ITT we are buying a bottle of wine

"Hints of leather and licorice? That doesn't sound very good."

>buying wine where there's a review of itself on the label
You already fucked up, op

Since you don't like wine, ask the clerk where to find the Meiomi. Trust me you'll love it ;-)

Your first mistake was looking for a bottle, OP. See pic.

Thinking anything that cost you more than $15 is any better has been repeatedly proven to be a placebo effect exclusively.
Remember that.

I love how the number changes depending on the disposable income of the person with an axe to grind

You're just uncultured

What is this? A Machelin Star Restaurant?

Best budget dry red coming through.
>as good if not better than pricey French shit
>complex and fruity
>dry as a bone
>good immediately and ages even better
>easy to find and usually $10-15
>looks fancy enough to break out in front of company
I usually stock up and keep one in reserve from every vintage

If you're paying more than $2 for your wine you're wasting your money

Keep telling yourself your platonic abstracts mean anything in the real world wine taster plebs. Wine is for putting ABV into your body and it's not even good at that. I can't think of anything more nu-male than being a modern winefag.

almost forgot
>90+ rating from WW and TP

That wine is literally shit.
If you broke that out in front of me I would know you are an idiot bamboozled by celebrity and a chintzy gold net.
I've had better 5 dollar wine before.
Here is an actual good 15 dollar range wine.

It is now "three-buck-chuck" where i live

yea and a $100,000 car gets you to the same place as the $5000 one, but some people have an image to uphold so more expensive alternatives are required.

>using a decoy as bait

>40+% Merlot
>almost no Petit Verdot
>in a red blend
>good wine
>wildly different from year to year
Its not horrible by any means but fuck you and your duck shit for shitting on my favorite just because of the gold netting which has nothing to do with the taste or cost

>Being such a loser you feel the need to impress others by spending more for adult grape juice

Alcohol is degenerate and you shoudnt spend over $0.00 for it


I been trying to get into wine so I went to the wine shop across the street and they recommended this to me, I like it as I never really tried wine before.

I bought a bottle of wine a few months ago that cost about $2.50
It's probably the nastiest thing I've ever put in my mouth.
I think you need to spend at least $15 on a bottle unless you're getting a bulk deal or buying from the cellar door.

floor wine only wine

Why do Americans get so intimidated by wine.
Avoid the cheap and nasty stuff and you'll be fine.
Wine tasting and experimenting pairing with different food is fun.

Not true, Bill Nye did a taste test with Thunderbird and a 1967 Yquem and literally no one could taste the difference, not even so-called "experts"

All wine is the same, now here is an extremely nuanced opinion on the hair splitting differences between McChicken from my home state vs McChicken from another state that I have been to and feel some sort of rivalry with due to franchise team sports

One thing I'll give Europe is you can go into any grocery and pick up a pretty decent bottle of wine for 5-8 jewgolds. Although in Spain once, I bought a 2 euro bottle that was just a plain bottle with a barcode sticker that said "VINO DE MESA" and it tasted like the way money smells, plus vinegar. Chugged it in the hostel and apparently hooked up with some hippie chick from California, I don't remember anything except one of the worst hangovers of my life.

This just proves the tasters were plebs.
Wine is infinitely varied.

>steal nothing put pabst and steel reserve
>not a dime spent
>epitome of class

rly makes you think

You guys carry a blaufrankisch? Preferably austrian. And I mean acttually produced in Austria.

As opposed to what? Austrian, produced in Mexico?

What is it with americans and wine? Seriously every time they hear anything about it they imagine some class war attack/humiliation like in their movies and immediately vociferously react to it like:

I've seen plenty of knockoffs, believe me. But no, it's usually made in Washington, to mimic the cooler climate Austria.

so you know the disposable income of everyone posting or something? The price differs because mid shelf wine differs in price by a bit. where I am there is no reason to spend more than 15ish bucks on a bottle of wine. and thats pushing it. Ive only had a few expensive wines at company tastings, but I dont see the point of it other than hype. i havent spent more than 11 bucks on wine in years.
serious question for anyone. what was the last over 30 Dollar bottle of wine you had and how would you describe it?

You pretty much answered your own question.

It's illegal for adults under 21 to consume alcohol in america, as a result americans reach legal age having been accustomed to being treated like an incompetent child. They then attempt to fake years worth of life experience by calling upon their movie watching experience and autistic internet research so that their "first time" isn't too much of a humiliation. What movie character do they want to be? Bubba Hotep from Burn Notice? The Dude? The guy from Sideways? This is a major life decision.

They walk up to the bar in their special duster they bought and Indiana Jones hat and try to suppress the panic in their voice as they request some ridiculous beverage they saw in a film, and when the bartender gives them a blank stare because they are not even close to being that kind of establishment, they get confused and depressed and then go online and rave about the cool hipster cucks with their IPA and pretentious "whines" and drinking culture as a whole is a big conspiracy to make me feel dumb.

