What is the best blue flavored food/drink?

What is the best blue flavored food/drink?

Other urls found in this thread:


artic rush dairy queen, snow cone, icee pop,


Couche-tard sloche


coming through



Blue raspberry slushie from 7-11

Fucking hell I haven't had one of those in years.

Blue Moon ice cream.

For me it's Dairy Queen's blue raspberry flavored Arctic Rush, the best blue drink.

Anything blue and vanilla flavored.


Pepsi Blue and Jolt Blue Raspberry

Both are gone forever ;_;

Full throttle blue agave flavor is my jam. Blue raspberry lemonade as a runner up

Big Red is ok but it's just not the same.



I found this in Australia and it was super awesome to find some USA shit was nice..

potions obviously

blue is a pretty good flavor. i once painted my room spicy colored and had some blue flavored drinks afterwards. it smelled refreshing!

Go home drunk, you're drunk

Pepsi blue, and some mixed drink consisting of what I think might have been Hawaiian punch and yakult

Are these really that old? I saw them pop up around here recently. Like 6-12 months

>still liking things cause they are blue

wow how does it feel to be a 6 year old in 97?

The blue shit you find at the barber

slush puppy is better
pepsi blue was good
blueberry bubblegum icecream is amazing

They're called slurpees when you get it from 7-11

I love blue raspberry but the ones at 7-11 don't taste very good.




If anybody here can prove me wrong I'll be dammed.




During the 90s some kids developed a greenish tinge on the skin when drinking exclusively this for weeks.

>board about food
>thread for blue foods
>no berries, fish or seafood
>not even cakes with coloring
>10 posts with fizzy sugar water
Why is every board on this site so shit?

Bretty gud desu

What about red flavored?

He said blue not orange.


Get out

This, in combination with several Colt 45 40's, made me projectile vomit. In the end, I walked up to a random group of black dudes in jersey city and hit the blunt they were smoking.

Post more of these. I want to shitpost them on Veeky Forums.


Calypso + Grey Goose = God's beverage

just killed a spider with this

Water with some blue food coloring

Thats just preworkout

Great for a workout.

>Reddit Post
>Posts Thumbnail
What are you? A newfag? Btw I'm not redditfag, I just don't like newfags.


that's the only one I made because lazy an also broke

I had one after 20 years and it's still the best blue drink. It has that sour taste that leaves you for more



dont bring that evil into my life

I like ocean water from Sonic

>muh reddit spacing

If you can't figure out the difference between reddit spacing and emphasizing words then you're a fucking retard and should just go back to cancering up .

Nigger detected

Definitely Bols Blue Curacao

my panic attack blood pressure spikes enjoy this

brb, memory-induced vomit

water in a blue tinted cup


Found these at the new grocery store in my city, was pretty good.

how much is safe to drink

fresh blueberries

Doesn't count. The bottle is blue but the liquid is clear.

its green dumbass.

Kamikazi vodka

>be 16
>walking around with friend
>decide to go to convenience store
>hobo offers to buy us some alcohol if we give him enough to cover his too
>sure cool why not
>he leaves his dog with us
>brings back two MD20/20
>calls it blue juice
>never drank before
>me and friend get wasted in a parking lot with a hobo named steve with three fingers and his dog
>nothing bad happened
That shit irritates you from the inside, why?

>French Vodka

>blue flavored


holy shit, i miss this. Had to go to jersey to get the two liters.

Never played WoW but i bought a ton of these when they came out.

this is the shit


when i drink it make me cum

all me btw :^)

thread over

All of you are wrong.

Did anyone ever use the codes on the wrappers?

you win the prize

There might be better tasting ones but none have a texture half as good as an ICEE. For some reason, and this might just be autism, whatever the cups are made out of make them better. The texture/feeling of the ICEE cup. I don't know why.

Ocean Water from Sonic


Back to your country queer-becker.
Don't need any more of your "culture" spreading

Pepsi Blue was amazing and hands down is the best blue flavored drink to ever exist.

> (OP)
>Blue Moon
I dunno what that's all about, but Blue Moo malts from United Dairy Farmers are tippy-top tier.

Those blue raspberry ice slush things from gas stations

I remember when this hit the vending machine at my jr. high

I preferred Mr. Green though



the one and only

It makes mustard gas

Icee are the best slushi
jolly ranchers are the best candy
Faygo is the best soda.

I've never heard of that stuff. Quick rundown?

Malt liquor

Rank ass hobo "wine".
It's shit.

THIS. Why are they so hard to find? Used to be a deli bear me that had a machine but I haven't seen one in years. How do they stay in business

Step aside