There you got bro a gallon of sauce!

>there you got bro a gallon of sauce!


>There you got bro a gallon of sauce!

Ok? I throw that shit out anyway, it's fucking oily buttery helljuice that ruins pizza.

Marinara is ok tho.

>oily buttery helljuice that ruins pizza.
Never thought I would unironically call something an objectively wrong opinion.

I've had Papa Johns only a few times. And once only because it was free since I'm a T-Mobile customer.

Any... I don't know what you're supposed to do with the little garlic butter cup. I just dipped the tip of my pizza in it and ate it like that.

>more tomato on your pizza is okay
You disgust me

i used to work there
i agree with you, that shit is gross, i always dipped my crusts in marinara

>tfw 50% off papa johns because of yanks win

Feels good to support WINNERS

People pour it on your pizza? The fuck. I thought it was for your crusts.

>ingredients: partially hydrogenated soybean oil...

That's in nearly everything though.

Everything bad. Probably in the pizza too.

The garlic sauce is to dip when you get to about this far into your slice


>dipping marinara topped bread into more marinara
bro you need to got gallon

>a pile of dry cheese bread the size of my leg
>one half-filled marinara cup to ration for all of it
>extra costs more
Fuck you, Papa.

>eat junk food
>junk food has a "worse" part
>have to dip it in some sauce
why all americans such manchildren

>Love pepperconis.
>Order papa John's get dehydrated warm as fuck ones

He's objectively right and you're categorically, totally wrong.

the oil they give you is barely tastes of garlic.

it's nothing but slightly more viscous, cheap-tasting oil (not a nice oil like olive oil, like 10 month old vegetable oil) with a faint hint of butter and garlic flavour.

Want to change your life? Don't use the sauce until you have leftover pizza.

Take your cold pizza and pan fry both sides in [pic related] with the garlic cups. You'll have to give the crust end some extra love since it's the thickest and driest part. The cheese will take care of the rest.

>yanks ruining shit again

garlic sauce should look like pic related

Remember having papa johns here when it was new. Pizza is good but the garlic sauce meme is definitely a meme.
Tastes like melted margarine with a weird fake garlic flavour added.

#papabless :3

You can always throw the crusts away, but that's wasteful.

>it's nothing but slightly more viscous, cheap-tasting oil

"Liquid & partially hydrogenated soybean oil". Number 1 ingredient in the potato picture there.

Get their blue cheese or bbq sauce instead, you retards.