What does Veeky Forums think of the Redwall series by Brian Jacques ?

What does Veeky Forums think of the Redwall series by Brian Jacques ?

Veeky Forums is fond of them because they were children's books that came out before Harry Potter so Veeky Forums feels like it's somehow more deserving of accolade.

Are they worth the read ?

Why didn't the abbeyfolk just exterminate the lesser races?

too much of a hassle, they prefer to feast! also they need a malignant and ever present "other" so that their kids fall in line.

Brian Jacques is awesome. He has written some of the best adventure books for children available in our times.

It's Watership Down meets King Arthur and His Noble Knights. Top shelf.


Rowlings work is rooted in a level of fantasy which is more detached from the real world, and whose formula is like almost every Hollywood or YA adventure saga.

Jacques work is deeply connected to the flora and fauna of his native England in a way which brings nature to life for children. He uses such vivid imagery to describe the food and faire of his world that there are Redwall cookbooks and recipe sites. His dialogue is about 100x more animated than Rowlings, and the weaponry, tools, and way of life in the Redwall world carry an historic significance which is good for children to be exposed to.

It's just the way he writes - it is almost stoic-poetry.

Rowling is a great children's storyteller, and is very creative, but it is the structure of Jacques works which really sets him apart in my mind. He mirrors history - not cinema.

Because they are good Christians; not barbarians.

Because ethnic cleansing really isn't fitting for a children's book

Did anyone actually like the food descriptions as a kid? I never knew what most anything actually was- maybe it is easier if you are British. I still don't know what a tart is.

Those were the best part imo. So comfy.

As a rural british kid they were fantastic desu

Yess, even now I remember them as one of the best reading memory of my childhood.

I LOVED the food descriptions. I even learned how to make a few of the dishes when I was a kid.

a-are y-you f-f-female

My favorite YA series, and I started reading them after Harry Potter first came out. I felt connected to the world like no other

Your mom's a tart.

why would rats need a siege tower. Couldn't they just scurry up the walls?

No. I'm a guy. Just a well rounded one.

shhhhhhhh don't ruin it

>He mirrors history - not cinema.
Yeah that's what I said. You think it's better simply because it's older.

nah. I'm 25 and just read Redwall for the first time, while I physically cringed at some of the morality and dialogue I found it intensely gripping for a children's story. (even more than the hobbit. fight me.)

Badger master race reporting in

But snapping a villians spine and leaving to drown in the tide is?

To be fair, that was Brocktree, and Brocktree was a terrifying badger lord. He wasn't one of the abbeyfolk. Messy executions are about what you'd expect from a lord of Salamandastron.