Is quantum computing a meme? All this talk and no one seems to achieve anything

Is quantum computing a meme? All this talk and no one seems to achieve anything.

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Sure it's not Moore's law but we're making steady progress. This shit is not exactly easy.

The religion of bumping particles have absolutely no proof for any of their claims, they don't even know electrons exists still to this day. Why do you think that after spending x amount of billions of dollars on CERN, they only want to build an even LARGER one now?

Do quantum computers work if no one is observing them?

Who's we?

>>All this talk and no one seems to achieve anything
yeah because it's really fucking hard.

>>Is quantum computing a meme?
Far from it. So quantum computing could be used to do a bunch of cryptography bullshit, but fuck that, the real application of quantum computing is molecular dynamics.

So it's really fucking hard to simulate molecules and shit. Figuring out where electrons is fucking hard man, but we need to do this so we can figure out what the forces in a molecule are. Most often we don't fucking do this because it takes like a goddamn long time to figure out where they are, like a day even for small molecules.

When we do, we just figure out where the electrons are once and assume they don't fucking change much, and then guess what forces are with fucking springs that approximate things. So instead of a molecule going zip-zop-bippity-bop, it just goes boinga-woinga-woing when we simulate it.

Well this fucking sucks because our simulations aren't that accurate. So if we want to simulate stuff moving around, well we need to figure out where the electrons are for each step. Simulations like this tend to take months and even then still aren't that accurate.

Quantum computing could let us figure out where the electrons are FAST. Like sonic fast, maybe even in minutes!

If we can do this shit fast we can figure out how to make drugs, organic solar cells, new materials, and nanotech FAST! This will change the world a heck of a lot more than the government being able to decrypt all your anime porn.

oh man that's great bait, have a (you). I lel'd


Do you see the delusion of the atomists belief that electrons and a "negative" charge exist? They believe that magical bumping particles are what nature works on which is hogwash. "Really fucking hard" is more like "really fucking impossible" because THEY AREN'T THERE. All it is is a perturbation of (ether, energy, atom, whatever you want to call it) a force and the magnitude it causes.
Quantum quacks were clueless as to what the double slit experiment resulted in, if they had just done it with water drops they would have realized what "electrons" really are.
Pic related

Yep, modern science has turned into utter nonsense. Trying to describe the non-physical, physically. Stick to the physical or don't call what you're doing science, it's more conceptual logic than anything.

>quantum "computer"
>literally just a tube

Well most computers just look like boxes. It's what is on the inside that counts

Are you guys trolling or just retarded

what is it

No, that's the funny part! Not only is there no proof of electrons, but there's also no proof of protons or neutrons either! Gravitons, thiston, thatton, whateverton are all THEORETICAL "particles" that somehow work in this "Quantum glue" or whatever the fuck they're calling it nowadays.
Also there is no proof of "dark matter", "anti matter" or any other such nonsense. Everything in the universe is charge and discharge via pressure mediation.

How do you explain the Millikan drop experiment? What predictions does your model make that differ from conventional subatomic theory that would allow us to test it?

The oil does not conduct electricity as well and the charge created changes the electomagnetic permitivity in the chamber. The xray creates the waveform perturbations to cause the oil drops with a lower electric permeability to "float" or slow down.

Seriously how are quantum computers supposed to work in principle?
Like qubits represent multiple bits as a superposition and it does all its calculations at once, but then to get an answer you have to collapse the qubit solution to a single bit state anyway so what was the point?

I feel like you're not understanding the point of the Milikan drop experiment. It provides tremendous evidence for the quantization of charge, which is a key property we identify with electrons. How does your theory resolve the fact that charge comes in integer multiples of some small unit charge?

>There's no proof of protons, neutrons or electrons
What the fuck

Fuck, this is why Veeky Forums is my favourite board.

>Like qubits represent multiple bits as a superposition and it does all its calculations at once, but then to get an answer you have to collapse the qubit solution to a single bit state anyway so what was the point?

There's a couple really clever algorithms that can extract some really useful information and collapse the superposition in a way that gives you some information about all the answers. These are really rare though, only the quantum fourier transform and the search algorithm run faster on quantum computers. Aside from that, there is quantum simulation. &cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
>He could then switch on the electric field, and adjust it so that the electric force just precisely balanced the force of gravity on the drop.

