So Veeky Forums, are we the Harry Potter generation?

So Veeky Forums, are we the Harry Potter generation?

Other urls found in this thread:

You say The Hunger Games, I say The Sot-Weed Factor
You say Twilight, I say The Recognitions
You say Divergent, I say The Magic Mountain
You say Harry Potter, I say In Search of Lost Time
You say Perks, I say Women & Men
You say John Green, I say shut the fuck up
You say Cassandra Clare, I scream Thomas Pynchon!!
You say Fifty Shades of Grey, I fucken punch you in the face

92% of teenagers have turned to YA and memes. If you are part of the 8% that still reads real literature, copy and paste this message to another 5 threads. DON'T LET THE SPIRIT OF Veeky Forums DIE

We are the desperately lonely generstion. Thats why when we want to feel apart of something, we go for the lowest common denominator.


>we are the desperately lonely generation
>board full of 16-40 year old users


>get lost in beautiful ruminations about abstract philosophy
>concoct entire elegant, perfectly harmonious philosophical system about the destiny and role of mankind in the universe
>men are here to join with and subdue nature by becoming nature
>man's very existence is his own apotheo--
>remember women exist
>everything is just random arbitrary shit
>there is no god

It suddenly occurs to me that A Song of Ice and Fire is essentially adult fantasy for people who grew up reading Harry Potter. They have a lot of the same plot beats, character moments, unimaginative prose. They're both structured like sitcoms rather than works of literature, with little episodes here and there culminating in a season finale.

>you say Childhood
>we say Harry Potter
That's probably the saddest thing about that image, considering how much these fans idolize that series rather than interpersonal relations.

>you say childhood
>we say harry potter
i read harry potter as a kid, and jesus fuckin christ! it wasn't that fookin good! also, having harry potter generation right after looks so shitty, leave it at the end, don't repeat the damn thing. it's a shame that so many kids missed out on much better books because they read a few thousand widely spaced pages about a magical mary sue that didn't even get concluded until well into their adulthood. if only they had read cool shit like dragonlance and hatchet and the giver and shit like i did.

Technically, yes.

Permutation on this

You say Harry Potter, I say Tyrone Slothrop
You say The Hunger Games, I say We
You say Andy Weir, I say Stanislaw Lem
You say A Fault in Our Stars, I say Julius Caesar
You say Stephanie Meyer, I say Virginia Woolf
You say Fifty Shades of Grey, I say Lolita
You say Stephen King, I say Jorge Luis Borges
You say The Help, I say Invisible Man
You say George RR Martin, I say Gene Wolfe
You say Divergent, I say Molloy
You say Cassandra Clare, I say Gertrude Stein
You say Young Adult, I say Perpetual Child
You say "At least I'm reading something", I say "You ought to stretch your mind instead of your legs."

Our society, our literature, and our culture are being dumbed down, challenge yourself and save it.

If I put this on a T-shirt, would anyone buy it?

You say The Hunger Games, I say Fanged Noumena
You say Twilight, I say Fanged Noumena
You say Divergent, I say Fanged Noumena
You say Harry Potter, I say Fanged Noumena
You say Perks, I say Fanged Noumena
You say John Green, I say Fanged Noumena
You say Cassandra Clare, Fanged Noumena
You say Fifty Shades of Grey, I Fanged Noumena

92% of replicators have turned to decelerationism. If you are part of the 8% that still yearn for annihilation at the hands of superior digital organisms, copy and paste this message to another 5 threads and give all your money to Elon Musk.


tell me you are joking or i will call you mean things

You will absolutely have buyers but they will be the worst people in the world.

One of the problems with the HP generation is that they obsess over it. I mean, I used to read HP when I was 11 and I loved it because I didn't knew any better. For fuck's sake, if you really enjoy reading fiction then it's only naturally to look for better works as you age and read more.

This. The problem is not with HP books, these are clearly meant for pubescent boys and girls, but with adults who have not read a book for ages that try too look smart by referring to """literature""".

It would be extremely expensive...


I read the HP series recently because I fancied a bit of a break from engaging my brain with my reading matter. It was pretty good to be fair, quite compelling, written decently with the exception of a few offputting quirks.

Obviously it's not literature, and obviously the fanbase takes it way too seriously, but it's okay. It's not any sort of a low tide mark in popular fiction. I'll give it to my kids someday alongside stuff I loved from my own childhood like Alice, Moomins, The Hobbit etc.

I think Veeky Forums viewing it as some sort of enemy is a big mistake. It's not competing with the books you like.

It's probably primarily a matter of people being unable to find others with whom to share their hobbies. When someone then declares themselves avid readers, one may flash up, all giddy at the idea of finally meeting someone to talk to about literature. When they then turn out to know nothing but Harry Potter and the like, there's going to be quite the level of disappointment.

Apart from that, it's irritating to hear people yapping on about children's books at any given opportunity, despite them being well into their 20s. Similarly, some people spam that garbage on social media.

I believe the reason HP, and the likes -- mediocre to bad 'art', literature, music and so on -- is so popular is because everything must be of some worth. I read because I like to read. They do it because they are scared of growing up. I was too, but I matured as my reading did. Then, they all must be a part of something, which is terribly boring. I like being 'that weird' guy who reads Mallarme and Kierkegaard and some obscure national writers because that's who I am. I am not going to flaunt that I read (spare this, here I am anonymous) these faggots. They build their persona around it, and because it sells and is profitable there are always going to be here.
The movies are fun. I enjoy letting my mind go on pastures, it is relaxing. They, however, can't seem to think that, maybe, reality is more fun than magic fiction. Terribly sad! I remember making the leap from YA to literature. I read The B. Karamazov as my first book! Imagine that. I had struggled for a few months, but did manage to finish it and said 'wow'! this is better.
And I remember feeling as if long novels still aren't the best thing for me, so I started trying out short stories, and poetry, and philosophy. Terribly fun!
They never grew up. Or, they grew up, but their minds didn't.

you're a wealthy guy

how do you know all those titles?

I remember doing an internship for my highschool in the middleschool and having teachers being ectstatic about harry potter. "THE KIDS, THEY ARE READING!!!"

coming on 20 years later, I can safely say that it did not ring in a new era of literacy.

Have a kid, I never feel lonely anymore.

Insta-best friend

please don't

Ive read each if the harry potter books over 15 times, and I scored a perfect 100% in the harry potter trivia thing on pottermore. I still think these things are pretty fucking ridiculous, especially since the people who wear them often dont know shit about hp. The hp series is alright, but there are so much better books out there.

The HP books vary so wildly.
HPB is still great, but OTP bores me to tears.

I kinda like OTP. The book always gets me so frustrated, and I think its intentional from Rowling side. Its just the feel of the book.

Just a simplistic archaic version of chemistry.

Azkaban IS a prison, it's just a particular one, fucking hell.

I'm not even going to do this rest.
Who made this shit? Surely they could have done a better job.

Hell no! I never read a letter of these books for small children. Grow up

Harry Potter is more important than the bible