stephan Fry books may come off as more classy, but that's the sort of comedian he is.

In a world without capitalism, perhaps we'd see less of these sorts of books. I think we would.

>In a world without capitalism, perhaps we'd see less of these sorts of books. I think we would

And what would be your solution/system to ensure such literature is not produced?
Perhaps a tankie style system?

People would be free to write whatever. But would Brand have been interested in writing one if we lived in this anarchic world? Wouldn't he more likely focus on his comedy?

The freedom this anarchic world would afford us all would also allow scads more time to contemplate, to read, to research. Better literature would probably come from it. Poor lit would probably continue too, but less people would be swayed to read them by the nonexistent advertising departments.

As for literature it may develop but as for the evonomy to back this Morean wet dream how would such poets support themselves to continue their work in this stateless society without financial incentive?

People would support other people. Wealth would be measured in each other. So little work (due to the loss of financial sector, marketing, military jobs, and the automation boom) for so many hands, just means less work. So an entertainer would stroll to some kind of service job at a local restaurant for a four hour shift he does once a week. Most people want something to do. Society wouldn't just collapse. It would flourish like never before.

>People would support other
Very Morean but unrealistic. You would have to rely on a mass scale of human benevolence and a large amount of people to be educated in such ways. I doubt that for example the American people to be able to make such a systwm work.

>Wealth would be measured in each other
How so?

Have you read utopia or are you familiar with the ideas of human benevolence overpowering human nature?

Are you familiar with the anarchist soceity of Makhnovshyna and its becoming of a stratocracy?

>So an entertainer would stroll to some kind of service job at a local restaurant for a four hour shift he does once a week

Would other employees work more?
How could a restaurant manage to stay open from 9-6 6 days a week with employees only working one 4 hour shift a week?

4 waiters
2 cooks
1 owner/manager

7 employees minimum trying to run a restaurant and this dude thinks he can only work 4 hours once a week?

How did I fucking wrote something if I'm so lazy?


Learning to live with failure

It would also be a pop up book

The people who exist today wouldn't, in whole anyway, be able to do what I briefly describe, true. Capitalism is like a freshly cut wound, first we stop the slicing, then let it scab over and heal. In time the scar would heal. Stages.
>How so?
It was once so. It could be again. I'm making my way through various anarchist thinkers. Most my ideas are just gleaned from here or there and grew in my head.

How many people are in the community? Some would want to work more than others, workaholics. They'd go from one job to another. Or work their own land, or tinker at some inventions, or pull long shifts at the sewage treatment plant. That's just the nature of some people. Complete leches would make themselves known, and they'd be treated accordingly from one place to another. A violent criminal may find himself bound and gagged and taken out to the woods, or beaten to death by the crowd. Such is the nature of freedom.

> The people who exist today wouldn't, in whole anyway, be able to do what I briefly describe

Then how would your system work? How would the popoulace be exposed to it and put it into action if they somehow all came together and miraculously chose your ideology over the infinite others.

>How many people are in the community?
My city has a population of around 125,000.
Majority are highly uneducated, unemployed, unskilled blacks with middle class hispanics and whites supporting them.

>Or work their own land
How they they aquirre, keep, and maintain this land if not in use? Who would be able to enforce the will of the land owner.

>tinker at some inventions
What company just wants a random dude occasionally tinkering at a invention wjen they could hire a skilled, experianced and educated individual who could make a career out of working at that invention

>pull long shifts at the sewage treatment plant.
Wouldn't that require schooling, time, training, and more dedication then just occasionally working? If I were to hire a dude to come check out my water heater I would hire the dude who has the schooling, experiance and career based dedication over the dude who does it for a few months and goes off to find another job

>That's just the nature of some people.
Some. Not all.

>Complete leches would make themselves known, and they'd be treated accordingly from one place to another.

Guess that means majority of my city is being treated. I highly doubt that the few non blacks in my city could make this work considering they would be in constant contact with the violent, disorderly black areas.
If they are being treated then wouldn't that mean that there is a group of people who would hold authority over the people to root out the leeches in this society? That sounds similar to the function of a governing body.

>A violent criminal may find himself bound and gagged and taken out to the woods, or beaten to death by the crowd.

So justice is administered by the individual or by a few vigilantes? If it is administered by a set group of people then they would form a governing body. That would mean that there is a government in olace to administer punishment.

Such is the nature of freedom

In the words of Rivera "Man must be free, but freedom does not exist except within order."

I kek'd

>Why do all of them look like such garbage?

These are the type of covers that the typical reader of these "memoirs" gravitate toward.

>Then how would your system work?
Step by step. Be realistic. Our ancestors kept chattel slavery
>Land owner
There's no owners really. Just people living/using it.
>What company
I was trying describe a freelance inventor of some unspecific field. Companies that need his random ideas would take or leave what he give.
>Wouldn't that require schooling,
Duh. And the senior staff teaches the junior, more or less like now.

