So what's your favorite Lovecraft story?

So what's your favorite Lovecraft story?

My favorite is the one where a young, white male in New England stumbles upon a horrible, yet indescribable secret and almost dies, but manages to escape and remains haunted by it for the rest of his day.

But for real, Rats In the Walls is the best one. Polaris and the Doom that Came to Sarnath are honorable mentions for stories without a protag.

Lovecraft sucks, faggot. Fuck off.

Hmm... I don't remember that one.

Mine is the one where the spooky monsters are metaphors for biggers

Fuck you, unpublished faggot.

Fucking pleb, we all know that the superior racist boogeyman is the yellow people from the arctic who want to flood western civilisation.


Why are you posting?

How did Lovecraft discover the Cthulhu "mythos"?

The Rats in the Walls

The Outsider

At the mountains of madness

The Outsider stands out imo.

The Colour Out of Space

This one.

"Nyarlathotep" has to be my favorite short story, the imagery of an approaching calamity and the city going mad is Lovecraft at his finest.
"The Dreams in the Witch House", I read this at midnight last night and was the first H.P. story to give me some spooks, the surreal environment of the dreams along with the "everything is going to shit" setting on May-Eve which is, as stated above, Lovecraft at his finest.
"The Colour Out of Space", if this isn't the most alien and unique story Lovecraft has wrote I don't know what is; H.P. stated himself that this is his most favorite short story he has ever wrote.

I need to read his stuff again. I've been reading many of the authors that influenced Lovecraft and it's interesting how much of a leap in bizarreness horror literature took when Lovecraft came on the scene. Writers like James, Poe, Machen, Blackwood, Bierce, etc wrote some very strange stories, and you can see how the separate elements of their stories were combined by Lovecraft, but on their own they never achieved the kind of cold, nightmarish vision of reality that Lovecraft exhibits in a tale like At the Mountains of Madness. There could certainly be someone major I'm missing, but it seems like Lovecraft was seriously ahead of his time.


Dunwich Horror.
Best of his that I had the luck of reading.

The one where he uses lots and lots of adjectives

>The Colour Out of Space

Fugg, that was some creepy shit.

He didn't discover it. You make it sound like it always existed. Anyway he never intended to make a structured mythos, he just kept making the similar story, as the OP cheekily points out.

For me the Innsmouth story is the best. Just a comfy read in general.