What TV chef do you want to have sex with the most?

What TV chef do you want to have sex with the most?



That one that looks like Baily Jay.

With the help of Mike Pence, I bet I could convert her.

but it looks like "she" was already converted

Belgian tv cook, Sofie Dumont

Somebody post the one that looks like an uglier Bailey Jay. I forget who she was.

quit pretending you don't know who you're talking about and tell me who


I bet Freitag is wild as fuck.


Laura Calder

Giada. I called it, she belongs to me now.

I've wanted horizontal time with Rachel Ray for like 15 years.

Morimoto senpai and his tongue, onegaishimasu

Before she was John Mayer'd.

After I'm done, knock her out with a lamp and loot the house, she is afterall an heiress to BILLIONS of dollars.

my nigga

her recipe on seriouseats to make pita bread works pretty good too


I was waiting for someone to mention her...

Erin from America's test kitchen
I love how disinterested she always is

since Kimball left she looks like a foot taller

Nigella, niggellas.

she seems so sweet and wifey material

I'd never eat her food (i'd be worried she laced it with something cos she hates men for some reason). But I'd totally let her get too drunk to walk away.

I was gonna say Rachel Ray, but since that's been taken, Paula Deen. I'm a big black guy so it would be extra hot, I'd let her domme me, then rough her up.

She knows exactly what she is doing! but who wants a hampton hoe who only cooks for her kid.

Rachael Ray getting fat is one of the funniest things to happen to my cable TV viewing in the gym.

Post you are cooking waifu!

Barefoot Contessa. She's plump, but I'd bet you she's a seething caldron.

Gordon Ramsay

Fucking hell it took too long for an image to be posted. This board really is infested with females.

I bet she fucks jeffrey good

She's Beverly Hills. Hollywood royalty. She'd probably feed me after piping her, the prospect of looting a Billionaire Heiress is a lot more appealing than the failure food she creates. LOL at her Alma Mater being out of business across the planet.

The fuck out of here with your bullshit, you underage, zit faced, "still haven't made it through puberty", twit.


Nadia G. And I ain't even into tattoos or retro girls. She just seems like she'd be really fun in the sack.