I ordered some mexican weeb food

What do you guys think Autist or not?

I ate sushi in Mexico once and got the worst poisoning I have ever had.

for starters, it's not "weeb" if it's japanese, it's "weeb" if it's a white person worshipping japanese things.

those prices are insane... where was this?

I mean it'd make sense if in the Midwest Takoyaki would be expensive...but shit, man.

Dont worry bro its mexico its pesos not dollars...

1 dollar = almost 20 pesos. It is actually pretty cheap

Ohh haha ... it actually is a weeb place, should have taken pictures of the restaurant


Ok, I want to try takoyaki someday, but there is no fucking way forty bucks is going to foreign street food.

I've found some decent takoyaki but idk why it would cost 40 bucks D:, in that restaurant it costs :p like 3 bucks atm

so you had rice with a side of rice?
americans cant even handle breathing the air in other countries, not our fault you are so health obsessed that your toilet paper comes with anti biotics

I be American. and being under a slight influence of Friday and alcohol, i thought those were US dollars

>Americans are so slow they're still in Friday
Get with the times

you don't have to be white to be a weeb you idiot - you think mexicans can't be weebs?

Avocado, cream cheese, and tuna onigiri sounds strangely good.

I want to know why the FUCK cream cheese is called "philadelphia". I mean, queso de crema. Wouldn't that be "cream cheese"?

>you don't have to be white to be a weeb
Yes you do, you fucking moron.

But i thought Europeans wiped out the native Americans and spics with their diseases??

Actually, no.
A shit ton of mexicans and blacks are weebs.

Educate yourself, idiot.

Weeaboo = wapanese

It is factually impossible to be a weeaboo without being white. Just like you can't be a wigger without being white.


Wapanese is short for Wannabe Japanese

>your toilet paper comes with anti biotics
I literally never heard of that

>I read a thing on Know Your Meme once, I am an expert on this topic!

If you were actually on Veeky Forums at the time, you'd know that moot only wordfiltered wapanese to a nonsense word because he was making a point: wapanese was overused to the point of meaninglessness
It's only gotten worse since

Mexico was colonized by whites, same as the EEUU

it's all weeb shit unless you're Japanese

Why the fuck would any sane person want to be Japanese? Or be a weeb? The Japanese are the worst race on this planet, they eat whales for fucks sake

There's nothing wrong with eating whale in and of itself, and the only reason they're so adamant about it is because they're butthurt over all the other restrictions imposed upon them since the war.

Shut up weeb

pretty sure it was an exaggeration genius

>it's totally because your immune system is weak, not because us subhumans handle food with our shit covered hands !

Literally indian tier rebuttal.

nigga u dumb

Do you actually know where the word weeaboo comes from? Do you really believe it's a portmanteau of "white" and some other word? Holy shit are you new/dumb.