Gee I wonder why. Also, in this article I am not seeing how this relates to an electron being a particle, all I see is a description of Coulombs which is just a unit of measurement. Where does the fucking electron come from? A fantasy dimension?
I know right? You'd think that explanations would be given instead of descriptions when talking about bumping particles, but no. You get no "source" of where they come from, according to quantum physics they just "come out of nowhere" or "phase in and out of reality"

undergrad detected

>no one seems to achieve anything
Probably because you don't understand the material or follow its development.

Some really cold stuff.

I'm a retarded but I might be able to explain it.

So uh there was this article in like pcworld like ten years ago about how someone was using an organic material to store information and supposedly the read/write speed as well as the density are much better than typical computers. But who knows there are always those stories of new kinds of memory that store 15 tb on your microsized penis but anyway

Let's say you're trying to simulate some shit with a regular computer. Disregarding the fact that our universe itself is just a model of what's really there, when you work with a computer you build a model and do basic computations at ridiculous speeds to attain an approximation of what would really happen.

But when you use a medium of experimentation that more closely resembles the thing you're trying to model, it would hypothetically be much easier to attain an accurate approximation.

For example if you were to somehow use molecules themselves as a way to experiment on different ways to manipulate molecules naturally you'd have a model that would run at 1x the speed of what it would be like in real life. Now that sounds totally stupid for a great number of reasons. But essentially the idea is simply that we have perhaps developed the type of technology we have right now to the point of diminishing returns and that there are certain things in the realm of all things math that would much better be simulated via things other than binary code. If we did have a magic molecule manipulator it would basically be a simple machine that was really not a computer at all but removed the need.

So the idea with quantum computing is just taking be advantage of the different mechanisms that influence how things behave on a quantum level. Imagine if we had an outline of how something would behave, such that we could simply refer to that outline as opposed to doing calculations.

what is the tube

quantum people want you to believe that the slit experiment duality shows that photons are everywhere all at once. sounds stupid right?
nobody would give them money to research that.
but what if we could use that principle to destroy all encryption and spy on everyones emails.
i wonder who would give them money to do that. everyone?
so does it work or not?
well they haven't managed yet.


>quantum computing is molecular dynamics
Takes one to simulate one. Is there anything to be learned?

>nograd at all detected

did you read any of that? I'm saying that quantum computers could allow us to do the quantum chemistry fucking fast.

Now let's go back to what I actually said:
>> the real application of quantum computing is molecular dynamics.
Reading comprehension much?
Go fuck yourself. Here I'll help:

give me a quick rundown on dilution refrigerators

Are they the only thing that can be used to cool quantum computers?

>quantum computers
>breaking synchronous encryption

>Quantum computing could let us figure out where the electrons are FAST. Like sonic fast, maybe even in minutes!

>this thread
>this whole fucking thread
goddamn i'm going back to /pol/


Lrn2meme fgt pls

>Quantum computing could let us figure out where the electrons are FAST. Like sonic fast, maybe even in minutes!
How do you know this for sure?

god bless this mess

This, quantum computers only perform better if they're running algorithms made for a quantum computer. Otherwise it's the same performance of a classical computer.

> You get no "source" of where they come from, according to quantum physics they just "come out of nowhere" or "phase in and out of reality"

So god created those particles?

> Is quantum computing a meme? All this talk and no one seems to achieve anything.

Is electrical computing a meme? All this talk and no one seems to achieve anything.

>Literally just a tube
You're literally just a tube dude, think about it.

DAE love typing a bunch of FUCKING swear words on the internet because it makes them feel like a FUCKING adult? FUCK yeah.


Everything takes minutes, especially if you allow for fractional and large numbers of them.

Google has partially demonstrated that this can work:

You have no fucking clue how goddamn awesome it would be to do computational quantum chemistry orders of magnitude faster.

There are no "particles". The closer you look the more parts show up. It's not a simulation, nor a spontaneous creation. It always was by necessity, this is why the "0" argument exists. SOMETHING cannot be derived from NOTHING with any mathematical formula. In fact math is just an expression based on how accurately we can observe and record things, it means nothing when trying to figure out a question like that.
The closest example I can give you is a hologram:

I would like anyone here to explain to me how this works

You can cut a hologram into as many piece as you like and they will all show the same image. Kinda like how you can divide a magnet into a million pieces and they will all have their own separate magnetic fields. That is because there is no difference between the two, it is the same thing force causing both things to happen.

