Looks flat to me. I challenge you to prove me wrong

Looks flat to me. I challenge you to prove me wrong.

Stop making these threads.
You've been disproven more times than I care to remember and have made more threads about this than I can remember.
Stop, please just stop.

Can't prove it.

Can't prove it either.
Checkmate, theist.

Looks flat

So the world only consist of USA, then?


So does a 2D representation of any 3D object.
My proof?
Take a photo of a 3D apple and then look at it on a computer screen, or print it onto a piece of paper, it looks 2D.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.


But we live on Earth I'm not talking about photos, even when you go out or are at see it looks flat

Are you from kansas?

>But we live on Earth I'm not talking about photos, even when you go out or are at see it looks flat
Get your eyes tested.

How does it look like for you, I'm pretty sure your the only one who doesn't see ir flat from the surface

It looks 3D.

I didn't say it looks 2D I said that on a whole the surface looks flat, even though there are bumps etc.

>[math]\mathbb{H}\mathbb{E}\mathbb{Y} \ \mathbb{V}\mathbb{S}\mathbb{A}\mathbb{U}\mathbb{C}\mathbb{E}, \ \mathbb{M}\mathbb{I}\mathbb{C}\mathbb{H}\mathbb{A}\mathbb{E}\mathbb{L} \ \mathbb{H}\mathbb{E}\mathbb{R}\mathbb{E}[/math]

Then where is the rest of the world?

That pic is from your "Globe" idea. See pic related to see the rest of the world.

Why is there ice at the center?

North Pole

Yeah that's obvious. But why is it there? How does the rotation around the sun works so that ice will form on the edges and near the center only?

Earth is a Sphere.

I live in a coastal city between the Ocean & Tall Mountains.

Where I can see ships disappearing in horizon & climb mountains.

Most Flat Earthers live in very flat USA States like Kansas, Florida, Indiana, Texas, Louisiana.

It's why there are fewer flat earthers in Very Mountainous USA States like Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Oregon, Idaho & California.

Most flat-earthers also don't travel so much. So they live in a mind bubble thinking that the entire world is flat like Kansas.

>Looks flat to me.


>I challenge you to prove me wrong.

Not necessary.

How would you explain this?