Wine in films is almost exclusively used to signify "high class" or "snobby" people, kind of like how having a British accent signifies being "the bad guy" or a girl wearing glasses is a "nerd".

>it's usually made in Washington
The fuck? I have never that in my life, you must live in Washington.

Are you saying your local stores are full of blaufrankisch that says "made in Austria" but it's not actually from Austria?

>blah blah blah
I know you really want to argue about something so here is your (you)

Feel free to imagine my point of view as being something intolerably wrong, and type up a heartfelt reply. I promise I'll read it.

what movie did you see that in. Ive been going to bars for 10 years now and never seen a 21 year old kid dressed as Indiana Jones trying to look cool by ordering an Old Fashioned.
dont respond to obsessposters. I dont even understand what he meant by that stupid question other than his gay attempt to put on airs by not being American.

argue what? this thread is about wine, so I asked about wine. so you have nothing to contribute? why did you post then? what are you so grumpy about?

>I'll pretend I have no idea what he's talking about and maybe it won't be true
You from wisconsin by any chance?

>argue what?
That is for you to fill in and for me to read. You replied to me, remember? What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?

im sure that makes sense in your head. anyone that lives in reality is a FLYOVER LOLOLOL EPIC MEME D00D XD
no seriously, have you EVER seen a 21 year old kid in a fedora or whatever attempting to look cool ordering a drink he saw in a movie? you actually got so mad you scrolled up a picture of some shitty highway to sock it to me. Youre so cool. ill bet you get mad pussy.

I guess you do see threads even on Veeky Forums that start with:
>I've just turned 21 what should I order at the bar

I've never seen a culture more afraid of food and drinks, from your hippies to your rednecks
>sushi/avocadoes is foreign shit
>gluten "intolerance"
>alcohol is a class signifier

Remember guys, food = pleasure, and pleasure = sex, an sex is bad mmmkay. Fucking puritans.

get a life

everyone itt are intollerable faggots. jesus christ.

No need to be so mad, it's in the past. It can't hurt you anymore

So what drink was it? I bet it was a White Russian

Nah, "made in Austria" is never written on it. But the common tactics apply here too:
>all german labeling
>somewhere on the label says Österreich
>some famous austrian wine producer's name (Moric, Weninger, Paul Achs, Wassmann, etc.) is displayed on the label, though not saying it's made by them
This, or simply just a big ol' label saying Blaufrankisch and decorated with Austrian national colours/symbols

That's pretty fucking weird. Yet another reason to avoid American food and beverage at all costs. You can pretty much put whatever you want on the label because the regulations are written by the companies that those regulations supposedly are regulating.

Well said. One feels he needs a mustache to qualify to purchase something with a cork.

I would add that since we can't legally drink until our 20s, our tastes are formed by soda and juice. I've never been able to enjoy beer. Not because it's inadequately sweet (I'm fine with bitterness), but because it's insufficiently thick. So I like wine, but I won't claim I have sophisticated tastes; I'll drink anything. I mostly buy Manischewitz, because I'm not meaning to drink it with food. That's a level of production that goes beyond the everyday for me.

I live in a college town, I see that kind of thing and I'm not even in bars much. I've even been that kid, sans costume. When I turned 21 my friend was working as a bartender and invited me to order a drink. I ordered a Manhattan. A friend of mine was a Bond fan, actually read the books. When his turn came, as you might guess, he ordered a martini.

>Be me
>Go to England so buy Bordeaux
>Wine shit
>Buy more expensive bottle
>still shit
>more expensive
>come to conclusion that french wine is shit
>go home to spain
>buy cheapest bordeaux available
>it's fucking delicious
The moral of the story is that brits know fuck all about wine so european producers fob them off with all their shitty old stock

>*Shakes wine bottle furiously when staff member isn't looking, puts it back on the shelf*

Little too close to home: the reply

You can get some pretty good wine in Gibraltar.
It's a bit closer to you as well.

brits used to buy french wine by the barrel, beacause it was way easier to transport. Because of that, the producers always had to put their wines in new barrels. Therefore the brits are historically used to the char flavored cabernets. So yes, long story short they're plebs.

My little sharts first temper tantrum

They do the same with spirits, nasty novelty cask garbage

anyone who has ever been to a wine tasting knows this is bullshit

> The label on this one looks cute
> Think I'll buy it

Works like 50% of the time. Pic was nasty, would not buy again

>Bill Nye
its incredible people believe shit they see on TV generally but its doubly sad when its something like Bill Nye

>mfw duckrolled

>one of the oldest traditions and a mainstay of Western culture
/pol/fags need to be euthanized

>Napa wine
You're drinking the reject fruit that nobody else wanted and the only reason it's even palatable is because winemaking technology has advanced to the point where the most horrible off flavors can be beaten into submission by running it through something that resembles an oil refinery.

Why not buy something from a less hyped region of the planet where you're actually getting good quality wine for that money?

>They do the same with spirits
Scotch predominantly use second hand bourbon casks, that's literally the opposite of what you said. If I were a retard from /int/ crossposting their butthurt elsewhere I'd at least be somewhat concerned if I were demonstrating ny ignorance with each cheap shot.

