Why are poorly written books so popular?

Why are poorly written books so popular?

>easily accessible
>who doesn't love a written romance story that's been played out in your head
>simple themes mean you can feel pseud

But really it's just the writer being able to capture a niche market, but that market is a large majority of people.

I wonder myself

you don't know what a niche is, do you

No, I don't.
I'll dictionary.com it later.

>not having the dictionary.com app
>not knowing a word before you use it


Why you dont ask them?

People search for the absolute and these books present characters and situations outlined with a bold black line. Stereotypical characters are easy to like, because they are easy to understand and to predict. These books tell people the absolute is possible: absolute love, absolute bravery, absolute good.

Because it is simple to understand and dreamy, easy.

>niche market
>that market is a large majority of people
user you aren't just a moron, you're an oxymoron.

It's just pandering to certain tastes. There are people who like things that tick certain boxes, regardless of overall quality.

Like large niche audiences

Underrated diss

because they're actually marketed and its niche (teenage girls) is extremely manipulable

I've never heard that before, that is one spicy insult

Because readers can self-insert

lel smart people insult le reddit man le reddit gold for your le quipsult up boat le reddit man

not an argument


I don't know, ask Rand.

Because they provide accessible meaningfulness, however "pseud" they might appear to the more patrician. Not everyone is going to read Nietzsche, despite the objective greater value of his works over John Green, because his prose is fucking impenetrable to all but the most scrutinizing of readers.



Because he's a drizzle, while we're all hurricanes.

Literary novels are heavy to read for a lot of people. People don't like to give up on a book and feel stupid.

Easy to read novels are popular because they're accessible.

The literary novel is for a increasingly dwindling demographic.


I'll I know is that it means even i have a shot at the New York times bestseller list :^)


based schopey

>having "apps"
>having a phone
>acknowledging denotation

Because they're aimed at teenage girls who are experiencing love for the first time.
You've already been BTFO.

Because it's not about being poorly written or not. It's about appealing to people's emotions, their desires and ideals.

bible btfo



If you are such a great writer, writing for fools should be an easy task. But you are not even that, Veeky Forumsfags. John Green is rich, you know?

Please, don't start this discussion again.

I thought we were all smart(er) here. Oh well. The word you're looking for is "subjectively", though.

Yeah but it's the ages old question of fame and money vs. artistic integrity. Selling out for money or dying poor intentionally with respect.

Money is all that matters, you fucking idiot. Look around you; is anyone without money happy? Christ. I'm sick of it.

>book is famous = book is good
>book is not known = book is shit

How hard is it?

>book is famous = book is good
>book is not known = book is shit
That's not really a good way to measure a book's merit.

I only read Nora Roberts and consider myself well read.

Oh no! The thread is being perverted by intellectual narcissists! Oh no!!!!!!!
