University grades

Post them.

How fucked am I, Veeky Forums?

> cal poly pomona
> doing this badly in humanities
> what the fuck are you studying?

Change your major to something useful and get your shit together.

>All those useless classes.
Never change america.

You know you don't have to go to university to become a barista right?

>inb4 bullshit classes

We need gen-eds to graduate.
I'm a pre-med kid. Go easy, please.

>> what the fuck are you studying?

Double majoring in Finance and Accounting. The Philosophy professor wanted god tier writing over human sexuality. I didn't do well(I didn't care to do it) on the homework for Economics. I would have gotten a B if I did. Statistics was pretty hard for me, but I didn't study because I don't care at this point. I'm at the level where it's pass and go mode. I can't afford graduate school and it's pretty obvious I'm not the school type of person.

Janitor will probably delete this thread

I guess I shouldn't have been critical. Godspeed, user.


SJW classes much? Liberal hellhole.

>current debate about sexuality
honestly you asked for it by taking a garbage "degree"
humanities is trash

>pre-med kid
>Already got a B

Start calling yourself a bio major lol. If you are still early you can still try to pretend that biology is your actual calling and that you didn't even want to be a doctor.

>tfw I failed my masters.
I can live with being a brainlet.

In America, you have to take general education courses at the upper level. I have to take out three general education courses and in the spring I decided to take out two. Philosophy and Chicano Studies were those two. Fall I'll be taking a technology/science education course.

Welp, you definitely won't be going to Ivy league graduate schools.

Wow those general education class grades are fucking embarrassing user.

>Chicano Studies
What the fuck is Chicano studies and why would you take it?

Feels good man

Glad I live in superior Europe. Only mandatory non science classes I had to take were Philosophy and some writing course.

>not a single student with an A++ in this thread
I mean I knew most of Veeky Forums were brainlets but come on... why am I still here?

Fucking grade inflated homos stop posting

You would fail in europe

t. failure

what uni do you go to that offers a whole fucking course on Solzhenitsyn?

>my university does not offer A++, just good old A's
>user is shaming me because my university is not some adult daycare that gives little stars to their students for being good boys. Here user, you did not get an A, You got an A+++++ :)

Nope. But my grades are realistic.
Also, I have access to grade school.

>being a brainlet is realistic
I mean, I guess that's technically right. Brainlet.

>americans have to take humamemes at the upper lever
Holy shit you fags are really cucked

>assuming I'm a biology major like all pre-med scum

>study latin, philosophy, history (not "muh holocaust" and "america saves the world") in highschool
>all university courses are about actual science

>amerilards get into debt to study CHICANO STUDIES
>tfw i will NEVER, EVER be an amerilard

>americuck education

>not living in italy and getting cucked by 4 exams of 100h each every semester

t. nano cerebrale

>not moving to Portugal and doing a major at Instituto Superior Técnico

its like u guys dont even want to learn to suck dicks

no, only brainlets get into debt for that shit..people who arent dumb as rocks in high school get full ride for college

What classes dropped you to a 3.71 user?

How many cal poly pomona prople are in here? I just graduated

depends what you want to do, user. if you can hop out at a bsc into a career then literally no one needs to ever see your transcript, so it doesn't matter. if you want to do grad school then it depends on how the schools work, some schools only give a shit about 300 and 400 level classes so all of 1st and 2nd year is meaningless

Must feel bad to be poor and have worse universities though

Is it bad that I got an A- in quantum mechanics but a B- in organic chemistry this quarter?

Literally the same grades I got in those courses about four years ago, and I'm doing a PhD in computational chemistry now. (but at a mediocre school...)

Getting a B in drama isn't going to keep him from getting into med school ...

>teaching localized bonds / electrons
I hate organic, its all a big fucking meme (a lot of it at least)
I want to do something with computational chemistry in grad school but I'm not sure how smart of a decision that would be to make.
>tfw your school gives you a copy of Gaussian for you own computer and you get to fuck around with it

>Not getting payed for gracing the exam hall

Brainlets btfo

an attempt by latin americans to become a voice in american academics by talking about being from latin america.

How the hell are there always so many kids with all As in these threads? At my uni that kind of shit is unheard of.

Studying Physics and Astronomy in the Netherlands. Not yet put in is a 10 in classical mechanics. The last column is European Credit.

I'm pretty much at the end of my first year now (2 semesters), still need to take an exam on analysis II (multivariable calculus) and Electric and Magnetic Fields (statics and dynamics).

American education I guess. If there's no differentiating in education level anyone that is somewhat capable at a course gets A's.

That's just my european 2 cents though, you're right, getting A's (10) here implies you've got all questions on the exam right, and that's pretty rare.

If be "bad" you mean "good" and by "poor" you mean "not in debt" then yes

>worse universities
Unlike the US, Europe does not have a socialist grading scheme which gives away Cs to people who should fail a class

You wouldn't believe the amount of brainlets in my major (EE) bringing the average down, letting a slightly above average students like myself get straight A's.

