Deriving Quadratic


[eqn] ax^2 + bx + c = a\big(x+\frac{b}{2a}\big)^2 - \frac{b^2}{4a} + c = 0 [/eqn] as is easily proved by expanding the right hand side. Hence
[eqn] \big(x + \frac{b}{2a}\big)^2 = \frac{b^2}{4a^2} - \frac{c}{a} [/eqn]
Taking the square root of both sides
[eqn] x + \frac{b}{2a} = \pm \sqrt{\frac{b^2}{4a^2} - \frac{c}{a}} [/eqn]
Subtrating [math] b/2a [/math] frmo both sides
[eqn] x = -\frac{b}{2a} \pm \sqrt{\frac{b}{4a^2} - \frac{c}{a}} = -\frac{b}{2a}
\pm \frac{1}{2a}\sqrt{b^2 - 4ac} = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} [/eqn]

Now we have arrived at a way to figure out values of [math] x [/math] that will satisfy [math] ax^2 + bx + c [/math]

ax2+bx+c = 0 that is


what happens when all the African children are dead? is it any child that enters Africa? only those that are born in Africa? only black babies of African descent? I need specifics.

Can some one tell me the formula for the roots of a degree five polynomial

I'd press it, no hesitation.

rational root theorem

why don't they teach this in precalc?
i guess because it only works for integer coefficients

Closed formula doesn't exist

i would abuse the button like a maniac

>kills african children
ok africa, make me your king or i will voodookill your children.
i can stop time AND have my own continent now!
where is the downside?

I thought these were meant to be made with a cost/negative outcome in the second box. It isn't a hard decision if it is two good things.

when do the children die if time is stopped

I will slow down time so that I can spend as much time as I need to press the button until they are all dead before returning to normal time giving off the illusion that while I would have lived many years just standing their pressing the button the rest of the world would only endure another second before the entire population of africa seemingly fell dead at an instant.

My second or earth second? Either way, smash that motherfucker
Yeah but you can't control which kid dies. Either you collect the whole African population in one place to demonstrate your power or you kill most of Africa's kids to prove it, in which case you've lost most of your leverage and you're about to be beset upon by mobs of angry parents

I would slow time so much that I wouldn't even use one second

Just the 3rd and 4th nomial eq. exist right?

What happens if you run out of nigglets?

>you're about to be beset upon by mobs of angry parents
*slow time*
*appear to teleport behind them*
psssh... nothing personnel, Igwe

[eqn] \textrm{What about slowing time to 0.001 seconds, using your power to relocate Kangz to some other hellhole---then continue using your power as normal?} [/eqn]

Why wouldn't you press it? There's literally no downsides.