Lost a bet over the winter, getting a science-related ass tattoo this weekend while I'm on vacation

Lost a bet over the winter, getting a science-related ass tattoo this weekend while I'm on vacation.

Trips decides what I get. Don't stir me wrong Veeky Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


Plank constant


every digit of Pi

Or maybe this, to get the most ink for your money


Nuts, of the deez variety


Why would you permanently put an image on your body over some silly bet? You know it'll only be funny for the first 5 minutes right? Your friends will laugh it off and then move on with their lives while you have a tattoo on your ass of whatever image an anonymous stranger on a japenese lewd toy enthusiasts forum has decided.


>lewd toy enthusiasts forum
But j-list just left us

[eqn]0.999... \neq 1[/eqn]


This so much. Don't fucking do it you idiot.

get a tattoo of an as on your ass

alternately, a bottom on your bottom

how about you kill yourself?
OP asked a simple question so how about you answer it instead of being jealous he has friends unlike you

What is wrong with your original image.... it has the most important 5 mathematical constants showing their interrelation.

e^iπ = -1 is the superior formula because it includes the concept of negative numbers

[math]\pi ^{\phi i 0 e \tau \hbar} = 1[/math]

Standard model Lagrangian best equation

Forgot to reply, there we go

>is the superior formula

Zero is the MOST important constant in mathematics

WTF is this! there is a ZERO as a multiplicative in your exponent

Quadratic formula

If you want something science-related, the gender unicorn would be good.

it just looks like a standart polynomial with lots of constants
in contrast bessels or gamma function type equations are, while much more compact, are hell of a lot more hard to solve in more dimensions

But this correct equation it has a lot of important constants. Could have also added the speed of light, c, but didn't think of it just then.

>Not knowing about tensors
This is the most compact form we have right now of the standard model Lagrangian, and that's after using Einstein summation convention

Lmao if I was OP I'd do this

What the fuck.

This is just as scientific as a name tag.

don't do it you stupid fucking faggot

I know it's a little weird at first. I thought it was strange when my son brought something like this home from elementary school, but I really realized how backwards and bigoted my reaction was when I took a gender studies science course at my local community college.

Turns out the gender spectrum is very real and it being introduced is quite progressive actually, and to challenge it at this point is pretty unscientific. I had a bigoted reaction at first like you did, but when you look at the facts it will all make sense!

>mfw gets trips, choose equation, no one cares

So just tattoo "L" on my ass?

3,3-dimethylpentane molecule

A really fancy "L" maybe with a subscript for standard model, hell pic works too.


the full chemical name for Titin

OP has to now.

the HNMR of a swastika of course

>having "friends" who try to talk you into tattooing shit on your ass for their own amusement


Something in Latin like
Noli turbare circulos meos

this tweet



Thank you so much for this post! I had no idea how wrong I was for judging people based on their gender identities. After reading your post, I now understand that you hold more evidence and a deeper understanding of gender than I. I hereby relinquish my right to disagree.


Is this real?

but if you do this you're retarded friends wouldn't get you to do this.

This including the text.
Spread God's truth to the world.

[math] p^{2} + 2pq + q^{2} = 1 [/math]
the pinnicle of biological mathematics

t. biofag

Used that to suggest a guy was adopted once.


for it to hold true you need nigh-impossible conditions brah




Damn trips congrats, guess it's gonna be 1+1=3 OP

If it's on your ass why would you care anyways? The only people who will see it would be anybody who sees you naked.

this is probably the only model of gender i would accept

Am I correct if I say the quadruplet on the left represents the 12 protons on the ends of the molecule and the triplet on the right represents the other 8 on the bends of the "arms"?
Assuming it's 3,3-diethylpentane.


fuck no I meant the other way around

But user, looking at the Earth away from it, it does look like a circle made by a compass on a face. When you change your azimuthal position in space, it also looks like a circle made by a compass upon a face. It's not increasing because it's not in an environment around the Sun with material for it to accumulate (thank God, because then we'd be dead). It is bounded because:
1) as a sphere, it has a fixed (enough) radius and its volume includes everything from r=0 to r=3.67e6 m, and
2) as a circle, the only thing it is missing is the polar angle, and the radius would be different.
As for the dome of Stars that rotates around the Earth: from our reference frame, they do.

Physics/Math:1 New Earth Creationists:0
You : shitposting

As for the Earth not moving, see the last point.

You will never move anywhere in your own today: you'll just gracefully manage to not fall on your face as the Universe moves around you a few feet per second coincidentally at the same time that you need to get anywhere/do anything

will OP ever return and address the trips???

There is no denying the Bible, it is the word of God made text. I do not expect you to understand, but it is amusing to see you play with your blocks of "hard matter", like a child thinking himself clever because he has built a castle out of lego.

You must cross the bridge and believe.
After all, have YOU personally seen the Earth's curvature. I don't mean pictures, texts, documentaries.

Ask yourself, have YOU, PERSONALLY, seen it?

I have been asking this question whenever this topic comes up and so far nobody has actually seen it.

Took a plane once and saw it. Now what, retard-sama ?
This isn't even a good troll.

>Wildly outdated scientific models

I like it.

That's just autism.
And I don't mean a productive kind of autism.

You can't see it on a plane tho

Get an infinite series tattooed on your dick.

Well, you can see a curvature but it's caused by the shape of the window.
All you have to do to get a video of the curvature is strap a gopro with a parachute to some helium balloons, but i guess the flat earthers would still be arguing that the camera is creating the curvature like a bunch of retards.

it's not the most compact though, is it?

belphegors prime


So... no curvature then... amazing to think the Bible was created almost 2000 years ago and still be right.

Man, you are committed to this. I applaud you for your dedication to this farce

thing is i don't see how it makes sense.

How can you be both more feminine and more masculine when both of them are opposites. How can someone have both a nose and no nose.


have you ever visited the beach? you can see a slight curve in the ocean

the bible may be true but that doesn't stop people from making bullshit interpretations

Euler's Identity

Get eulers identity on your left buttcheek placed in such a way that your asshole is the 0

Very underrated post.


Instead of wasting everybody's time, go put a telescope near the ocean and try to spot a boat as soon as he disappears behind the horizon. Then beat yourself to death with the telescope when you realize you can't see the boat.

Please elaborate.

Bill Nye's face with the quotes "spectrum" under him or on a banner above or below him

>sum of all physics known to man
>looks fucking disgusting

sad tbqh

He made the bet. Too late now

seconding this

congratulations, you're getting a tramp stamp that says "SPLIT MY ATOM DADDY!". (exclamation point included, leave out the quotation marks)

you're getting it in black, cursive manuscript and it's gonna have exactly 69 bright pink stars surrounding it and some bright pink sparkles glistening off of the letters.

you'll be a regular butt slut for science.

>mfw i look at OP's life from here on out

>triple trips

LMAO he's not gonna do it, but god DAMN.


This one is great


shieeeeeeeeeet, op wont deliver

The Lambda Calculus Infinite Loop