Is it time to admit God exists?

Is it time to admit God exists?

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yes i exist
what's you problem

Only autists butthurt over being dragged to church don't.

Who not? Ever heard of the cosmological constant? You think it just happens to cancel out to 120 digit precision? Sounds like a retarded stance to take.

>Define a constant x to be defined as z - y
Wow! (z - y) - x approaches 0 as x becomes more precise!

Is it time to admit which god exists?

>the expansion of the universe is accelerating, which implies that the cosmological constant... must be slightly nonzero
>[The cosmological constant was measured to be slightly nonzero]
>Numerous "solutions" have been proposed for the cosmological constant paradox
>cosmological constant paradox

How exactly is this a paradox? A lot of hard physics is invoked here so it's possible I'm missing something, but I don't really get that sense.

> The paradox derives from the fact that when one calculates, based on known principles of quantum mechanics, the "zero-point mass density'" or the "vacuum energy density" of the universe, focusing for the time being on the electromagnetic force, one obtains the incredible result that empty space "weighs" 1093 grams per cc. Since the actual average mass density of the universe is 10-28 grams per cc [Susskind2005, pg. 70-78], this prediction is roughly 120 orders of magnitude greater than the measured value.
The paradox is that when we calculate what the CC should be based on the model of quantum physics we know for a fact work, we get a result so much larger than the actual value that something is fucky. But Quantum Physics are rock solid in every other way, every single empirical result lines up exactly with what the model predicts. So QP is almost 100% reliable except for this one result where it's 120 figures off the actual value for some reason.

The second part is that the actual value of the CC is ridiculously precise. It cancels out to 120 digit accuracy, which is absolutely fucking absurd. That's like picking the powerball if the powerball had you picking 120 numbers from a set of over a quintillion. The main point is if the constant was slightly more positive or negative then the universe either would've collapsed back in on itself in it's formative stages, or accelerated so rapidly that galaxies would've never formed and atoms would be torn apart. But it just happens to be in the sweet spot where all that good stuff can be made like galaxies, stars and planets. And that sweet spot is a number precise to 120 significant figures. There's no explainable reason for the CC to be that exact value. The only 'explanation' we have so far is that if it wasn't that way then we wouldn't be here to observe it. But that's a piss poor explanation


God exists

>time to admit God exists?
No, I know for a fact that God does not exist.

Anthropic Principle anons, observers will only exist in a universe capable of producing observers.

We could go in circles all day baby

We're discovering the unmoved mover, and he is randomness. It's actually right in the article.

>god cant spell or capitalize
why am i not surprised

That explains nothing though. You can't just handwave away the fact there was a 99.99999999999999999999999% chance of a universe being created where life can't exist because "Oh well if it wasn't that way we wouldn't be here to know lol". The fact that we exist when statistically we should not is a big deal and needs to be addressed properly, not by sweeping the issue under the rug by autistically insisting that "It just happened that way, stop asking questions ok!"

I know for a fact that you are incorrect.

everything exists exactly as it must exist.

The probability of the universe having been in a state that has come to pass is 1

Well its your choice to belive, god gives you hope for afterlife. But we cannot really prove with hard evidence that he does indeed exist. We know for a fact that everything is as it is, so if there is no god we are stilll here if tehre is god we are also still here, he might have started the big bang. It would explain what was before the bigbang, and how everything got to be.
>Just my opinion tho


>Win Powerball 10 weeks in a row
>Someone expresses incredulity that something so improbable can occur without something being fucky
>"lol relax man, it happened so it has a probability of 1"

>But it just happens to be in the sweet spot

Of course it does - that's why we're here talking about it. If our universe is one of an infinite number of universes, of course we'd hit this sweet spot eventually.

You're like water being amazed that it fits so perfectly into a puddle - as if the puddle was created perfectly just for the water.

None of what you're describing implies the existence of god.