In reality I'm probably a B student, or 7/8 by European standards

Got that average by the skin of my teeth, Calc II saved my ass average wise

This is what I mean. Those class averages are very high if the courses are graded 0 to 100.

In my university (Netherlands) averages are always around 65, 55 if there are no retakes.

Is your grade based solely on an exam, or also on work you do through the course?

so many UBC'ers on Veeky Forums...

It is all dependent on the professor of the class. Some have many homeworks and free attendance grades, while others are more like what europeans seem to do (from what Ive heard) where there is only a final or 1 midterm and final. Some professors curve grades, maybe moving the average class grade to a C or adding free pointa, but I havs yet to experience it desu

Exams, labs and assignments as well as a small 5% participation grade

You should be getting A's in all classes related to your major.

wtf your uni lets you get above a 4.0

Bro what happened 2011 fall...gj on that comeback after that calc grade tho

There is no debt here for non brainlets with scholarships and the uk and switz have good unis, rest are mid tier US level

>tfw I did bad in my sophmore courses and senior thesis because I was lazy, but well in senior-level and graduate-level courses
hopefully I can make up for it with a good physics GRE

Also if it werent for scaling our averages would be the same if not lower

Only if you're a retard and didn't do AP.

Queensborough Community College?

No, you have to. I don't know what shithole you go to, but at my shithole there is no way you can take enough AP exams to satisfy your gen-ed requirements.


I'm sorry user but if a school doesn't let you skip "Native American Studies" (in my case) because you got AP credit in English then it's your* school that is shit my friend. Meanwhile, I'm taking classes that are relevant and getting ahead while others learns about Pocahontas :^)

how fucked am I?

Jk I know I'm fucked.. roast me

You know you ought to do 60 ECTS in a year? 37 ECTS + 3 courses?

Nice bait, but you got it wrong. I have to learn about Jesus, not Pocahontas.

>roast me

is lit famallama, let's go dab our way to starbucks in our hoverboards while fidget spinning

>straight C's for five years
At least you've got tenacity

And I'm still taking classes on EdX!

I'm doing kind of well on those... 80%+

Too bad they aren't worth anything haha.

>chicano/latino contemp. issues
>current debate about sexuality


37 now. Then +5 from mechanics. then +6 from calc, +5 from fields, +3 from some physics of modern technology course. +6 from Experimental Physics, +5 from Practical astronomy, and +1 for presentations. Professors are lazy at putting grades in the system, most of these I've already finished.

Should add up to 68, if I'm not mistaken. It's a double bachelor course, the next two years are 75 credits a year.


>A- in combinatorics

It should have been lower, no one got higher than 55% on the final so it got curved


If you go to an American university there's literally no excuse not to get only A's, but at least make sure you get A's in those STEM courses.

75? Thats a lot.

Am I a brainlet? This is the first time I've done this poorly in a semester :(

Not all US universities participate in grade inflation and it is usually on a professor basis not necessarily university wide. My EE courses have had averages between 50-70%, but a math course and humanities course I took were both averages of about 80%

Current Debate About Sexuality
= Gender Studies Bullshit
= Feminists & Gay Faggots.

>Taking a Course in
Gender Studies!

is a faggot

PHL 340 Current Debate About Sexuality

>PHL 340 Current Debate About Sexuality

>PHL 340
Taking "Current Debate About Sexuality"


>PHL 340 Current Debate About Sexuality

Daily reminder that only 2 gender exist.

Homosexuality is a Mental Illness.


You are getting credits for two different research projects ?

Fresh from /b/ i see, maybe you should go back

Stupid, dumb, undergrad scum.

Probability : B+
Combinatorics : B
Number Systems (rigorous axiomatic development of the number systems, operations, groups, rings, etc...) : B

I did not have a good semester.

I didn't even want to do a PhD at all, there are just no chemistry jobs at the BS level except dead-end civil service one. I chose a computational lab so I will learn a lot of coding which I can use to get a job with some tech or financial people later.

>These grades

The #1 guy of my generation in engineering has just a fucking 90% average. NO ONE gets these many A's here.

Is this...the power...of american education? Where people aren't allowed to feel bad?

Maybe Europoors just aren't that smart?

t. brainlet in a brainlet country

>not a single European lives up to their professor's expectations
really makes you think

Mostly, they are people with no problems in their lives; absolute financial and social support

I'm surprised I passed Numerical methods. The teacher didn't do many examples for the first half of the quarter and gave out HW after he gave us an exam on the material the assignments covered. Grading on the exams was also pretty harsh. I probably got saved by the curve.

For History I got what I expected for sleeping through class and Bullshitting all my assignments.

>absolute financial and social support
Aren't Europeans the ones being educated on everyone else's tax dollars?