How far we can look into depends on how much more qualitative our instruments and technology becomes.
Where does the quantum computer get the ability to manipulate these alleged particles? Other particles? Lol. I suppose you think a particle accelerator can work without electricity and magnetic fields too right?

I don't think it's a meme.
I'm not an expert but let us try to think this through.
>Computing can be understood on our macro scale
>Computing does things, and has its limitations which are derived from its properties on a macro scale
>Quantum things do things that can be understood only on a quantum scale.
>quantum computing does computing things whose limitations are derived from quantum properties

The problem is that all achievements have big consequences but since no one has made it cheap to make, affodable, and integrated into already functioning systems it isn't going too far.

So it's not a simulation, and it's not created by god?
Then what is our universe?

I never said it wasn't created by God. I said that it goes on forever and never stopped nor started. the closer you look with better technology the more parts appear. Physicists think they're seeing quantum particles when all they're seeing is smaller turbulence resulting in smashing turbulence together.

But really all it is is pressure mediation, in the form of space and counter space. This DOES exist and we utilize that to make energy/evolve/cause every phenomena know to man and the universe and comes in the form of a toroidal/hypertroidal centrifuge. This is why every single equation we have only measures a rate of change etc. We could never come up with equations for "atoms at rest" or "photons at rest" because there is NEVER any object "at rest"quite simply because of the right hand rule, everything always must be moving in such a chaotic, but simplistic as a whole fashion. An "expression" could be used, but not a mathematical absolute.

You don't have "negative" and "positive" charge, you have "charge" and "discharge". The only thing that makes atoms and elements appear and act different is because they have a different arrangement of these hold fasts that act like rubber bands. Snap one and they'll snap the next and so on.
Space and counter space are not one thing in of themselves, but one side of the same coin. This is also why "free energy" and perpetual machine cannot last forever, because you can only take energy from where it is to where it isn't, not create it out nothing.In this system you're essentially moving energy out of everything in the universe via induction and the magnitude of said induction only peters out into infinitesimally small turbulence on a grand scale.

And that is a good thing because if we were to create "free energy" we would essentially be creating another universe every time we use energy. "Nowhere" cannot exist so to create energy would be creating "something" to take it from.


It really is hard to conceive of, but it is basically a yes and no kind of answer. Take another holographic type of equation like the Fibonacci sequence. There is a "math formula", but it's really an expression. The problem is that you need the previous number because it's a recurrence relation. You cannot make a "math formula" for the Fibonacci sequence to find the "Nth" term because eventually you'll run into a limitation of the formula. You would have to calculate to the end of phi to figure out the true answer, something that HAS NO END.


>I said that it goes on forever
but the universe is expanding
also entropy

there has to be an end

or will there be a big crunch?

This thread is quite a spectacle
It's hard to tell if you've finished, but if not then please continue

Lol, no we've know about this for more than 100 years
Entropy in what? Expanding into what? A system that always gets smaller and smaller and larger and larger? Why do you think more powerful magnets have a smaller magnetic field? Why do you suppose lasers become more powerful the more concentrated they are? Why are computers more powerful now and able to calculate better then when they were large boxes with tapes in them? Engines? Motors? You would think that bigger things have more energy right? They do not. Smaller things have more COHERENCY, thus you're directing the energy that's already there more and more efficiently.

How can a thing end when it never started?

>they don't even know electrons exists still to this day

But more powerful magnets have larger magnetic fields.

And also- actually, I don't think I can even begin to untangle this. Carry on user.

>something cannot be derived from nothing with any mathematical formula

Hmm. What about [math]\delta E \delta t \geqslant \frac{\hbar}{2}[/math]? This formula describes that energy can be "created from nothing", albeit for very, very short periods of time.

Help me understand where you are coming from.

There are no atoms / particles / whatever, and what we perceive as matter is just a result of energy being projected through a medium?

>undergrad detected
undergrad detected

actually it's some really hot stuff that they're desperately trying to cool down

>albeit for very, very short periods of time

You just answered your own question.

No proofs, all theories. Please prove me wrong. Go ahead and mention Millikan oil drop experiment and I will be glad to tell you that it would not have produced the results without the xray or the electromagnet, the experiment would not have produced the result it did.

