CS is a meme

CS is a fucking meme. Its a waste of time.

Do not waste your time on it. You will not enjoy most of subjects and you will forget most of it because you will end up as C#/Java code monkey or as WebDev if you are brainlet.

Math/Thoery. physic + learning on your own C++ + Python + algos and networking is the way to find interesting and good paid job.

I wish I was smarter 10 years ago.

I work as java senior dev, but amount of money that my old friends makes as C++ programmer in bank and as quant are much bigger.

fuck it, seriously fuck this meme degree.

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thanks man, now i will go study geology 1 year into CS

>not realizing all STEM fields are like this
In engineering you learn all this crazy theory only to get a job using excel.

Ok user, you're jaded, that sucks. Is there anything at all that your knowledge can be applied to?

Go talk to your friends and learn how they do what they do and become one of them if you are so jealous. Don't let your dreams be dreams, you can still learn no matter how old you are. Death is the end.

How much do you make? How much do you have saved up?

Outside of academia name one job you can get with a physics or math degree that is any less soul sucking.

Unless you're an entrepreneur every job you have will suck in some way or form. If you're an entrepreneur your life is your job. If you don't like your job then get a hobby. Do something on the side with your CS knowledge that you enjoy. Needing your job to be satisfying to validate your life choices is a sign of a weak mind.

That's all stem fields
>got a bio degree did my focus and research on cell culture and biochemistry
>getting paid to fill media bags, with bullshit FDA documentation and being in a fucking clean room for 3hrs a day.

Has anyone tried to get a cs job with a physics degree?

cs brainlet here.
considering taking a couple pure math classes so i don't get destroyed in grad school. is this a meme idea?

you should always do pure math

>CS is a fucking meme. Its a waste of time.
Everything in this universe is a waste of time.

>You will not enjoy most of subjects
I also don't enjoy most of the movies on TV or most of the threads on Veeky Forums. That's called life.

>you will forget most of it
I've also forgotten most of the stuff that happened yesterday.

>you will end up as C#/Java code monkey or as WebDev if you are brainlet.
Yes, [math]\textit{if}[/math]. Don't be a brainlet and you're all set.

>but amount of money that my old friends makes as C++ programmer in bank and as quant are much bigger.
You seem quite shallow of a person. Perhaps that's the ultimate reason why your life ended up as so mediocre.

>CS is a fucking meme. Its a waste of time.

Everything that's not math is a waste of time, kiddo.

Should've gone into research nigger.
I wish software engineers and code monkeys would stay out of CS already so we can make it prestigious again.

This. I'm tired of people laughing behind my back just because I'm a Computer Scientist. It's true that my math skills are limited, I only have a BSc in math (where as MSc in CS), but it's still more than 90% of these kids on Veeky Forums.

and good luck competing with the million HB1Visa guys from India who are willing to do that job for literally minimum wage.

Why is the kpoposter so good lads?

This is what a real CS mind looks like:
>Princeton PhD in CS
>Zillion publications
>on faculty at the fucking Institute for Advanced Study, with people you might know like Ed Witten and Freeman Dyson

Look at this CV and cry, OP:

OP obviously has no idea of what actual CS is about. A hint: it's not to be found on /g/ or "coding", and if you don't do Lambda Calculus, automata theory, computability, TMs, you are not in CS.

cs is an easy mode degree, true

but it also means you can get an internship while studying, cashing out on the +3 yrs experience, while with real degrees you're starting with nothing

What about Anal Algs? Those people pretty much only do Combinatorics, but are certainly computer scientists.

Indeed, I just listed a few things to give OP a general idea.

>You seem quite shallow of a person.
How is that? What makes it shallow?

Job is not a duty. Its simple exchange, I offer them my time and my skills and they give me salary in return.

What part of my post makes me shallow?

That I can admit that I made mistakes?

Most of software is shit, ask any dev with 10+ exp.
Their job is a shitty as mine. They are digging hands deep in C++ shit, I am digging in Java shit in 15yo project that require maintenance where documentation is out of data or there is no documentation and code is spaghetti with several hotfixes made by some previous devs.

Its same shit just different color and different smell.

Only difference is salary, where quant friend can afford flying to hawaii every friday and he is back in office on 9am on monday.

yeah its quite popular, but better paid jobs require PhD.

Every good company will ask you to solve logical problems/algorithms, they do not care if you know several js frameworks because if you are smart you will learn new things fast, but if you are brainlet no amount of time will change that. Thats why in companies like google/fb/m$ you will have to solve algo problems during interview.

CS derived from math, every single thing is math with few layers of abstraction, you can learn how to query sql, but you are not going to be good without understanding math behind it, you can learn how protocols works, but you will not understand why one protocol is better for given problem (routing protocols).

My friends become quants
apparently statistical modelling and shit

it's not a meme, but i feel that my school's program over-stresses some less-relevant aspects of CS while neglecting some more important areas.

>java senior dev

i'm so sorry

This is true for almost every degree and career field. This is real life.

Why is that?

Just give few valuable arguments and fact that professional certified /g/ fizzbuzzers can write faster fizzbuzz in C is not valid argument.

>Math/theoretical physics + c++ is the way to go
>I didn't even know this when I signed up for math/theoretical physics
>Programmed in c++ for my bachelor thesis


i don't like java. it's more of a personal preference than a criticism of the language itself.

wise move.


>says the unemployed NEET, studying his sudoku puzzles