Is the singularity actually going to happen or can we all just go ahead and kill ourselves?

Is the singularity actually going to happen or can we all just go ahead and kill ourselves?

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What kind of singularity are you hoping for?

One where I can upload my mind into the internet/an android body and not have to live as myself in reality anymore.

Hah? You're saying if the singularity doesn't happen, we should kill ourselves?

That mind wouldn't be your own though, but rather a copy, with your own 'true' version still stuck in your brain. You may as well be committing suicide, with a doppelgänger taking your place. Brain transplant is the only way to truly preserve your mind, and you would still need a way to keep the brain healthy.

Nah you can probably ship of theseus your brian over time, and then once its all computerized it'll be ez to upload or just plug into the internet forevermore

>Is the singularity actually going to happen or can we all just go ahead and kill ourselves?


We will make wars to kill each other.
We are already doing it right now.

The ship of Theseus is entirely different. How do you ship of Theseus a "brian"? Each bit of brain you computerize is only a copy, like said but on a smaller scale.

You dumb fuck. I hope this is a troll.

Not that user but I've heard theories about synthetic neurons slowly being added one by one to the existing organic neurons. Until your brain becomes entirely synthetic neurons. I don't know if that would fix the problems associated with "uploading" your brain though.

no you tard, as you computerize your brain your conscience remains in tact, even if eventually the whole system is replaced.

The whole point to not dying is keeping the stream of consciousness going.

Oh, even if that's possible, it'll take decades to centuries.

>as you computerize your brain your conscience remains in tact
How would that be achieved, you buttfuck? Do you mean:
a) You computerize your brain, conscious in your original brain all the while, and then transfer your consciousness to the computerized brain
b) You computerize your brain gradually and somehow maintain consciousness in the new brain as it's being computerized
Both of these are dumb.

In the case of a), the computerized brain is obviously a copy, as evidenced by the fact that it's independent of you. I'm sure you can't explain what transferring your consciousnesses to the computerized brain means or how it would be achieved, even in vague terms.

In the case of b), even if you could maintain consciousness in two brains at once, how could you maintain consciousness in an incomplete, semi-computerized brain?

I would post another mocking gif but my internet is too slow.

I get sleepy and lose consciousness every night and then I wake up and I'm still the same me.

I think.

>even if you could maintain consciousness in two brains at once,
But it wouldn't be in two brains. You would be computerizing your existing brain. Every new part would be integrated into the current organic brain. You can't think of a separate organic and synthetic brain because the goal would be to seamlessly integrate the two as you go. That's where the ship of Theseus analogy comes in.

The problem with your synthetic neurons is that if given enough knowledge of your brain, they could build the synthetic equivalent from scratch without replacing your neurons. If it was an identical brain it would have all your thoughts and memories and would even claim to be the original you, yet it could be seated across the table from you. A slow transition of brain cells to synthetic brain cells would be no different than a synthetic version of you. The real you would just have its awareness slowly fade, you probably wouldnt even notice it, then eventually you would experience nothing. Forever. If you want to experience the future, biological immortality is the only way. Period. If you want the future to experience you, feel free to chase the robot brain/mind uploading dream.

>The real you would just have its awareness slowly fade, you probably wouldnt even notice it,
Why would it? Nerual pathways change all the time. And I believe neurons are also being replaced from time to time. Your brain is in a constant state of flux. Why would the new synthetic neurons disable my consciousness? Why wouldn't my consciousness simply start to flow through the new synthetic neurons not being able to tell the difference between the organic and synthetic? You seem to be arguing in favor of a qualia and that my qualia is inherent to my specific neurons instead of the current structure of my neurons.

>If you want to experience the future, biological immortality is the only way.
I actually agree with this. It seems likely that it would be easier to restructure our current bodies to be immortal rather than building new bodies out of scratch. I'm just saying that I think the synthetic neuron thing would be theoretically possible.

That's an interesting though. Which one would be the 'real' you?

This, identity is just an illusion.

Now that really makes me think. If only we could get rid of religion, we would have no more wars. We could replace religion with science!

Every second we aren't the same person we were before, there is no eternal distinct "self-matter" just consciousness and memory. A computer with all your memories would be as much you as you are second to second.

Well seen as no serious metaphycisist or philosopher has proposed there being a real "I" for decades you are correct. It's hilarious that some people on Veeky Forums think there's some 'me goo' that hangs around.

>computerizing your existing brain
nice gibberish

either way this is way past your lifetime, ur gunna die pal

I've been curious what the implication for this is. I mean, I clearly experience independent of someone else. And if I lost all my memories this instant, I wouldn't comprehend existing prior to this point. But there's no "me", and my subjective experience is independent of my memories, too.

So shouldn't I, either at some point in the future or already in the past, become aware again via a fluke of just sufficient similarity in composition of a brain? I wouldn't be aware of it since I wouldn't have memories of any previous instance of me and wouldn't comprehend my prior existence.

It makes me wonder if reincarnation is real, or at least possible.

>Is the singularity actually going to happen.
Well if you look back just 10 years and you'll notice a gap in technology, medicine, and more. If a singularity occurs well it happened, if it doesn't oh well just keep going on with your days and enjoy it.

Protip: Don't ask if a Singularity is going to happen until 2025 or 2035 as the Singualrity is suppose to happen 2030 or 2040.

I thought about this recently, I used to agree with the theory but the more I learn about neurons the more I've learned that they are truly you.

The things that you feel in your body are "yours" as you feel when they get injured or soothed but the one thing that can't be replaced is your neo cortex. You could possibly replace and enhance most of your body but whenever we find out the core part of consciousness of the brain, that is the part that can't be synthetic. The only way to live forever is to maintain that forever or find a way to make new organic cells for you to increase the size of that part of your brain and hopefully lopping off the old part won't kill "you".

This is also a false equivalence, you do not lose full consciousness. If you knew even a tiny bit of what you were talking about is that you would know that your consciousness just decreases to a very very small amount which is why you can still be roused from sleep. The reason you do this is so that you can recompile your brain and detoxify it while also reorganizing your memories. You don't just "die", as proven by how people can actually be conscious while sleeping (lucid dreams) and can communicate with the outside world during them.

I think you're lost, buddy, r/futurology is over there.