Why do americans do this?

Why do americans do this?

I don't lol. No one I know does it.

Because slurping long strands leads to pasta sauce flying everywhere and ending up on your face/clothes. The question is: Why are non-Americans all slovenly animals?

If you're feeding pasta to toddlers you dont want them to suffocate.

Why do people just make shit up about americans from a single image

Why do yuropeens count the bongs on big clocks?

Your supposed to cut it in half before you cook it

Everytime I see hands like this in a thumbnail I think it's Jack... I think I need to lie down



Why do Americans post like this?

>Why do people just make shit up about americans from a single image

I wasn't aware we did that. Regardless, it doesn't matter. People could eat shit with a fork and knife for all I care.

I do it specifically to trigger yurops from the comfort of my own home.

My little shart can't be this retarded

Do americans really spell like this?

I don't understand why anyone would eat spaghetti, either

is it even possible to fuck up eating spaghetti that hard?

Why do yuros do this?

>bitching at spaghetti
You watch your mouth!

I twirl it into a ball on my fork. I cut it up like for my 5 year old. The reasoning is so they can't get the pasta stuck halfway down their throat with the ends sticking out their mouth still because they are yet to be a truly functioning eater. I cut up meats and other things also to small pieces. My 10 year old graduated to eating whole spaghetti at some where around 7 years old. Was still a little messy but eventually got the hang of it.

Because we're poor

and we love somalian cock

The Italians had a solution to this, but clearly you Americans are too fucking dumb to know about it

Never understood the point of a spoon when you can just spin it up on the plate or bowl..

just THIS

I don't know any yanks, but my I know germans and swedish people that does that.


>believing Italians in Italy use a spoon to twirl pasta because he saw immigrants do it in "The Godfather."


The only time I've ever seen this is with like little kids. Their parents do it so they don't choke or some shit.

We're allowed to carry/own knives, that's why. Save a life Nigel, bin your knife.

Ameribros, can you imagine being arrested for concealing a butter knife in your pockets?


i'll have you know that this offends me personally

I can't think of any reason I'd be walking around with a butter knife in my pocket.

>non americans are slovenly
>americans grow up eating sloppy joes with faces smeared with, and laps full of, tomato sauce and ground beef

You've never walked through a dairy bad neighborhood?

it's to be pretentious

that was very cheesy

You are not alone

I see there's no risottoing with you.

This...and of course there are sandwiches with that "armdrip feature" so you have to lean forward and stand like a retard....

You know that this isn't an American, because Americans are too stupid to hold the knife in their right hand like that.


Today I learned that americans eat like 5 year olds.

only if the spaghetti isn't broken in half before cooking

The better question: Why do Americans and Europeans eat spaghetti with forks and sometimes spoons, when they should be using chopsticks?

is this whole board just making broad generalizations about people based on what you've seen like 2 people do?

I don't generalize behavior to the population at large unless I've seen 5 people do it. 2 is far too small a sample size.

5's still pretty small for a population of over 300 million

There are also alcoholics who come and post here.