Poverty and desperate behavior comes from class based capitalism. The wound, in all our communities, would take a long time to heal.
>So justice is administered by the individual or by a few vigilantes
Whatever. All depends on the area and the stages, that is, the temperament of the people
>That would mean that there is a government in...
If a place wants a council of elected officials for a trial or some seasonal decisions, that's there business. Other places could act more freely if they could manage it.
>"Man must be free, but freedom does not exist except within order."
Nonsense. Freedom is a wild and dangerous animal. We learn to ride it, we become stronger for it.

(Must sleep now)

>considering these are adults

> Step by step
Please explain the steps. From strasserists to mahknovists to tankies there is always discussions about steps and a social rebirth that never happens

> There's no owners really
Then how is land administered or given? How are land rights given? If there is no government/governing who can assign or distribute the land with authority backing up the assignment and distribution?

> Poverty and desperate behavior comes from class based capitalism
My city flourished under capitalism. Once the state and it's influence began it's creeping into the lives of people and the falling apart of the communities began. Whites fled in large amounts and took with them jobs and skills. Under capitalism the races got along and both blacks and whites worked side by side. Now my city is full of gangs, rape, and corruption.

> Freedom is a wild and dangerous animal. We learn to ride it, we become stronger for it.
Instead of saying that could you actually debunk my statement?

Your ideology matches that of Hythlodaeus from Utopia. But one thing you should realize is that the book that matches your ideology is nonsense and satire. Even the author acknowledged it is too good to be true. It is full of jabs at itself.

"Before the end" is the best possible title for a memoir. Also, this book is fantastic. Check it out.

Der Getalgente

Rotwelsch for 'the hanged man'.

Say Stupid Shit

My Booky Wook 2: A Memoir of Scat, Ponies, and Furries


Books or Videogames

>gagged and taken out to the woods
>such is the nature of freedom

This is why I hate politics. It's applied philosophy and it's the most messy, contorted form of thought that seems to spring out of our best intentions. Only it always seems to mishear.

Memoirs in general are a very trashy "nonfiction" genre. For the most part they're just meant to sell on someone's celebrity status (not necessarily the purported author's) or their "tell-all" confessional quality. The content itself is rarely given that much thought other than some general points, what kind of tone it should take for the intended audience, and some events it should cover. They're basically mass-produced crankjobs.

Also this Very few celebrity/tv personality memoirs are written by the people they're "from".


1. We're in unprecedented times of inter-connectivity and staring into environmental collapse. Just because you perceive that nothing has ever changed doesn't make it so.
2. Spooks. Property is what you can have, what you're using.
3. While your city flourished, others were exploited. Wage slavery in the "western world" and outsourcing of the "third world", not to forget the wars fought for the fossil fuels your city uses. Capitalism caused the "white flight" IE the middle-class flight
4. Systems, cultural norms change, mostly organically but occasionally its directed. I do not describe "utopia" anymore than I believe in perfect altruism. I hope for what is possible, however unlikely. You are so damned sure it's impossible that you make it so. This sort of mindset has brought us to the brink of our species demise. In the end your kinds poisoned minds and poisonous words will probably win the contest so that we all lose.

A community has the right to defend itself from some deviant.


And how are they to know it's a deviant? And where does this right come from? What's to stop the community itself from becoming devianted?

i bet no one here has actually read this book

for the record, yes he is a wanker, but the book is not bad

have you read Norm's?

> We're in unprecedented times of inter-connectivity and staring into environmental collapse. Just because you perceive that nothing has ever changed doesn't make it so.

TELL ME THE FUCKING STEPS. At what point would your system kick in? How would you except a large uneducated populace to adopt this system?

>Spooks. Property is what you can have, what you're using.

You didn't answer my questions

>not to forget the wars fought for the fossil fuels your city uses
And please tell me what those wars were?
Also considering the make up of my area there would be even more wars under your system.

> Capitalism caused the "white flight" IE the middle-class flight

And how did it do that

>I hope for what is possible, however unlikely.
Because it is unlikely. It's all based on human benevolence

>You are so damned sure it's impossible that you make it so.

Because it would not work in any city near me. In fact unless my community was able to form a volunteer milita to combat the ghetto gangs and actually find a way to redistribute my city would collapse into violence.
I understand a lot of what you're saying and I know of places where it could work but I do not see it working in my area

>This sort of mindset has brought us to the brink of our species demise

Our species is at the highest population in history

I understand a lot of what you are saying and I agree with some of it.
I know of towns where such a soceity could work but I don't see your ideology eorking in my area

Just so you know I'm not a capitalist. I detest the individualistic hunger for wealth it creates and the way large companies abuse human rights. I am a quasi Strasserist. I would bighly recommend you look into strasserism and if you want to look more into anarcho-socialism I would recomend anything by chompsky and the works of Peter Kropotkin

My Longwinded Suicide Note:
An overly literary summation of some faggot's bathetic life.

A life of underachievement in a frozen shithole