
What do you think about Brave New World vs 1984?

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What conflict are you alluding to?

As in just which one do people prefer and also which one provides a more accurate/likely dystopia

When I first read 1984, it was fiction. Now that Trump is president, it's becomed non-fiction...

Epic, simply epic.

When I read Brave New World I couldn't help seeing the current West and how liberals and women have destroyed it

Ngl i don't really understand how trump is orwellian at all, there don't seem to be many parallels

t. Person who hasn't actually read the book

Why would you visit a literature forum just to repeat what stupid leftist pages tell you? Is your brain really that small that you can't voice your own opinion and findings?

1984 is about living in a society under one party that bans certain words from being said and creates a state that is so big that it even monitors what you are doing at home.

Forcing the people to watch their language and living under a one-party state is a leftists wet dream and entirely different from the current situation in the united states.

Stop posting stupid shit, you are not smart.

>creates a state that is so big that it even monitors what you are doing at home.

>being this oblivious to sarcasm

Get your autism and fuck off back to /pol9k/

>"prism is not made years ago"
This is the most autistic forum I've ever visited

>it was merely an act


If you can't see some of the parallels between what is happening then I feel sorry for you.

That said, We is better than both.

you realize, retard, that just because his name is not on the wikipedia page that doesn't mean the program has been discontinued?

You are probably some self-hating white who feels responsible for every slave that has been sold worldwide. Fucking cuck, betas like you are the reason Trump has won because people are sick of your SJW bullshit now

You do realize, retard, that Trump has been in office a whole month now, and probably hasn't even been completely briefed on intelligence matters or reports?

Nor did he sign off on, facilitate, or sanction any such programs—these are all legacy programs (regardless of the name they have now). Your incessant belief that Trump is "le ebil" flies in the face of facts. Your thoughts then, in a word, are doublethink.

t. Former US Navy Intelligence

nice try but back to

>former intelligence

It shows. You've clearly lost is Drumpf-tard!

Can't believe you'd let him be in control of the nuclear codes.

Very good argument. Did you already excuse to jews for you(r race) being responsible for the holocaust today?

Hmmm, a lot of incoherant shouting going on in this thread. Is this the Daily Hate?

This was made under obama's administration moron.

Woah... Wow... Damn, so true... Shiiiit....

It's b8 you dolts

If you did literally anything other than shitpost on other boards I might have more respect for your opinions.

As it stands you're just a rabid mongoloid who's only source of self confidence comes from the particular genetic swamp your father decided to spill his seed onto.

But it's ok because your skin is as sickly white-yellow as the cum you guzzle unlike (((those))) ratty jews

so tempted to post this as my fb status lol

Stop making these threads.


but Obama wasn't a fascist who would abuse it. Trump is.

Learn. The. Difference.

>fedora-tipping intensifies

I don't come to Veeky Forums to have my mind blown in such a way

Sum ppl say Veeky Forums isn't that smart
I almost believe them
And then i see stuff like this, and am reminded




Poe's Law

It's true.

offence prone lefties principally operate by shame tactics and language policing.

I was arguing with a leftie and I used the word "Queer" as a synonym for "Strange" to test the waters.
Idiot jumped on it like a starving dog and tried to pull me up on it, I told her it was a perfectly wonderful word for anything unusual or out of the ordinary, the bigot.

Then she tried to "You people" me and I told her she was profiling me.

Then she kept telling me I talked like I swallowed a thesaurus (I'm a pleb who hasn't even gone to uni) and she started banging on about her Womens Studies course or something, telling me she knew more about politics and feminism than I did, and by virtue of that she should be the one to win the argument.

The radical left are a prime example of horseshoe theory - they believe that anything opposed to their ideology is evil, and so consider it their prerogative to withdraw our right to be heard.

It's hard to tell the difference between bait sarcasm and autism around here.
We should post /s after our posts to make sure we don't make any of our friendos confused.

i prefer Clockwork Orange