Would this even work?

Would this even work?

Pshh no he is just trying to buy himself time so he can hijack a boat.

>when your Tropico game goes to shit and the last time you saved was 2 hours ago

It will probably work better than socialism.

I laughed harder than I should have.

Well it would reduce the countries energy consumption

>Way too much crime from huge group of slums
>Not enough money for houses
>Just enough $$$ to place a police station in the middle of it all slum


>have a shit ton of natural resources
>perfect climate
>10/10 geographical location
>Communism kicks in
>Pls don't use hairdryers
Would the world be a better place if the US had annexed all of South America?

ur retarded

Maybe,the problem is that the US would become a third world nation instantly.

Would it? I mean not now, but back in the days when the new world was discovered and colonialized. Basically England kicking out Spain and Portugal.
But I guess this topic should be on /pol/

Cryptominers are sucking up the most power.

It would be better if they abandoned Socialism like the failed experiment it was

How hard 'should you' laugh you stupid redditor?

If there's a power shortage, why doesn't he turn off his microphone and shout instead?

>>Communism kicks in

So ignorant. First, it was socialism not communism. And second, the socialism itself had very little to do with the collapse of Venezuela. What actually happened was that Venezuela's only big industry was oil so they depended on it, and the government did little to diversify (so the fault is of bad politicians, not socialism). Then whe oil prices dropped that directly meant the entire wealth of Venezuela dropped and then the country had no resources and then it spiralled out of control from there.

Suppose that we lived in a world in which either Venezuela diversified their economy, or oil never dropped as hard as it did. Either way, this would have the effect that Venezuela's wealth would have stayed mostly constant. Then socialism would have worked perfectly, as it had happened with Chavez before the economy killed itself. Just see articles from like 10 years ago. People were praising Venezuela for being such a paradise.

What you're saying is that communism is the domain of ineptitude. They turned to it because they were too incompetent to win at a game that is almost impossible to lose when you have the right resources to start with.

No, giving the US more land is the last thing we need. Those fuckers are already killing the environment.

maybe if you did not have the US working against anything you try to do, assassinating, destabilizing the region, surreptitiously waving their dick into everything.


Is this real socialism?

You're forgetting the part where the government forcefully nationalised the agriculture industry and split it up between millions of dumb-arse proles a la Zimbabwe.

Amerilard here, pls no.

ending colonialism was a mistake

> being unironically this autistic

>the government did little to diversify
Should have stuck with capitalism and the economy would diversify on its own.

>even attempting to use logic
>in a /pol/ bait thread
You have much to learn, newfriend

NO... rabbit meat is NOT nutritionally balanced for humans. It lacks and essential component of nutrition that humans need.

Veeky Forums is a verified Reddit colony, idiot.
