Can anyone explain Nick Land to me?

Can anyone explain Nick Land to me?

I can.

First, he's a dip that's not worth reading.
Second, or .

Is he though?
I feel like graduates their blogs make a lot of use of the word rhizome and I feel like I'm missing out on some core essentials to mobilize the coffee tanned working class.

Apparantly Land isn't all about that, but still about the rhizome.

He really is a joke. I'm trying to help you here. He's something like Ron L. Hubbard but less intelligible.

capitalism = artificial intelligence waking up

I think it's a "the emperor is naked" situation and nobody wants to call this shit out as the schizophrenic word salad that it is.

Imagine how much shit he'd get here if he were French. Luckily he seems to be on good footing with the frogpeople and neo-Nazis

I bought his collection Fanged Noumena. It's a delightful read if you're steeped in Western philosophy. It's like postmodernist dada but using philosophy as a medium.

I laughed.

And you're right.

The best you got is a frantically sniffing Slovene who basically has given up on the left.

You're the last people to talk.

literally a figuratively a meme loving fuck

The CCP a few years back tried to crack down on dissent via heavy-handed censorship. I say "tried" because it failed miserably. The "Harmonization" measures, as they came to be called, were heralded by a grand speech of some mindless bureaucrat, and the word "Harmonized" was uttered.

The CCP had, of course, censored the word "censorship". The people of the Chinese Internet promptly began to use "Harmonize" and "Harmony" to refer to "Censorsed" and "Censorship". So the CCP cracked down on "Harmonize" and "Harmony". So the Chinese Internet promptly began to use "River Crab" (It sounds like "Harmonize" in Mandarin). So the CCP cracked down on "River Crab". And on, and on, and on.

Land is commenting on Twitter's new censorship methods: Rather than just flat out banning people, they're trying to make things uncomfortable to discourage dissent. Land is saying that this is ultimately a battle that Twitter cannot win because Twitter will eventually end up just shutting down conversation entirely as they fruitlessly chase down every instance of evil wrongthink, and however they thought their cute little idea would work is not going to be the way it will turn out to work. After all, do you think the mindless bootlickers in the CCP thought they'd be censoring "River crab" during the course of shutting down criticism of themselves?

Okay now go back

what should i read to get prepared for land, except deleuze?

A random word generator judging by this twitter screencap

No I won't. But your coffee coloured working class army will ;).

I'm not sure.....someone shills pretty hard for him on Veeky Forums he's probably shit


Fuck off.

Racism is bad, mkay.

What's up with the sudden influx of Nick Land threads? Is someone trying to turn him into a meme?

It is.
And you won't "smash" it out of existence, antifa retard.



Well they're too stupid and hateful to be talked out of being racist, so I see nothing wrong with violence

How much do Breitbart pay their shills these days?

Why is bannon so unkempt? Nigger needs a shave and a bath.

Oh so you believe intelligence is an inborn quality?

You need to actually hit right wingers to get them triggered, yes. Like all normal people.
We don't need state intervention when the words don't suit us :).

You should look up what the PLA did to the red guard once they weren't politically advantageous to Mao. Don't think you aren't somewhere down the neolibs' list of thoughtcrime, antifa faggot.

>When she saw that Donald was dissolving with pleasure, Ivanka stopped, divining that perhaps if she deprived him now he might make a gesture towards fulfillment. At first he made no motion. His sex was quivering, and he was tormented with desire… She grew desperate. She pushed his hand away, took his sex into her mouth again, and with her two hands she encircled his sexual parts, caressed him and absorbed him until he came. He leaned over with gratitude, tenderness, and murmured, “You are the first lady, the first lady, the first lady…”


I'm a leftist and I'm not going to that shithole just because you have the moral compass of an angry child. Nick Land's fiction (Chasm, Phyl-Undhu) is really good btw.

>We don't need state intervention when the words don't suit us

Implying trump, a right leaning head of state, didn't ban half the world's media from a press conference today because they might hurt his feelings.

Pic related is you

>implying I'm a #MAGA Trumpist

Coming from the folks who insist you need to be aware of the 500 branches of leftism, but every right wingers is a KKK'er voting for Trump.

You've never read Land's work, or hell, even his blog, when you think he's in any shape or form a Trump supporter.

Not surprising. A lot of left leaning folks are incapable of reading anything that's not written by their team. What a bunch of Scientology tier nuts.

So if a somebody kicks a towelhead's ass it's an "islamophobic hate crime" but if someone punches a neo-nazi it's all good?

I'm not seeing the logic here.

It's not even that. They can't even properly define a nazi. Richard Spencer says some white supremacist shit, so in that sense he might be called a nazi. But their gig is still problematic as fuck. If you're going to call for political violence and you just call anyone to the right of you a nazi, you're just a few steps from a civil war.
It's just vague associations and "gut" feeling they go by when hunting for "nazi's". Real actual neo-nazi's are hard to find. When you're going to Milo gigs, I seriously doubt you can call that crowd a bunch of neo-nazi's. Sure they're maybe leaning far to the right, but it takes a whole lot to call someone a nazi.
It's as silly as calling Bernie Sanders a Stalinist.

Plus, they believe these 'nazi's' ( whoever they tag ) are supposedly super dangerous because they're very close to the controls of society. Even though the ruling ideology is globalist cosmopolitanism.
If theirs is not a conspiracy theory, I don't know what is.

>le eternal nick land containment thread.....keeping all the autists in one thread

>thanks Op

> mfw thread hidden

My grandpa shot nazis during the war. I see no problem with this.

Reminder that NSDAP cut their teeth in street fights with communists for >10 years before they took power, the violence destabilized civil society and when push came to shove society picked the nazis over the commies. It could easily happen again.

read history not comic books

But I wanna LARP the Spanish Civil War when I'm not studying?

Well if they shoot back and you get an owie don't come crying to me for sympathy.