I just bought a bottle of Everclear. What do? What do I mix with this toxic beautiful liquid?

I just bought a bottle of Everclear. What do? What do I mix with this toxic beautiful liquid?

Make a cannabis tincture either by immersing the plant matter in the alcohol for about a month, storing in a dark place, or by gently heating the everclear and adding the cannabis in some cheese cloth and let it soak until it's extraced. Decarbing at 240 F for about half an hour will help with the extraction. While the tincture is extracting, kill yourself.

this desu

About 1 cup of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum – Two cups tastes pretty good also… just saying.
1 Gallon Apple Cider
1 Quart Apple Juice
3 Cups of Brown Sugar
1 Cup of White Sugar
10 Cinnamon Sticks

More everclear.

sam pls

2 tbs of clear
1 qt water
juice of 1/2 lime
juice of 1/2 lemon


You gotta mix it with a
half a gallon of orange juice
half a gallon of pineapple juice
then throw in sliced oranges and grape fruit and any other fruit you think would be good.
>Serve entire thing to a group of friends
>Watch everyone get wasted as well as yourself on what tastes like fruit juice.

Shhhh. The adults are talking about important things.

I recommend going strait trailer park and putting a whole shot in a large plastic cup and instead of ice take two freeze pops of your selected flavor and mix it in with Powerade of your selected flavor and fill to the top. Good for numbing any sense of self respect.

But senpai can't I just kms by ODing on said tincture

Underrated post.

The all time option would be to stick it in the freezer, and chug it with a chaser of mountain dew.

Of course, be prepared for your voice to sound like you were just in a shouting match...

Lets share drinking stories while giving OP ideas.
>Discover, when I start drinking with my friends, that I have a very high tolerance to alcohol and they do not
>They are fall down drunk after three shots, I'm barely feeling anything
>Friend later says I'm bluffing about not being drunk
>Offer to match him and his gf shot for shot of everclear
>End up having to spend half the night playing nursemaid to them as they take turns being sick out in the yard while I'm still doing fine
Its too much damn work to get sloshed the same way they do. They still love having me around because I bring lots of strong drink to their little hangout parties, but I'll usually just do a few shots and let them go hogwild.

To OP, try mixing it with Welch's grape juice, I found that really helps with cutting down on the bite of it.

Be careful man. I only had the 76% version and it tasted like hand sanitizer. I had never been drunk like that before. It came on so fast and so strong

limoncello with an assload of sugar and lemonjuice.

OP here, I've had less than a shot and I'm already thoroughly buzzed. Am pleased. Thank you all for your ideas, even the gentleman whomst suggested I end my life after making an exciting concoction of marijuana and alcohol. I ended up having most of that shot straight, and mixing the rest with limeade.

soak your feet in it


There's some guy at my dad's work who buys grain alcohol, pours it through a screen with some kind of flavor, and gives it to everyone in little jars. For Christmas it had crushed up candy canes in it. That was okay, but I think it's best with some kind of fruit flavor.

jungle juice was fucking brutal. dunno if that's what other campuses called their ghetto liquor punch though.

>shouting match
So this is it. This is the draught that enhanced Ulfric Stormcloak's Thuum and enabled him to ascend the authority in Skyrim.

It was good ol' Everclear.

I would just fill a cup up with whatever beverage you want (Lemonade or Tea for instance) and drop a couple shots of Everclear into that bitch.
Enjoy profusely.

Get an Arnold Palmer and make Happy Gilmores.


Nice dubs, but I know a guy who adds a shot of Everclear to your basic, run-o-the-mill beer. Gets him fucked up. Tastes like ass, though.

Real talk, put it in the freezer and put some jolly ranchers in it. Let it sit for a bit, then drink. But don't drink too much, it'll sneak up on you. Unless you have a friend who will turn you on your stomach so you don't choke on your vomit.

1 fifth of ecerclean
1 big hug of red Gatorade
1 big can of red bull

This is the alcohol equivalent of driving a roofing nail into your frontal lobe. Proceed with caution

I would trust this guy, he's clearly tried driving a roofing nail into his frontal lobe.

t. Tucker Max

15 lemons worth of peels (without the white pith) let rest for 5-7 days Then mix with symple syrup to taste. leave it in the freezer for up to 2 years.

>jungle juice
our campus jungle juice was like a bowl of long island iced tea, but instead of lemon or coke it was a bottle of everclear. it was unpleasant but efficient, like the engineers drinking it

Go make shine cherries, OP. Go now. Don't look back.

this. Only good suggestions in this thread. Though the best way to make it is to suspend two lemons above the everclear in a jar for a month or so

I personally use grain alcohol to make lemoncello. It's beautiful.

>a fifth of everclear
>a 2 liter of mountain dew
>packet of lemonade mix
>packet of cherry kool-aid mix
>combine in a gallon milk jug
>add water to the top
>shake well to combine

Neat through an NG tube, like a man.

Root Beer Slurry:
>place grain alcohol in the freezer a couple hours before serving
>fill collins glass to top with crushed or shaved ice
>add root beer to middle of glass
>add frozen grain alcohol to top of glass
>garnish with lemon slice

Jesus fucking Christ, this isn't Date Rape 101.

Way too much Everclear.

>tfw can't get OG proof Everclear in my city/state

>everclear thread
>not about date rape

this except with poppies, make some old-school laudanum


Thanks for the input, Cletus.

I mainly just use it as an organic solvent or as a reagent for my chemistry

>tfw I just have to drive about 20 miles out of my county.
That sweet, sweet 96% makes it all worth it

Everclear, white wine, some lemon.

I know a guy that makes his martini variant like that. Fucker's liver must be half dead already.

everclear is just commercially made moonshine right? heres a local way of making moonshine go down called karsk
>put a cpin at the bottom of your cup
>pour cold coffee in til you can't see the coin anymore
>pour moonshine/everclear/booze on until you can see the coin again
>wake up naked on a parkbench covered in vomit

Kill yourself.


>move to new area
>Liquor store aells handles of everclear
>Make apple pie moonshine with a handle instead of a 5th
>grannys recipe still tastes as sweet as apple pie

Protip: let the jars sit about 2 months somewhere cool and dark. Cuts out the bite of grain alcohol apple pie.