I feel filosofik

i feel filosofik

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giev me the basic filosofik gestalt on lasagna plz




You had your fun. It's time to stop.






u just got BEAN'D

>tfw u geht a troof bom n relies emptinis of bean

Ceci n'est pas un chat

Whoa the cat doesn't even fuckin' care that it's smoking. That's the true transgression. John smokes because it's relaxing -- the cat smokes just because it fuckin' can.

Original Garfield was actually funny.
After a couple of years, it was just obvious Jim Davis was depressed...

Consider the following argument:

A = A if and only if an object can be considered itself at any moment in time.

However, along a different axis of reality besides the temporal one, why shall we not designate an object by whether it is continuous in THIS property instead?

For instance consider a "ball" that heats up to a different temperature over time. Now if, in time, the ball were suddenly replaced with a ball of different density, color, size, and atomic configuration, it is now considered a different object. It is so intuitive that it was implicit in the language I used.

However, what if instead of these things, we used temperature as the delineation? If a ball is 50C and increases to 100C, may we not say that these are completely different balls? Similarly, if a ball which is 50C in temperature is replaced by a ferret in a glass of water which is also 50C, who is to say they are not the same object just because their atomic composition has changed entirely? Why is it permissible for the temperature to vary and the continuity of identity of the object recognized nonetheless, but just because the atomic configuration changes from a bike to a giraffe of the same temperature, that a "bike" and a "giraffe" are "different" things?

This should satisfy your filosofic mood, old chum :)

Gaze down into the yawning chasm of this heresy and it is bottomless, not called the deep anthropic principle for nothing. Take a step back, come away, retreat to safer footing though, in truth, there's little ground that is secure within these territories, where human curiosity, a galloping erosion, gnaws away the a priori bedrock that we stand upon. Here space-time is made solid, is become a Stephen Hawking egg with bang and crunch at either pole, coterminous and coexistent, every moment that was, ever or will ever be, suspended in this giant meta-instant, in this endless now. All distances, be they in space or time are deemed by Einstein to be relative to the observer, so that in effect, there is no distance, physical or chronological, and if we should be asked how many angels can be made to dance upon a pinhead, we must answer: "All of us". In this place every certainty of here and now dissolves, all objects, all realities, seem to be made of atoms which themselves are made from entities that are not wave or particle but are best understood as abstract mathematical relationships. All being as an endless phantom field that has no temperature or colour, through which all the forms that we perceive from pulsars unto plankton drift, the insubstantial dreams of matter, floated there in silent nothing. Everything is gone into the boiling light and, at the last, the realization there is no one here but I, was never anybody here but I. There is only one moment. I love you. There is no such thing as magic. You already know this. You already know this. "

-- The Moon & Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels

Am I dating myself when I say I had every one of these?

I still have all those and then some.
I'm almost 43 so there's that...

Also, Heathcliff and those super small but very thick Peanuts Gang and Mickey Mouse comics that were hardbound.

Not getting rid of them, though.

wheres the hates mondays one you fuckin asshole

>not having the most patrician and literally disturbing Garfield book ever

did you have all the calvin and hobbes too?

A lot of them. Not all. Every once in a while I will spot the Calvin & Hobbes anthology on people's coffee tables when they want to impress. Loved the title of that comic.

The Far Side, too. Love the Far Side, still...

Gary Larson had an exhibit at the Science / Natural History museum in Golden Gate park in San Francisco that was way cool. Not sure if it's still there. I remember the skylight to one of the hallways was a giant magnifying glass with an eye looking at you from above...

i gotta signed there's treasure everywhere

The fact that the colors of the walls change from what they were in the "pipe strip" is proof that Hegel was right.

There was a time I actually read sunday comics

that fucking video aint funny, fucking americans i swear

Consider the following:

Are we concious for one single moment, and everything else is just our memories, or are our memories that make up our conciousness?

first one

Same, here.
They seem so pedestrian these days.
I still do peruse them but I think that places like Veeky Forums have jaded me to the likes of what is able to be published in a newspaper...

Ah well.
Sometimes, there's a fleeting gem but it's rare.


Was just reading yesterday's paper's comic-page...

Had to post.

Pseud manages to conflate the A theory and B theory of time

Oh, come now...


I was merely trying to contribute here, that's all.

No weirdo hard feelings were intended.

Calling those t rexes is a stretch, to say the least

You're right.

Just a pic that I had that I thought was semi-interesting because somebody at least put forth somewhat of an effort into. Nothing more, nothing less.

I think it made me smile at the time I saved it.
Still does.

Fits the theme of the thread, anyway.

>...also if you listen to the Moon & Serpent in its' entirety that passage makes way more sense -- the whole point was conflating A theory and B theory of time and space in one's mind.

T-rexes still make me laugh with their Donald Trump hands... What's the point? Just leftover body parts of evolution or could they use them for scratching itches or something?

I hate this kind of comic because it just throws all its visual elements away to show us a conversation. These people dont know how to use their medium at all, they just write a dialogue.

Yeah, it's no Alan Moore, that's for sure.
But it's what the newspapers like.
Much like Garfield and the Peanuts Gang.
Big pictures with nothing really going on...

Non-Sequitor really crams it in but it's not funny.
I still like Bizarro with can go both ways.

>which can

That said, I *DO* like the style of the Mutts comic because of its' simplicity. I just wish there was more done with it in terms of the actual writing.

Oh wow. O completely forgot the days when Garfield would steal Jon's pipe and smoke it willy-nilly. No wonder that cat was so into pasta; his taste buds were shot.

>Nothing against lasagna, but I've never met a cat that would even try it, let alone crave it.

Let's get this over with:


old fucking man

Neither, it's the apperception of our memories that makes up our conciousness.

>Contemporary science is founded upon the principle of induction: most people have seen a certain phenomenon precede or follow some other phenomenon most often, and conclude therefrom that it will ever be thus. Apart from other considerations, this is true only in the majority of cases, depends upon the point of view, and is codified only for convenience—if that! Instead of formulating the law of the fall of a body toward a center, how far more apposite would be the law of the ascension of a vacuum toward a periphery, a vacuum being considered a unit of non‑density, a hypothesis far less arbitrary than the choice of a concrete unit of positive density such as water?