>There are no atoms / particles / whatever, and what we perceive as matter is just a result of energy being projected through a medium.

Via induction coherency, permeability, permittivity, and the LOSS of inertia AKA change, yes. All projected via magnetism!

No they really don't. Go take a n45 and a n55 Gauss magnet and record the distance which one can grip and the n45 will grab further away. The n55 Gauss magnet will hold strong yes because MORE INDUCTION, was passed through it. Size doesn't matter it's the RATE OF INDUCTION in the magnet.
Compare it to a gyroscope. When you speed up the gyroscope it wants to remain in one spot because it's mass has become COHERENT. You can nudge it, and it will try it's best to remain straight and will take up less spacial foot print. When it starts losing that momentum what happens? It wobbles, you can tip it and it'll start to shift around and precess more, it will take up MORE spacial footprint because it has a LESS COHESIVE mass.

What would have more gravity? An Earth sized Earth or an Earth sized sun? Both have the same about of mass, but there is one key difference. THE RATE OF INDUCTION OF THAT MASS.

>>There are no atoms / particles / whatever, and what we perceive as matter is just a result of energy being projected through a medium.
>Via induction coherency, permeability, permittivity, and the LOSS of inertia AKA change, yes. All projected via magnetism!

So this implies that we could literally bring corporeal things into "existence" with the correct application of energy.

just had another thought:

what about entanglement?

Correct, but correcting the "existence" part with "moving existence" with the application of energy, the magnitude of which can never be comprehended or measured...

yes, but that would be counter space with everything connected to each other, not just "special snowflake particles".

>the magnitude of which can never be comprehended or measured...

god did it with his thoughts alone

obviously god is an alien being with access to technology we can only imagine

No, any such being would be constrained by it's own creation. Something that has no common measurement would mean there is no such technology in the universe exists to conjure it's existence, only to manipulate it based on it's past alone and it's future approximated with an expression (which is just a guess).

Just to clarify I was talking about aliens and their technology, not God. God much like what I just stated has no common measurement. You could say that only an omnipotence like that could create what we cannot by the limitations of what is logical to us.
In any case we're doomed and blessed at the same time by such a system; we can have fun with it, but cannot create or destroy it by its design.

>This formula describes that energy can be "created from nothing",
no it doesnt

>it's a brainlet who doesn't know shit about math tries to make an argument by waving his hands around grade-school math he learned from an alcoholic single mother teacher who dropped out of college
really taking my noggin' for a joggin' ain'tcha?

Okay so what happens when we die?
Is there an afterlife?

t. butthurt undergrad

I think he might have watched "spirit science" with all the bullshit about toroidal stuff. Spirit science is made by some guy thats making youtube videos while he is, presumably, high. You really have too watch a video to believe that its possible to spout so much nonsense at once.

why is it bullshit though?

Well I think it is worth entertaining. After all it would make sense for everything to be fractal. We might be looking at smaller and smaller particles forever.

Also, we think of particles because it is something that seems tangible, where in reality it is probably not tangible. Perhaps a bridge between science and mysticism makes more sense.

It's a meme insofar as people thinking its going to make all PCs super fast
it isn't

Yes and no, but mostly yes.

You see quantum computers have a error rate because parts of the system are effected by uncertainty. So most setups have a secondary sever farm to double check the data integrity. The faster and more powerful quantum computers have a higher error rate.

So the "best" quantum computer people brag about amount to flipping a coin really really fast then sending that random data to a lot of regular super computers to correct it. In which case the quantum computer doesn't really matter much.

There are some application specific quantum computers that work more like dominions, where the computer is carefully setup to simulate one specific problem and then collapses to find the solution. These types have been show to be helpful in solving the specific problem they were built to solve. But they are very complex and only built to solve one problem, which can still be worth the trouble in limited cases. But that is not how people typically think of computers. So that type is more like running a simulated experiment.

>Is so arrogant and stubborn that he can't contemplate nature being as simplistic as possible so he thinks that Math (a human language) can explain it.

