What is your favorite children's book?

What is your favorite children's book?

Most Verne novels are top tier comfy

The hobbit

your diary desu

Artemis Fowl


Where da Red Fern Grows

Scrambled Eggs Super

The Golden Compass, or Old Mother West Wind.

The Little Prince

The Little Prince. I still read it very now and then. I read it for the first time when I was 19 years old, however.

I remember my child self feeling like shit for days after reading about the surviving dog's depression. Fuck.
Where the Red Fern Grows is the Iron Giant of books


Chronicles of Narnia. Deltora quest is a fun runner up


the phantom tollbooth


I always wondered how this book handles all the rape and murder that occurs in the Greek myths

spoiler alert: it's MEIN KÄMPFffffff

the mysterious island by jules verne

I would have loved 20,000 leagues.

But all I got was some captain underpants shite that I got for myself

My favorite children all read pic related of course

But really
this, in patricular Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea


Walter Moers is pretty cool



Well winnie the pooh of course