Will you get augmentations when it becomes possible?

Will you get augmentations when it becomes possible?

>Bionic eyes that can see in the dark.
>Super strong bionic arm that can bench press 500 lb.
>Photographic memory implants.

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>Bionic eyes that can see in the dark.
Hmmm.... surgery or flashlight?

>Super strong bionic arm that can bench press 500 lb.
Why would you need to bench press 500 lbs? It's not like you will impress anyone since you didn't get it done with hard work in the gym.

>Photographic memory implants.
Hmmm.... surgery or google glass?

Surgery. The augmentation is fused with your cells.

>The augmentation is fused with your cells.
And why is that good? You can either have external technology which can always be easily gotten rid of and replaced with better technology, or get surgery every year. Being implanted in your body is almost always unnecessary.

To push things idiot

Make them sex related and you can sell them in a week.

Yeah waer an exoskeleton nobody will call you autistic.

>Yeah waer an exoskeleton nobody will call you autistic.
Right, because hacking all your limbs off for prosthesis makes sense...

You must be retarded if you think you will live long enough for it to become possible or socially acceptable.

It is possible now.

Without my handy eye augmenters, I would not be able to read your post, nor would I look nearly as much like an intellectual.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't often need to push that many things.

That depends in what the side effects are. It's going to be a while before any of that is possible.

How long until this technology is created?

It does when the actual prosthesis houses deus ex-tier magic like hubba-bubba roll swords.

I'm already augmented. I have two titanium rods supporting my spine.

I've also thought about getting a magnet implanted in one of my fingertips so I can sense magnetic fields.

It depends on how invasive the surgery for it is. Also realistically any commercial augmentations would be loaded with telemetry and tracking.


Can I just get a brain implant so that it feels like I'm cumming at all times?

Intelligence enhancement, anti-aging enhancement, various Health enhancements, being able to withstand a car hitting me at full speed, becoming bulletproof, regen enhancement.

+ no sleep aug.

big dick

Needle dick detected.

Not him but I frequently have to push things. My whole family is very construction oriented, and if I could pick up a wooden beam on my own that would otherwise take 4 men to hoist it would be pretty nifty.

have fun getting hacked no thx i wait for gen therapies

So long as they're not networkable, and just flat out don't contain hardware that would allow such a thing, I don't see why not.

Bionic arms probably wouldn't help me very much in my life, except maybe in self defense or something.

You joke but what the fuck will happen to society when we can literally get infinite climax ultimate pleasure switches installed into our brains.

>worrying about getting tech hacked

Can't wait for angry Muslim feminist Jewish extremist to make an aerosol gene therapy to make everyone's dick fall off.

Not much other than a front row seat to the total extinction of people who have genes that make them want total escapism and those who can't stop taking drugs due to addiction. Well, that's wishful thinking at least.

After they work out all the kinks and shit first, sure.

A long time

Enjoy your dysgenic children several generations down the line as your gene edits cause cascades of unintended damages thus dooming your line to retardation

>Im almost blind out of one of my eyes due to nerves not developing as a child.
Hell yeah I'd get cybernetic implants for that.

>Super strong bionic arm that can bench press 500 lb.

super strength would be a complete overhaul of your muscle-skeleton system. your arm is connected to your torso with a bunch of other tendons and muscles, benching requires more than just your arm. even if the arm could support 500 lbs your shoulders/spine/etc cannot unless you replace that too.

A nice OHP would be better for pushing than bench bro.

t. Sports Science Grad Student

>photographic memory implants
Are you 13? None of that shit makes any sense

If there's one that cures colorblindness and allows me to live my lifelong dream of being a navigator officer then yeah.

Why is it that every color blind person I know wants to work in some exclusive field that requires color vision.

I guarantee you that when augmentations do become possible, people are going to rail on them for being "toys for the rich to get richer". I mean think about it, some rich douchebag clubbing in Ibiza and showing off his dumb little party tricks that are not applicable to his everyday life other than to get laid and get sychophants. Implants that help mathematical ability will be banned in schools most likely as inequality widens and impovershed schools are left behind more than they already are.

Implants would be nothing more than vaping but with the added stigma of class inequality and cosmetic surgery rolled into one.

I just want a cure for my crippling depression.

It's a curse, famalam

Don't know the specifics, but I remember reading in textbook that some psychologists installed an electrode in a rat's brain. It basically made the rat orgasm every time it pressed a lever.

I don't remember, but I think the rat starved to death pressing the lever.

drugs aren't quite techno style augs but some sure can be performance enhancers.

anxiolytics, antidepressants, stimulants and relaxation drugs for calm and positive mood

roids, selective hormone modulators, hgh, etc for strength, regeneration, energy, height, general fitness etc

modafinil, caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines etc for energy, alertness, enjoyment.

zopiclone, melatonin, lorazepam etc for sleep, which gives a huge boost to everything anyway.

Some physical augs may be useful, but most tools don't need to fused with my body: good backpack, belt, pockets and puches etc, a car/bike/etc, saw, guns, phone, computer etc. I could see using perhaps some sort of night-vision system or getting flashlights or calculators built into me. Overall, the most effective use of augs will probably be removing person-specific weaknesses (i.e disabilities). Hmm, I could see getting a weak compass built into me. For now, drugs are the most effective boosters!

If I get into any terrible accidents, I'll welcome augmented limbs, but I'm not gonna saw off a perfectly fine arm for one.

I'd also go for that built-in "defibrillator" Jensen has to regen HP.

I'm already wearing glasses and shoes.


Why the fuck would you want an optical sensor that glows and thus interferes with its own function? You want image intensification and intelligent wavelength translation/contrast correction

Builders/mechanical people with bionics could be more effective in non standard terrain that you can't bring heavy machinery into but that's just looking for trouble if they drop something ultra heavy on their feet or torso.

Total rejection of emotion and society will fall

Who said anything about glowing?

>responsible for your bench press

found the DYEL

I'd augment myself into a qt3.14 grill so I can make people do things for me because I'm a qt3.14 grill.

I'll get engineers and scientists to work for my companies for cheap since they'll all want to work for a qt3.14 CEO. I'll also get the extra rights and privileges which comes with being a Western grill.

> implying you can't already augment yourself into a girl

current augmentations are pretty shitty senpai, I'd want to be a qt3.14 grill not an obvious mental illness.

I'd rather get detachable extra arms instead of cutting my working limbs

Stop playing videogames. They are not real life.

I will wait for gen 2 k, thanks.