I haven't even used an iota of math to describe something so simple that even math proves by not being able to prove that it isn't true. Math is a limitation.
Please enlighten me how math explains how the universe works and I will tell you that YOU'RE WRONG. There is no equation that explains it, they only measure a rate of change, nothing EVER stays still in the universe. Usually these equations are accompanied by this inconvenient thing called an "expression". I'm sure you see where I'm going with this so I won't jog your noggin' too hard.

You will return to the system that spawned you.

>the purpose of math is to describe reality
thanks for confirming you don't know shit about math, babby
i wish you'd stop posting like you knew anything about anything but i know you wont

Well it sure as hell can't EXPLAIN IT EITHER. When you DESCRIBE SOMETHING you state what you OBSERVE based on your PERSPECTIVE. To record these observations in our PERSPECTIVE we use MATH. So yes we use math to aid in understanding the reality we live in. BUT.
When you have an EXPLANATION you already know how it works, it is understandable. You do not need math to explain anything.

What do you think math is since you're obviously an expert

take your medication, jesus christ

t. associate math prof

Yes that kind of thinking is why we have grown physicists talking about "virtual particles" and other made up bullshit tailored to fit specific mathematical formula.

Pretty sure quantum computers use like no energy but they just have to keep them cold to stop the atoms from moving around or something.

Still avoiding the question. I now honestly believe that I know more math than you since you can't even tell me what it's used for.
Are you learning it just to become a teacher or something? If so then it doesn't surprise me that you can't even answer a basic question.

Basically, all quantum systems can be described with essentially the same maths. E.g. any 2-level system is can be modeled as a spin-1/2 particle etc. Because of this, if you set up a quantum computer to be (approximately) analogous to another quantum system you can just let it evolve and say with some confidence that the real system will behave in a similar way.

This is hard to do.

>I now honestly believe that I know more math than you since you can't even tell me what it's used for.
Mathematics can be used to describe reality but that's not the only thing it does.

Things like cryptography are pretty much entirely abstract but you still need maths.


Yes, they literally don't work if someone is measuring them.

>not the only thing it does

>it also DESCRIBES abstract things.

So we're back to square one again. Please tell me how math is anything other than a description.

Any thing with Quantum- before it is a meme...


>no proof of antimatter
>we're not allowed to call non- or low radiating matter and non- or weakly interacting matter dark matter because I say so
Sure hope this is is bait.

Can you physically build a Quantum Computer using a Quantum Computer?

>You will return to the system that spawned you.
meaning what?
also how do you know this for sure
you literally don't

No it's not a meme. Actually USC is doing good research in such topic:


>Lets call the same thing something completely different for no logical reason other than the fact that our tools are not technologically advanced enough to see what's really going on.

I will call it like it is because quantum physics literally states so with words such as "theory", "proposed", or any other description that amount to "lol we don't know either". There have been NUMEROUS experiments involving the creation of absolute zero and NON of them have done so, nor have they had a reading of absolute zero in space. Why is that important you ask? That tells me something that should be quite obvious even to the most casual of observers, in that "empty space doesn't exist because there is matter and EM radiation which IS NOT NOTHING circulating throughout it. I'm not degrading my understanding by taking someone's word for it, that's for group thinking retards who can't think for themselves. When they can start throwing EXPLANATIONS around then maybe it will peak my interest, but right now they're basically meme tier as far as I'm concerned.

Wikipedia(not just wikipedia mind you):

"Dark matter is a hypothetical type of matter distinct from baryonic matter (ordinary matter such as protons and neutrons), neutrinos and dark energy. Dark matter has never been directly observed; however, its existence would explain a number of otherwise puzzling astronomical observations."

And that is their argument for every particle they have made up. "Oh we don't know what this similarly acting force is when you do x to it, put it in x coordinates, charge it with electricity, throw it into space, etc... . Why don't we do all those things to it and then say that each individual result is a modality that doesn't interact with the other! Each individual result have their own set of rules even though they're all affected by this incommensurable equilibrium!"

Quantum physicists are insane.

meaning that no matter how many drugs you took, how many beauty products you used, how many people you fucked or how much money you made, the result is the same. Your corpse will be buried or your ashed burned, you will recycle into the earth as carbon and water or a critter won't starve for a couple days. There will be nothing left but the magnitude of memories in your loved ones lives, but eventually that will go to.
Where you go from there I cannot tell you, but I can tell you that as a being of matter, you are also subject to it's laws.

TL;DR: We'll all find out some day.