>thinks some guy from NY followed him from /int/ into a Veeky Forums booze thread
This might be a sign you're spending too much time on the internet, or at least this particular part of it

I'll just take a case of any of the mid-high quality shirazi

Because literally the only people who care about "high quality" wine are rich faggots who snub their nose at you if you don't agree that their $2,500 bottle is sooooo much better than a $50 bottle

This definitely happened.

It has happened to me on no less than 6 occasions, because I never got into wine and am a silver spoon kid. Every other silver spooner I hang out with never shuts up about how great their wine cellar is, and they sneer at me whenever I go for the cheaper bottles because "cant tell the difference anyway"

>>thinks some guy from NY followed him from /int/ into a Veeky Forums booze thread
Nothing of the sort, I think too many faggots that belong on /int/ crosspost their bullshit elsewhere

You're right. But the hype of Islay Malt, or as you may know it, Liquid Smoke, seems to be parallel with the british tase in wine.

Must be why we mostly buy Wine from Australia, California and Chile.

Bls resBond

I buy whatever bottle has the deepest indentation


It's called a punt brobe


my fav red :^)

Favorite varietals?
I'm partial to Malbec, and Cabernet Sauvignon.
Going to try Syrah for my next few bottles.

Anyone who has a favorite varietal is a boring person. It's like having a favorite food.

>you can't enjoy x more than y
>you should like everything equally
>merlot tastes the same as pinot noir, tastes the same as cab sauv, tastes the same as zinfandel
You don't have to be a wine snob cunt to have a taste for certain wines more than others, and you don't need to have one favorite wine/food to have preferences.

>my preferences remain static from day to day and hour to hour and are insensitive to mood, time, weather, or what else I may be eating that day or may have consumed recently
Do you just pretend to like wine becuase it seems like something "foodies" do?

the guy who made this cracked on for me the other day, pretty good, wouldn't spend a $100on it but still much better than most $30-70 bottles

>>my preferences remain static from day to day and hour to hour and are insensitive to mood, time, weather, or what else I may be eating that day or may have consumed recently
>implying a preference for X means that you avoid A,B,F,Y,Z, etc.
>>implying I didn't explicitly state that I was looking to try new stuff that I hadn't before
>implying you can't have a go-to bottle or food or song that you really enjoy that you can default to when you feel like a drink, food, music, etc.
you make no sense. it's like you're trying to hard to sound well-rounded or something. do you have no personal identity? do you have no likes/dislikes? do you have a favorite color, or do you equally like and wear all the colors of the rainbow, because you cant bare to limit yourself to one color palette?

>if you don't screech autistically at slight deviations to your habitual dinner food and customary nightly beverage you are a tryhard
This board really has gone to shit

you really seem to have a problem with understanding other people.
your parents did a pretty shit job on you m8
and you sound like a fucking idiot

Is this soothing to you?

>everything is paintstripper
You have to mail-order wine in this fucking country. I just want some nice white wine sometimes, but apparently that's too much to ask.

What's a good cheap rose?

the only decent roses are from france

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

You're obsessed stephen.


Good Negroamaro is all you need

"merlot sucks" is a meme that needs to die already

You're just mad you can't eat bacon, either, Muhammad.

>[varietal] becomes popular
>wineries start to produce bad cheap knock-offs
>why do people shit on [varietal]?
It's not that it's bad, but chances are a bottle of merlot is not that good. That's why I'm glad hungarian wine has not been memed yet. Sweet sweet price/value ratio with decent level of quality.

Merlot QPR has actually gone up substantially since the "merlot sucks" meme

Pinot noir on the other hand...

at the very least we can all agree that the only people who fall for the "big cab" meme are the same fucks who fall for the IPA meme

Maybe in Hungary. The DIPA demographic here, i.e. millennials who are easily taken by marketing, tends to go for Lodi zinfandels with dumb sex jokes on the label, petit sirahs with hippo cartoons on the bottle, and stuff like that.

"Big Cab" is kind of an antiquated fad, those people are on the older side, somewhat out of touch, and their generation's version of DIPA would be like, RIS or smoked porters or something along those lines.

The big cab meme is alive and well here, don't know when will it die, but not anytime soon. But it's true that most of the people who fall for it are not the millenials. Their drink is definitely a rosé spritzer.

Actually I got my drinking experience stealing from my parents' liquor cabinet when I was 15.

The hype of Islays is largely driven by those new to single malts seeking out the most bold flavors. It's similar to why new drinkers of craft beer seek out big IPAs and +10% stouts. Of course more seasoned drinkers generally have broader tastes.

You are taking shitposts on Veeky Forums as the norm. Normal people don't go here.

And it also has a lot to do with the big cab/big malbec/big tempranillo meme. As much as I hate the "all wine tastes the same" faglords, they're right a bit: all drink kiddy "big bold reds" taste the same: oak, char, leather. Because drinking a Pinot Noir is not manly enough. Fucking newfriends.